Crus S or Anaconda-M?

Hi, after getting the styx i wanted to get a rank 9 guard frigate, and I’m kind of undecided between the Jericho one and the federation one.

What’s the best choice in your opinion?

Crus-S has the same function as the Styx, it’s an absolute tank.

Anaconda-M is far nimbler and serves best as an attack vessel, supporting friendly troops on enemy Beacons.


Both ships are fitted differently to serve their purposes best, it depends on your playstyle.

Hi, after getting the styx i wanted to get a rank 9 guard frigate, and I’m kind of undecided between the Jericho one and the federation one.

What’s the best choice in your opinion?

They are very different ships :0 even though both of them are “guards” and can fit same modules they are different in a gameplay the same way you would alter in Styx vs Alligator MK3

I hate Crus S with all my heart, I’ve flown it 'till level 4 sinergy and I couldn’t do it more, in the other hand, I’m somewhat enjoying flying the Anaconda-M it’s still tanky (not THAT tanky) and pretty fast.


I also love my Styx but Idk why I can’t deal with the Crus S, so Anaconda-M will be always my t3 Guard option unless I want to play a freaking flying whale

I’d like a rather different playstyle from my Styx, so I guess I’ll go for the anaconda-m since I only need 1 synergy level to unlock it.

Any nice build for the anaconda-m? So I can start buying the modules and get some vochers?

Crus S: the bulky flying brick. Wanna speed? Think again, 'cause this baby is like a beached whale.

Crus S: the bulky flying brick. Wanna speed? Think again, 'cause this baby is like a beached whale.

Speed is for pussies, real men make it slooowly.  :00555:

Speed is for pussies, real men make it slooowly.  :00555:

Ohhhh the double meaning… But of course, real men go forward and make it last, we resist it all xD

I’d like a rather different playstyle from my Styx, so I guess I’ll go for the anaconda-m since I only need 1 synergy level to unlock it.

Any nice build for the anaconda-m? So I can start buying the modules and get some vochers?

Given how current mechanics work, I’ve no idea. My old fit used to be heavy shield tank, fast, with a shield regen. So I had AMS, Prop Inhib, Pulsar and Shield Booster. Weapons were Positrons and I can’t remember the rest…

I’d like a rather different playstyle from my Styx, so I guess I’ll go for the anaconda-m since I only need 1 synergy level to unlock it.

Any nice build for the anaconda-m? So I can start buying the modules and get some vochers?


this is my Anaconda-M hope it helps: (still 5/9 could be better)




Basically high thermal resist (good vs lasers, nukes, torpedos, plasma arcs, mines etc) high shield, decent-high hull, decent-high speed, stable energy reserves, pulsar, inhibitor and regens.

Positron because it’s my favourite weapon but u could use CM too.

Basically high thermal resist (good vs lasers, nukes, torpedos, plasma arcs, mines etc) high shield, decent-high hull, decent-high speed, stable energy reserves, pulsar, inhibitor and regens.

Positron because it’s my favourite weapon but u could use CM too.

Replace Torp with Anomaly and you’re set.

this is my Anaconda-M hope it helps: (still 5/9 could be better)




Basically high thermal resist (good vs lasers, nukes, torpedos, plasma arcs, mines etc) high shield, decent-high hull, decent-high speed, stable energy reserves, pulsar, inhibitor and regens.

Positron because it’s my favourite weapon but u could use CM too.

Arent these splitters contradict the nature of Anaconda?


Replace Torp with Anomaly and you’re set.

Nothing beats Torp!

Arent these splitters contradict the nature of Anaconda?


Nothing beats Torp!


Not at all, the final speed is there, I just accelerate from 6 to 2,4 (more when I have 9/9 sinergy) metters per second, I didn’t find any real difference. In the other hand, I’ve found a huge difference in that extra 5k shields.

this is my Anaconda-M hope it helps: (still 5/9 could be better)




Basically high thermal resist (good vs lasers, nukes, torpedos, plasma arcs, mines etc) high shield, decent-high hull, decent-high speed, stable energy reserves, pulsar, inhibitor and regens.

Positron because it’s my favourite weapon but u could use CM too.

2 questions:


  1. What module are you using for the capacitor? I never saw such module!

  2. How did you manage to get such high resist whitout using any resistance module?

2 questions:


  1. What module are you using for the capacitor? I never saw such module!

  2. How did you manage to get such high resist whitout using any resistance module?


  1. it’s a module only aviable for t4/5, i have it because i bought it when it was also aviable for t3. it gives you energy and energy regen, if you don’t have if you can use any of the 2 modules that give you energy pool or energy regen

  2. jericho r1 and r3 talent + shield booster + thermal resist mod 

  1. it’s a module only aviable for t4/5, i have it because i bought it when it was also aviable for t3. it gives you energy and energy regen, if you don’t have if you can use any of the 2 modules that give you energy pool or energy regen

  2. jericho r1 and r3 talent + shield booster + thermal resist mod 

Thanks, about the implants, it looks like a very logical choice so you can focus on hull and shield strenght

Thanks, about the implants, it looks like a very logical choice so you can focus on hull and shield strenght


I would only change the +20 resists for +20% shield str in case I wanted to level up a gunship, because the more shield the more damage with particle purge, but I always prefer resist implants over raw hull/shield ones.

Nothing beats Torp!


I once used an anomaly generator on a poor lynx piloted by a new player who probably got a screwed matchmaking, he was standing there near a beacon…

I still feel bad for that :frowning:

Is the fed guard even getting a decent amount of speed compared to the crus? Or the paper tank breaks even before hitting the afterburner?