Covert Ops and Destroyers

15 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I don’t know why I keep subjecting myself to this forum

are you a victim? don’t be the victim.

if you want to get better, be happy to face obstacles.


15 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

considering that it’s exactly the opposite being said in-game chat.

holy moly, so you mean because in ingame chat some random people rant the same way,…

looking down on communities is soooo old, and pretty cheap and dirty, since you are kinda part of it, as soon as you enter it.


people in the forum will take their time thinking about what you said, and bring their thoughts. in the chat you will basicly only be joined by people who have the same thought. because usually, if you have a different view, you wont reply in a chat. i feel like captain obvious explaining this


15 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Welp, lesson learned for the day! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

did you? or do you mean, your lesson is to not learn anything what has been said, and just rather talk about stuff in chat?

coz thats not the lesson learned. oh, yeah captain obvious here, again.


18 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

a sneaky little covert ops cloaks and plasma arcs you to uselessness and the opposing team finishes you off.

if you find that covops soooo unfair, try to fly it yourself. get some experience with it, it might also help you fighting it. and just dont be on your own as a dessie.

taking down a dessie is still a lot of work.


18 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

In my ECM, I’m unplugging your keyboard and getting an easy kill and do it all day long. Sometimes I get more kills in my ECM than my dessy so for those of you that are crying about destroyers are op, git gud.

which is why any intie pilot wont accept ECM as an answer to “what is your favourite interceptor”. the ecm does not count, because it is famous that sometimes even if you plan on dying, so you can respawn in another ship, it seems you just survive. it was always the most logical pick if you were captain. it was also the ship which in competitive teams was used to spearhead the charge.

the key about it is that it survives long enough, not that it is very powerful in its attacks.


i suggest you try ships, which are hard to survive in; so bring something squishy next to a taikin, ecm and destro. get out of the comfy zone.


besides that i do admit, you got a point if you feel people should stop hating on destros, because they actually were nerfed often enough. but i also want to point out, the hate isn’t on the destros in general, it was always just some destroyers, like the vigilant with vacuum cleaner, which were once clearly op.

also they are still not weak.

and the other problem is that many people seem to pick destro for their subjective survival, but lose the game with it. just last time i had some guy screaming in voice chat at the team in beacon hunt, that they should take beacons. took a look, of course he was in a destro.

The topic name is kinda misleading, everything said here past the first post is literally just spam, the issue is about destro repair costs not being fair seeing how easy you get taken out even with all the insanely huge advantages a destro possesses. Now try to post comments related to what i just explained, otherwise i have to close the thread.

Orca should dynamically chang thread titles to keep up with activity in it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

everything said here past the first post is literally just spam,

this is plainly insulting to all the answers that were correctly following up on the topic. some even agreed to said topic


1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

, the issue is about destro repair costs not being fair seeing how easy you get taken out even with all the insanely huge advantages a destro possesses

only one ship and one module got mentioned, that take you out in a way, together with a team.

the repair cost was a sidenote (“besides”), the respawn time a nag. later the OP changed his mind, that the thread isnt about what the original post actually is about.

so not even the first post was about what the topic is about then.


but imho, the other comments do make sense if you look at the issue behind the issue:

it is simply not true, a destro gets taken out that easily, by most other means. also in terms of balance, as was explained in some of the other posts, the destro plays less of a part in the tactical gameplay, if its about objectives and speed, and therefore, taking it into battle should not be seen equally to other ships. it is a special kind of unit, and its usage is more risk, in terms of money. some of us dont see a problem with that.


however if used wisely, it can win you games, and dominate the battlefield, while ships like the covops can be easily denied, if there is teamwork.


lets state the question differently, is it rather a MM restriction of destros per team with waiting times, or longer respawn times for you guys? because this is where the respawn timer and costs come from… it should deter you from using it like any other ship.

it may not be the best solution, true


i am personally for cooldown times on ships, so taking another ship should be possible sooner; aswell as optional wave spawning, and some influence on how fast you respawn, so i see a systematical problem in this. given the plasma arc, it might be too strong of a counter in a pub game, but as soon as a team is organized, or has more strong players, destros dominate still, and i faced that a few times in the last days i played.


i like the system in battlefront 2, where if lots of people land in the respawn queue, you get instantly spawned as a wave.



4 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Orca should dynamically chang thread titles to keep up with activity in it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

well if the original poster changes the thread midway to “what he actually meant”, an editing might be in order…

lol destro bobs crying about their destro not being OP enough.

the destroyer vigilant and tyrant are very slow and big, of course, alone you are a nice kill xD. But look when the destro take a tactical position and launch pyro and other. The destro can change a fight, but you must use strategy,.

Yes the cover ops is very OP on Big target but it’s a suicide when you are not alone. And if you have a good sensor rang (10k) you can to see all movement of tackler and cover ops before.

The destro is good, but not easy for all player now, play in team.


If you want kill ligths ships (dogfighter) and to capture beacon… take federation destroyer, with a good engine it’s amazing xD, very good mobility.

(for pvp, in empire or jericho destroyer i prefer weapon messon or bobines, the halo can’t easily fight and spam the small ships)


Now all can comment whatever, you’re whalecome.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

Now all can comment whatever, you’re whalecome.



51 minutes ago, Tillowaty said:



Not rly.

12 hours ago, g4borg said:

vacuum cleaner


I just burst out laughing!  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”) Why have I never heard it being called that before?

4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Now all can comment whatever, you’re whalecome.


What? First you disrespect my suggestion by not answering and now you disrespect this guy’s suggestion by moving it to off-topic? You need to learn to moderate.

1 hour ago, millanbel said:


What? First you disrespect my suggestion by not answering and now you disrespect this guy’s suggestion by moving it to off-topic? You need to learn to moderate.

I appreciate your attempts but it was moved upon request and you need to learn to mind your own business. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

On 09/10/2017 at 5:58 PM, xXConflictionXx said:

Hate to break it to ya bud, but, that was a comment.  ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

héhé, ok, right  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

20 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I appreciate your attempts but it was moved upon request and you need to learn to mind your own business. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Why would anyone want to mind only one business, oneselfs at that? That’s boring man.

22 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I appreciate your attempts but it was moved upon request and you need to learn to mind your own business. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


No I need to learn to stay off this xxxx forum.