Contract Questions with different Factions

Can any faction ship fulfil other factions contracts?


For example, can I fly Jericho ships and complete Empire contracts (Legion/Wardens)?

Unless the contract mentions a specific sub-faction, any ship can fulfill the mission


eg. kill 5 enemies - here you can use anything


on the other hand, “Win one battle on a Vanguard ship” requires you to fly a Federation ship atleast once in a match that you eventually win.

on the other hand, “Win one battle on a Vanguard ship” requires you to fly a Federation ship atleast once in a match that you eventually win.

No it doesn’t, you can use any ship. One of the many things I reported via the in-game dev assist that never got changed.

How long  ago was this? I’m currently doing Vanguard and it won’t update unless I take out the Reaper (my hangar is filled with Jericho).

How long  ago was this? I’m currently doing Vanguard and it won’t update unless I take out the Reaper (my hangar is filled with Jericho).

I keep cycling through them but still a week ago or so Dwarf 2 would complete it just fine.

Seems to not be 100% across the board, they may need to update some of the descriptions.


I’m working on the Jericho Tech contracts but flying an all T2 Empire Squad, with the following contracts:


  • Capture 1 Beacon (Completed)
  • Win a battle (Completed)
  • Become one of the 3 most effective players in a battle (Did not get - I was #1).

Looking at my squad, I actually have 2x T2 and 1x T1 - all empire ships. I think having the T1 ship in my squad may have prevented me from getting the last one. I’ll do another test with it out. 

Yup that was it… Having any ship in your hanger that doesn’t meet the qualifications of the contract will prevent you from obtaining it at all. 

Yup that was it… Having any ship in your hanger that doesn’t meet the qualifications of the contract will prevent you from obtaining it at all.

Yes, if you double click the contracts the requirements listed there should usually be correct. It’s just the requirements in the description or title in the list which can be incorrect.

Kill 2 people using a guided torpedo (Raid). I dare u to finish it in any other than Jericho LRF.


But yeah, most of them can be done in any ship unless it is specified.


The one for Legion “Help teammate by increasing their hull resist” can be done by both empire and jericho ships. No fed as they do not have commands obviously