Crowning Medals of Awesome

Screenshot thread to show off our collection of top medals.

As of right now, over a little over 4k games of PvP I have: Downed 141 Captains, 14 Captains as the Captain myself, had 73 games where I’ve capped 6 beacons or more, 7 killing sprees of over 15 ships, 3 6-kill multi-kill, a single 7-kill multi-kill, a single game with 16 kills as interceptor in a single game, 5 games of 16+ kills in a fighter, and 4 16+ kill games in a frigate. 1 game getting over 18 kills with nothing but Kinetic main weapons, 3 wins as Last Man Standing, almost 1k Fear Mes, 70 Maniacs, and I’ve downed 2 Testers.

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  1. Looks at Takamina medals

  2. cries in the corner in shame

  3. end of the thread

he has 30 last man standing medals, what the hell. i thought i was doing well with 17 lol

After 4627 games, these are the highlights:




It’s alright. I could do better, I’m aggressive and rush in to my death a lot. XD


I also don’t play fighters very often…




Apparently I’m very hard to kill after I’ve reached 15% hull…

he has 30 last man standing medals, what the hell. i thought i was doing well with 17 lol

I think that he has the latest Quantum Computer with Quantum Entanglement connection.

He doesn’t need mouse, he has a helmet, which detects the eye signals. He looks at the target and it will die.

7482 Battles, not Takamina like, but not bad.

I’m not an assist boy, i’m a killstealer, i don’t regret it. (But 70% of all kills would have be mine anyway.)  :004j:



Seems like i putted that 10k medal twice… #Fail



You need more lens flare.  :004j:

Almost 7k games. Not epic good, but not bad either.



5025 PvP games


You need more lens flare.  :004j:




Can you up the bloom on that a bit more?


Also this seems to be a picture of Mjolnir Conflict.

Why we doin this?


6k games no grim reaper medal :frowning:


O6tIqGT.jpg?1 ukByOAo.jpg?1 tKaL2E3.jpg?1 onmEw1u.jpg?1 ak1bIuZ.jpg?1

I suck at EM weapons apparently :wink:


5025 PvP games


Hmm… nice together-cut. And nice medal collection.  :006j:

Can you up the bloom on that a bit more?






Nah, need more.

You forgot to add glitter and sparkles!!!

![11259090_435594039945596_137736852572338]( gda =1442848475_fa05ff6b9452a5f5550fa9bd7ad144c0)