Crash on battle join

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

Game crashes once I join a battle.

  1. What did you expected to happen.

For the game not to crash.

  1. The conditions during the situation.

Launching in to battle.

  1. Further details on the issue.

A full NASA killsquad was on the enemy team. It happened all 3 times that I tried to rejoin.

  1. Frequency of occurrence.

100% (While the current battle is going.

  1. Logs + screenshots or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

[logs.rar](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13267)

  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

2/5/2017 - 2:50pm - CST

  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

My computer is perfect. The game is at fault. N/A

  1. The results of this program if the bug report is related to connection issues.


  1. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.


Ive been getting many crashes lately. I even crashed twice for the same game once (crash, relog and crash when joining back). My client mostly crashes at the first minute of the game, can be PVP or PVE (my client also crashes at OS, but its been like that for a long time now).

At next time, pliase, press ‘Send report’ button after crash

4 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

At next time, pliase, press ‘Send report’ button after crash

I did three times

16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I did three times

We didn’t recieve crash reports

On 2/6/2017 at 6:43 AM, Skula1975 said:

At next time, pliase, press ‘Send report’ button after crash

Ive been sending crash reports over and over…

6 hours ago, Papitas said:

Ive been sending crash reports over and over…

FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===

64-bit OS needed

19 minutes ago, Skula1975 said:

FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===

64-bit OS needed

Ill be playing in my 64 bits partition then ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

46 minutes ago, Skula1975 said:

FATAL| ===!!! Out of system memory !!!===

64-bit OS needed

Lol. It seems that your crash report handler isn’t working properly. I send crash reports all the time and apparently nothing is ever done about them. (Because they never are received!)