Contest ‘Victory Chronicle’ (Discussion)


Publish your most successful moments of dominance over an enemy and don’t forget to add the hashtag #StarConflictFragmovie!

Now i get the feeling you want me to make an MLG comeback…

Damm, I had some very nice :biohazard:kills​:biohazard: in my ELRF lately but no recording

Video done and submitted,not even a challenge,now all that i have to do is to wait for the GS.

Better place hashtag on youtube :001j:

Better place hashtag on youtube :001j:


BTW Coub’s limit is 10 seconds

BTW Coub’s limit is 10 seconds


Yes, but if it’s enough for you, why not)

I’m a skrub, so this isn’t the contest for me.

I’m a skrub, so this isn’t the contest for me.


What about lucky frag?)

I will give anyone 6,000 galactic standards straight up if you capture my signature “deathray an enemy recon captain from 9.8k with a guard.” xD

I’ll give an extra 9,000 for making an MLG video of it.

Come to think of it I made 3 kills at the start of a beacon battle yesterday with a nuke and forgot to record it lol

I will give anyone 6,000 galactic standards straight up if you capture my signature “deathray an enemy recon captain from 9.8k with a guard.” xD

I’ll give an extra 9,000 for making an MLG video of it.

Come to think of it I made 3 kills at the start of a beacon battle yesterday with a nuke and forgot to record it lol

And I have recorded to much usable stuff today and can’t decide what to use. e.g. It still lack a some music but at least it is an usable loop

Oh god, now I remember I actually got a really cool captain kill some time ago… Actually, 2 of them.


In the first one, the cap was a stupid tackler. He thought that with the help of his ECM friend he could take down my guard… He was wrong. He just stood still in front of me. When the Statis Generator expired, a little press of the command button did the work.

Give me those standards Sho


The second one was my favorite. I got in a already started game. My team was losing badly, something like 17 to 4. When the match was about to end (30 secs from the end) I warped with my recon to the enemy cap (An engie) who was left alone by his team. And yes, then we won.


But unfortunately I didn’t record it. I’m so dumb. 

“Each participant can only present one video. Select the most epic and interesting moment in your opinion!”
Will all contestant players manage to achieve this?

Give me those standards Sho

But unfortunately I didn’t record it. I’m so dumb.

No video :stuck_out_tongue: but I’m certain you will manage hehe

I will give anyone 6,000 galactic standards straight up if you capture my signature “deathray an enemy recon captain from 9.8k with a guard.” xD

I’ll give an extra 9,000 for making an MLG video of it.

Come to think of it I made 3 kills at the start of a beacon battle yesterday with a nuke and forgot to record it lol


I actually caught someone on video doing exactly this to my captain. He was in a JLRF and died one shot :slight_smile:


Found it:

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/user/257821-cinnamonfake/) (Today, 11:29 AM): 
Jeez, guy wasn’t lucky)


really depends on which guy you are talking about :slight_smile:

Here is a version edited by the master,if you can provide me with content to edit i can just make the comedy flow :005j: : 

Here is a version edited by the master,if you can provide me with content to edit i can just make the comedy flow :005j: : 


I have these, but not sure whether to try and make another :wink: