Corporation Headquarters & Membership Bonuses

Yeah, an increased amount of Corporation options would be awesome!

lower cost for ammo and repair ?

lower cost for ammo and repair ?

That’s not actually such a bad idea.


And being in a corp should give no advantages besides flying with a group IMO, and perhabs some fluff(Which it will), but it should not give any boosts, since that just opens a gate of xxxx.


And being in a corp should give no advantages besides flying with a group IMO, and perhabs some fluff(Which it will), but it should not give any boosts, since that just opens a gate of xxxx.

I disagree to the strongest possibly extend. This is a team game, either join a team or GTFO. That’s my view and will remain my view. Players who refuse any form of interaction or participation with any corporation shouldn’t complain that they’re missing out - there’s a really simple solution there after all.

Easier wins & thus more income/modules, less deaths & thus less repair costs. And in the future some extra fluff & dreadnoughts is enough.

There already are advantages to it, but don’t nerf SOLO in comparison to group. Multiplayer or not, that should not happen.

Don’t confuse solo with corporation based.


And we will not (and possibly will never) agree on the subject. I have 0 understanding for people who choose to play a game like this and play it entirely by themselves. There are far superior titles out there to play in single player.


I don’t see it as a nerf, I see it as an incentive to join a corporation and participate in a more meaningful manner. There are no incentives right now, at all. I have no problems with some (albeit small, but noticeable) advantages to people in a corporation and giving those groups some common goals to achieve. In fact, I believe it is vital to the survival of the game. Why are some veterans staying around right now? Not because of the game, but because of friends they made and the feeling they’d be abandoning their corporation. Never underestimate the importance of the feeling from players that they ‘belong’ to something they can strongly identify with.

What you are doing is nerfing/limiting the potential of community features and corporation content just because some people don’t want any part of all that. That is exactly why this game is heading in entirely the wrong direction. These solo players DO have the option to join a corporation if they feel they are missing out on said advantages. Hell, I am sure some people would spawn ‘solo friendly’ corporations if it came to that.


Sorry but your opinion on this is stifling the growth and future potential of the game and it’s exactly the kind of opinion that is driving me away from this game right now.This isn’t call of duty and this game shouldn’t focus on the solo player whatsoever. It’s not like a cheaper repair bill or enhanced loyalty gain will make solo players weaker in combat. They still have the option to stay anti-social and play by themselves and compete just fine.

Basically what FunkyBacon said. You already have the team work advantage, do you really need more advantages on top of that? How is not doing that stifling the development of the game? The game should be developed for every player, not a minority.

Besides, opening and extending corporations costs real money, making this easily pay 2 win depending on the bonuses given.

-Takes a step back, since he feels a certain disgruntled old man growing inside him who yells: Get off my lawn!-


Although this is kinda a war between a Solo & Group player. And I agree that we will likely never agree on the subject.

I disagree that:

" It’s not like a cheaper repair bill or enhanced loyalty gain will make solo players weaker in combat."

Because that is exactly what it will do. A corporation player will reach Mk3 (much) faster, causing the solo player to be in fact weaker. As well as getting less income because his repair costs are higher, thus he will have to play for longer to get to the same ships/modules.


I think that a simple fix would be Sector Conquest, and the re-introduction of “Arcade”.

Where Only corporation players can join Sector Conquest & Arcade, and non-corporation players can only join arcade. You could even go as far as making a 3rd mode where Squads are not allowed, or not allow them in arcade to begin with.


Then give corporations some benefits if they hold a Sector Conquest area. 

Yes, this would require Sector Conquest to be fixed so that zerg corps can’t gain an insane amount of areas.

I wouldn’t know what kind of buff, but any form of income buff etc. would be unfair IMO since Group players already get advantages which I said before. Solo players should get the same abilities as Group players.


Just because they don’t like having to fly with specific others, but rather “alone” and improve their skills that way, shouldn’t mean they get a de-buff.



But I think that if we keep this going it might head into a bad direction. 

Although this is kinda a war between a Solo & Group player. And I agree that we will likely never agree on the subject.

I disagree that:

" It’s not like a cheaper repair bill or enhanced loyalty gain will make solo players weaker in combat."

Because that is exactly what it will do. A corporation player will reach Mk3 (much) faster, causing the solo player to be in fact weaker. As well as getting less income because his repair costs are higher, thus he will have to play for longer to get to the same ships/modules.

No, speed of progress is simply not the same as strength in combat. Speed of progress is exactly a way to provide incentive for people to join a group - not things which give a significant advantage in combat.

I’m tired of people bringing up ‘teamwork’ and ‘squads’ as an advantage. This is a team-game, obviously working as a team is going to be of benefit. That’s the whole point…


I think that a simple fix would be Sector Conquest, and the re-introduction of “Arcade”.

Where Only corporation players can join Sector Conquest & Arcade, and non-corporation players can only join arcade. You could even go as far as making a 3rd mode where Squads are not allowed, or not allow them in arcade to begin with.

I will quite literally quit the game the moment they decide to separate squads and the rest of the community. It’s so far from missing the point, that I’m not even sure where to begin pointing out the flaws. Again, this is singling out those people who chose to work as a team in a team-based game.

Then give corporations some benefits if they hold a Sector Conquest area. 

Yes, this would require Sector Conquest to be fixed so that zerg corps can’t gain an insane amount of areas.

I wouldn’t know what kind of buff, but any form of income buff etc. would be unfair IMO since Group players already get advantages which I said before. Solo players should get the same abilities as Group players.

Completely and utterly disagree. This mode should not have limitations purely based around solo players. They choose to play solo, they can take the hit in income/other game features. You cannot develop a team-based game and team-based mechanics and then implement restrictions just because some folk don’t want to participate in what ultimately is the essence of the game. Or was meant to be, anyway.

Just because they don’t like having to fly with specific others, but rather “alone” and improve their skills that way, shouldn’t mean they get a de-buff.


But I think that if we keep this going it might head into a bad direction.

I will stress this again. This is not a single player game. A lot of modern MMO’s have significant advantages to corporations too (income in pvp, small stat boosts, etc.) and this is perfectly acceptable. People without these things can compete just fine, they’re not major advantages and ultimately those people have CHOSEN not to engage with others in an MMO environment. Why should we limit the potential of the game just because some people are anti-social?

Sorry but I simply don’t understand or accept that position.

I agree with you that in combat people should have an equal chance, but in terms of speed of progress, monetary rewards, etc. etc. I see absolutely no problems with people having a small benefit for engaging themselves within the community. If anything, this should be applauded and rewarded.

This is the same argument as saying that people who pay should be exactly the same as people who don’t pay anything. This is also not true, Premium License gives a significant ‘speed’ benefit, but this is only available to those who pay. Why? Because they support the game.

Anyway, we really can collide heads on this one - so perhaps we should simply agree to disagree. For me, as you can tell, this is a key point and one that will decide if I even bother playing this game in the future. If this game goes too much further towards focus on solo players, it will lose my support entirely.

I would have quit this game ages ago if it wasn’t for corporations

Evil your argumentation confuses two very separate points. You can have free players in a corporation and paying solo players who bought all the progression benefits. The two things having nothing to do with each other at all.

Dammit Evil, why did you have to restart this topic…Because it is you I don’t want to fight about it D:

Dammit Evil, why did you have to restart this topic…Because it is you I don’t want to fight about it D:


Because it’s not an optional topic for me, it will cause me to leave the game.


There’s far too much focus on solo players right now.

Nova’s size: 82 members

Nasa’s size: 72 members

ESB’s size: 65 members

Wolfpack’s size: 42 members


As far as I know, those are the main competitive corporations.  Not one person with a shred of intelligence will believe that those 261 players can support the entire game development and that those people should be given every possible advantage to kill and progress.  There’s a reason colors were added to T1 and T2 first, that’s where the most people are and hence money.


You say everyone should join a corporation.  You deride any other corporation that let’s people join.  They spent more cash for the corp’s creation than you did for yours.  Wolfpack and Nasa both changed factions to fight for solely because of those corps with a lot of people.  Look at sector conquest now, Empire’s being dominated by Alpha slowly but surely.  Soon, maybe today, they’ll get their 3000 for a dreadnought!  They don’t seem to count in your eyes.


You have zero understanding of people who fly solo because you refuse to do it.  Why should a distinct minority of players in this game be given an advantage over everyone else.  When you get in a squad and play a 12v12, it isn’t a 3v12 heroically winning matches alone, the other nine players count as well.  Since you’ve done some math about how sector conquest is broken, maybe next you can do the math to see what percent of T3 does not join a corp, let alone only fly in a squad.

I agree corporations need some sort of re-hash.


Corporation resources:


New currencies? Nah" Iridium is the established ‘guild goodies’ currency and it functions well enough. It allows everyone to contribute for things everyone can benefit from. Even if currently there isnt anything just yet beyond a logo and a big ship.


Credit pool for corps? The function your asking for is the same as in wow guilds. With the iridium, this wouldn’t have much purpose. Plus it’d be a nightmare. At least with Iridium, there’s a currency someone cant go in and steal. 


Iridium is that ‘corporation resource’ so i don’t think it needs more. But obtain-ability % should be increased in lower tiers so its equal across the board, but continue to allow higher tiers to reward more per reward.


Corporation Headquarters:


This would be fantastic, it would be great to see other peoples ships, let your view move about the hangar to look at them. The hanger can have multiple docks and levels, so there could be more above and below you. To save space, it’d only show a player’s first slot ship.


Having a hangar be upgrade-able is awesome. This is a nice iridium sink, and I’d even say individual players could donate credits to ‘speed up construction’. Iridium can also unlock the corp logo sticker for members too, and it can be displayed on the walls of the hangar.




Small bonuses to Synergy, Loyalty and Military grade weapons as you unlock hq things is awesome. Though i’d be hesitant to allow experimentals. Keep those to the random number generator.


Additionally, you should get bonus synergy anyway when playing in a squad with other corp members, to encourage cooperative play in all game modes. and perhaps a smaller bonus for being in a squad with non-corp mates, to be open to other players.


Another bonus should be a map anyone in the corp can load into, to test ships or run training flights. this could be considered part of the sector of space their HQ is in, and not part of the sector control map. Map changes randomly every 24 hours and boots you to the hangar prior to the reset.


Corp Display:


The current dialog is horrible. Whenever it refreshes it skews up the entire list. The player list is hard to organize to see who is online. There should be a separate panel for your corp, by clicking your corps name at the top right, that brings up who’s online/total members, as well as an ‘at-a-glance’ listing of standings, without listing other corps. Would also show logo. This needs to be separate from the overall standings panel.


Additionally, some default graphics should be available for corps to use as logos, that are not usable as normal decals. Separate from a GS submission system where corps can upload their own logo.


Corp member cap at 150 increased or abolished all together, once the pvp/pve rankings are fixed so pure numbers cant flood rankings.



Blah blah blah, yes please corp re-hash




I think that a simple fix would be Sector Conquest, and the re-introduction of “Arcade”.



I totally support the solo player, as that is how I prefer to play. I’d be very happy to see the return of arcade again, and allow solo players to progress. There was another thread about ‘collecting crew’. This is a great solo activity that could possibly provide similar benefits [synergy, loyalty increase gains. and probably credits too]. These however would not stack if you wanted to collect crew and be in a corp that unlocked its bonuses.Thus providing options that support both play styles.

You guys are sure making this difficult :\ , you can have both people. Simple solution, at least 3-4 game types.


  1. normal pvp (what we have now)


  1. Clan Wars -Only corporations are allow and battles will take place between other corporations. Corporation bonuses will apply based on what (lets say) Corporation upgrade tree you decide. Winning would gain increase in corp ranking, resources, higher credit value (as these would not be as common as regular pvp) and reputation points (used for clan upgrades or from another topic, Corporation Hangers/bases). The battles should have a bigger player cap, and faction-based corporate alliances would be allowed to balance matches against higher player corporations. 


Corporations should also have the ability to invite temporary members for clan wars IMO. The rules would be the temp players can’t be in a corp and have withdrawn from an old corp by a fix time (to prevent corp members leaving to be a temp spontaneously). The reasons why this should be added is;


       1. We’re all mercenaries so this is the perfect mentality as you would be “fighting under a different banner” (can’t decide if the solo player should get a fee from the corp after fighting for them, since it might have temps joining just for gold and then afking for the match) decisions, decisions :expressionless:


       2. Allows solo players to experience larger scale fights


       3. gives incentive to join a corp


       4. Allows solo player to “try out” a corp before becoming a permanent member


       5. Help lower player corps to gain enough “temps” to face bigger corps without having to create a corp alliance.


-In the far future I hope these fights could take place over “Corporate bases” (different from corporate hangers). Bases would essentially be the replacement of the regions, or the development of a region after conquest for a certain amount of time. Think the monopoly game Hotel + Boardwalk = money, Region + base development= corp bonuses. Back to my point in corp wars you should be able to bet bases over matches.



  1. Arcade 


 -for solo players feeling ganged up on by squads corps or any form of teams. Matches would be created only with solo random matchmaking and would probably have a lower player match cap, as most game types would probably be free for all, kill the king, king of the hill, etc. Faction and corp choices would not come into play for matches or matchmaking.


  1. Hardcore


-simple enough, normal mode with higher damage, less hud, maybe synergy leveling would not come into play (not sure, needs balancing tho)



Thats my suggestion since many games already use this style and it works for different gamers. Also it will offer more for the community and newcomers. Hope the colors helped  :)wt

looks like u beat me to this but lemme give u guys my thoughts on it


corp economy rework:


a percentage of all winnings (adjustable by the corp owner) will be automatically deposited into the corp ‘bank account’. the corp owner may choose this amount to be a percentage/fixed amount. these values may vary depending on rank/tier.


from this account the owner may allow members to use this account to help cover the cost of modules/ships (such as say 10% of the cost or a fixed amount IF the player does not have enough) or the corp owner may decide to strictly cover repair/rearm costs (a maximum coverage cost may be applied or even a deductible could be set like a form of insurance coverage)


but lets say the corp owner wants to see loyalty to the corp before receiving these benefits. therefore the corp owner may set minimum requirements such as must put in so many in game hours per week/month or contribute a certain number of credits to get the benefits immediately. additional corp ranks may help this process ( such as appending a ‘green’ ‘new recruit’ or some other tag to their name visible to the corp)


also here’s another fun idea. what if the corp could engineer its own achievements for the satisfaction of its members? i have yet to see ANY game that allows that!


building training courses specific to the corps play style/tactics/strategy according to particular maps/game modes/battle situations in order to sharpen skills depending on specific ship builds/team composition


additionally all these values/rules would be set by the corp owner/other allowed ranks


i bring this up mainly due to the outrageous grinding necessary to get modules/ships (seeing how nearly impossible it is to get both without). also i feel corps could use some sort of incentive outside of being able to squad up with a particular group and fly together for a sector map control that doesn’t seem to add much to the gameplay experience. also i’m NOT claiming this is balanced/best improvement for corps.