This may not be a real bug, but since this mechanic is so terribly done, I will mark it as a bug.
It is definitely an exploitation mechanic and since I already complained about it, I will post proper and full bug report below.
This must get fixed!
Bug report :
1.) Description of the problem. What happened?
I can make every neutral or orange player a criminal against his will or knowledge.
2.) What did you expect that should have happened?
Orange player was not guilty! He was innocent! I should be a criminal, not him!
3.) The conditions during the situation?
Normal conditions, but only in Invasion mode.
4.) Further details on the issue?
I collided with him, then I self-destructed. He became a criminal. Police killed him for me. If not, I used a Duplicator and killed him myself.
I collided with him, then I went to search for Pirates, Cybers, or Aliens, so I let them that they killed me. He became a criminal. I used a Duplicator and killed him myself.
I also recon-warped into him and died. He became a criminal. I used a Duplicator and killed him myself.
I used warp-gate on him and died. He became a criminal. I used a Duplicator and killed him myself.
Someone used some missile field area effect on some target. I went into his missile field, so that he became a criminal. I killed him afterwards.
I used Tackler’s cloak, so that I was hidden from his view and then I purposely went into his line of fire, while he was engaging certain enemy targets. He received a criminal’s death afterwards.
I think that those “bugs” can only work on one player at a time, except for the last one.
Whoever does damage, no matter how big on some protected convoy and if such convoy gets destroyed by AI, you will get a criminal status. This happens even, if criminal status was not shown before or you as killer.
Note : Word I or Me has been used only as an example, to describe the situation. It DOES NOT represent my behavior.
However, there is no penalty system of any kind in Invasion for such offenses, even if I would use them as means to increase my karma, or to get the achievements faster.
5.) Frequency of occurrence?
Always, whenever you want or feel the need to do so.
6.) Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video. (including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)
They are not really necessary, because everyone can test this on his own. Invasion mode and another neutral or orange player is enough for this test.
However, I will provide 1 screenshot.
7.) If possible, the time when it happened. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.
Irrelevant and not necessary to provide.
8.) Information on the configuration of your computer. (DxDiag)
Not required this time.
9.) The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.
This bug is not connected to any connection issues.
10.) If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.
This bug is not related to Sector Conquest.
Thank you,