Cruise Engine Modification

I tried Cruise Engine Modification on nukem. Upon installing the module the following things happened

  1. Rotation speed decreased

  2. Maximum speed increased

  3. afterburner energy consumption increased


I switched implants and installed some modifier to increase rotation and energy. The stats now looked fine -




According to those stats, the ship should rotate fast enough and not give constant trouble with energy.


HOWEVER , upon testing in custom battle


  • the ship’s rotation felt like a frigate

  • Activating afterburners seems to take a big chunk of energy (approx. 215 points in my case) and then consume its normal amount continuously (146/sec in this case)


The energy consumption becomes a problem when you activate AB with low amount of energy. All the energy is consumed in activation and the afterburners stop running instantly after that (so basically you cant use AB if you dont have a certain amount of energy)


Something is definitely wrong here, please take a look at it

A fighterceptor is coming ? How funy. 

Prepare for empire gunships going at 500m/s :smiley:


Castor over 550 with submatter shield

Yeah, I tried it, too on a command ship (Katana S) and it steers like a heavy frigate, which is weird, considering the numbers.



Roll: 66

Pitch: 72



Roll: 55

Pitch: 60

How good is AB acceleration? Because adaptative fighters won’t be able to use that then.


I don’t see a point for this module, you already have the engine overcharge for that, but It will be fun to use in commands which already have absurd regen rate.

How good is AB acceleration? Because adaptative fighters won’t be able to use that then.

Acceleration seemed quite alright. just like normal

Acceleration seemed quite alright. just like normal

Then adaptatives will take a lot to kick in… bad for fed ships.

i can see this just being used to run away

This is more of an open world module.

This is more of an open world module.


Maybe you feel them like frigates because their turning rate is now just so low compared to their speed ?

But if you feel the same when you’re at 0 speed, then it’s just weird.

An odd problem, that. My problem is that it doesn’t list any of its stats besides the 17% speed increase. Looking around for such information is a hassle.

This is more of an open world module.


Players asked for a Cruise Engine similar to Freelancer and they got one. But only for fighters.


Personally I’ve been trying it out on my Sawtooth that is set up to be a Gauss Turret, and it works great for getting into position fast. Just don’t try to run away in close quarters with it.

New fighter engine:

Reduces maneuverability by 17% when NO AB active

Reduces maneuverability by 80% when AB active

It’s bad even in Invasion. It’s a nightmare to pick loot and to do any kind of dogfight. It’s only usefull for travelling, but considering how cheap is to change stations it’s not worth it.

Well, not adaptative turret fighters can use it to change positions fast. Mainly jerry tacklers and commands.


In a fed tackler you can easily reach 700 m/s switching positions, which is good.


It has its uses, but very situational.

I’ve had a lot of fun cruising through the enemy team at 700m/s, but other than that, I don’t see much use.

Prepare cruise drive, ensign! Aye, captain Catbox!

I love the mechanic of it. It’s just awesome. Losing most of your maneuvrability when afterburning sounds very…real? I don’t know exactly why, but i love the feeling of it. don’t think it’s good for PvP tho. 

slap 2 on any ship and you can haul 700m/s for just a few seconds. but the giant hunk of energy that it takes upon activation is the only thing stopping you from going 700m/s for the entire duration of your energy bar. I call this phenomenon the “Omnomnom” effect.

slap 2 on any ship and you can haul 700m/s for just a few seconds. but the giant hunk of energy that it takes upon activation is the only thing stopping you from going 700m/s for the entire duration of your energy bar. I call this phenomenon the “Omnomnom” effect.

More or less. I had to install a compact shield generator to be able to sustain it after that huge chunk of energy disappeared.