Contest 'Ultimate Destroyer' (Discussion)

Vote Leviathan 2016.

The ship model is byootiful, the main module is byootiful, the layout is byootiful, I love it all.

I really hope it makes it in to the game at some point.

Fox don’t !! Vote, enjoy, let it be, let it be!


I like parts of Sinaka’s design, but I have two main problems with it… The first is technical; The Plasma insulation module would not work with the current mechanics of the game. (since the Plasma arc just “bleeds” through any solid object, and I am fairly certain that all parts of the blade cause damage. Therefore you could have something that stops things like the singularity cannon from passing through, but you simply cannot stop the arc since it is simply “present” wherever the covert-ops is pointed… ) The second is personal; The mine-dome is one bloody massive minefield. It may not affect people already inside, but 10K damage to anyone passing through is death to most smaller craft. This basically would leave everyone inside trapped inside and everyone outside unable to enter that area of the battlefield. I can see someone placing this near a beacon in beacon-hunt mode while everyone is attempting to capture it and having the enemy either down a few ships trying to get to the next beacon or helplessly flailing until someone makes a hole (probably dying in the process…) and then having to point out where that hole is. Heck, with two charges you could make a no fly zone in some really nasty places on some maps… I do, however, appreciate the attempt at balancing it with the hole mechanic… but this is still too much. (and a 100m hole is still too small for destroyers if I am judging this right. Not that it would harm a destroyer near as much…) Please remember that these are just opinions, though I would love some feedback on these thoughts.

I like parts of Sinaka’s design, but …


I am glad you liked some of my ideas. Your feedback makes me believe that my thoughts may make sense after all. :slight_smile:


The Plasma insulation concept has been in my mind ever since destroyers came out. It just does not seem to be right being able to cut through a hull with a plasma cutter basically and not toasting everyone inside or cutting the ship in half. (Yes, I know. Real physics have no place here.) I have already mentioned this and I think our "fake cinnamon cake” said the same, that current mechanics would not allow this. But why wouldn’t I dream big? :slight_smile: There could be at least something within the destroyers that would separate the top from the bottom, front from the rear, and the two sides. Three invisible shield planes or something along the three axes maybe. Or each module could get their own little shield bubbles. I did not say it would be easy to implement. I even mentioned the necessity of a new module category for cargo bay modules, a new system for open space traveling and extra features for the galaxy map. So, yeah. My dream ship would require a lot of work to create… By the way, the „singularity block” is a good idea. I should have added that to the features of this module as well. Finally something that could prevent bubbles fly through ships and would make bubbles damage ships as other weapons do.


About the Mine-field ’Dome’. I don’t think it would be OP. There are several reasons why I have created this weapon the way it is: Firstly, I wanted to bring some cage fighting feeling into the game. Shield Havoc feels a little like that. It is very similar to what I wanted to describe. I reduced its field effect to a thin spherical surface and increased the radius (I am not sure about the radius tho). Secondly, I wanted a counter for beacon jumper recons. This field would force smaller ships counter the minefield with Emergency Barrier, which would not be such a big deal since it is already widely used against Em torps for example. Also, I kept in mind that some sort of corporate structure will be introduced in the future that might need some extra protection. (I have no idea how this is going to work but I have some wild speculations.) Lastly, I looked up the mechanics and stats of already existing missile slot weapons and I used those numbers to adjust the ’Dome’ to them. E.g.: regular Mine layer can deal about 4000 dmg 8 times so that’s a nice 32K dmg in total. Recon proximity mine deals 10K damage and around beacons you can often run into a few of them already. Its mechanic is also based on explosion radius already used in game. I have been thinking of this a lot for sure. I could not decide of the size of it. I’ve been thinking that the radius of the cleared area should be the same or somewhat bigger than the radius of the destroyers’ shields. Then I thought, destroyers can withstand such damage so it would not be a problem if the cleared area is a little smaller. Also, destroyers could clear double the area than small ships would. Or, the cleared area would be the same in size as the warp gate of the engineer frigates. But I don’t think small ships would get trapped in the field. It would be easy to find those ’holes’ if the effect had a good visibility. The two charges in cartridge may be too much, I admit. But these numbers that I came up with are merely informative and the balancing would not be a big problem.  

I am glad you liked some of my ideas. Your feedback makes me believe that my thoughts may make sense after all. :slight_smile:


The Plasma insulation concept has been in my mind ever since destroyers came out. It just does not seem to be right being able to cut through a hull with a plasma cutter basically and not toasting everyone inside or cutting the ship in half. (Yes, I know. Real physics have no place here.) 

Like your concept!


Right, you are in my humble opinion, too.

I remeber a scene from that old sci-fi movie Dune (what was it 80s-90s) there the concept came back to my mind, that a slow projectile could bore through an energy shield, but fast projectiles were reflected/absorbed.


Here we meet: I imagined a slow piercing destroyer hunter. Interceptor Plasma Arc disabling the dessy in the way it does (in the hand of skilled pilots) is a bit unrealistic, if not to say OP.

Like your concept!


Right, you are in my humble opinion, too.

I remeber a scene from that old sci-fi movie Dune (what was it 80s-90s) there the concept came back to my mind, that a slow projectile could bore through an energy shield, but fast projectiles were reflected/absorbed.


Here we meet: I imagined a slow piercing destroyer hunter. Interceptor Plasma Arc disabling the dessy in the way it does (in the hand of skilled pilots) is a bit unrealistic, if not to say OP.

I was a big Dune fan but I did not think of it as an inspiration. Maybe I should watch it again. Or play with the old PC game version. It was Dune II if  I remember right. I played a lot with that game. I wonder if I could get that from somewhere and run it? 

I was a big Dune fan but I did not think of it as an inspiration. Maybe I should watch it again. Or play with the old PC game version. It was Dune II if  I remember right. I played a lot with that game. I wonder if I could get that from somewhere and run it? 

I did not play the Dune game. I meant the Hollywood movie.

In a scene military hero Duncan Idaho is shot by a very slow projectile through his 80s computer art angular shaped personal body energy-shield. But o.k. … its called Holtzman effect

It “makes (among other things) defensive force shields and instantaneous space travel possible” … sounds interesting?

Voting system changed - Vote here -

Voting ends on the 16th.

Vote Gohran! :smiley:

Voting system changed - Vote here -

Voting ends on the 16th.

Vote Gohran! :smiley:

Man …

Unfortunately, due to the upcoming major update, the results of the contest ‘Ultimate Destroyer’ will be announced a little bit later. We sorry for the delay!

P.S. Voting for the concepts are closed.

Unfortunately, due to the upcoming major update, the results of the contest ‘Ultimate Destroyer’ will be announced a little bit later. We sorry for the delay!

P.S. Voting for the concepts are closed.



no yay ? so there it is YAAAAAAAY!!!

Unfortunately, due to the upcoming major update, the results of the contest ‘Ultimate Destroyer’ will be announced a little bit later. We sorry for the delay!

P.S. Voting for the concepts are closed.

LET THE HYPE BEGIN (and also speculation)


In my opinion, these aren’t the rank 14 destroyers, but something else…  

Alright then, lets hype. In the mean time I’ve got a completely new destroyer idea so I’m going to work on that.

Any clue what will they upgrade to the ground now?

LET THE HYPE BEGIN (and also speculation)


In my opinion, these aren’t the rank 14 destroyers, but something else…  

Well, we just had a ship development weekend (bonus synergy), so this could be the event for R14s potentially.

Alright then, lets hype. In the mean time I’v got a completely new destroyer idea so I’m going to work on that.

Huhu Sinaka - love that response !! Really :005j:


“upcoming major update”  : I am in suspense …

But why wouldn’t I dream big? :) 


Cant fault you for that. It might have been a cool idea, its just the game wont do it as is.


By the way, the „singularity block” is a good idea. I should have added that to the features of this module as well.


glad my feed back gave you an idea.


About the Mine-field ’Dome’. I don’t think it would be OP. There are several reasons why I have created this weapon the way it is: Firstly, I wanted to bring some cage fighting feeling into the game.


Not sure how I feel about that, but I guess it is one way to stop someone from running away…


 Secondly, I wanted a counter for beacon jumper recons.


…This gave me an odd idea for a “velocity field”. Basically, it creates a bubble somewhat like your mine field that if you try to move too fast through the outer layer, it will act like a solid object (leaving micro-warpers a splat on the edge of the bubble)… probably too complicated for how the game is currently programmed, but sounds cool. 



 I reduced its field effect to a thin spherical surface and increased the radius (I am not sure about the radius tho). This field would force smaller ships to counter etc. etc. 


Looks like you really tried on that balancing. Still would need work, but the effort you put into it is commendable.

Looks like you really tried on that balancing. Still would need work, but the effort you put into it is commendable.


Yeah. With not having the slightest artistic talent all I could do is trying to be creative and come up with something that makes sense… sort of.

The long-awaited results of the contest ‘Ultimate Destroyer’ are ready!


Finally, after intense debate and inside voting, we are ready to announce the winners! We must say, that winners determination was really hard task, because, as we understood, each developer or designer prefer different strengths of the Destroyers. But we tried to combine all advantages and disadvantages of your concepts to choose the best!


First of all, we want to thank all participants for the amazing work done and the diversity of the awesome ideas, which were presented to us!



First winner presented us a multifunctional Destroyer for any game mode. It’s very elaborate concept with many interesting modules and balanced features, which can be really useful in ‘real’ world, full of dangers. It’s Sinaka’s Tactical Destroyer (Heavy)!

The second one is Defender class Destroyer by PapyMcBites. Honestly, it’s not a concept…it’s a game design document with the comments! It’s hard to explain it in few words. We were amazed with the number of different details of each part of this class. It’s really worth to read!

The third winner is ‘Leviathan’, made by STARving4M3AT. We liked the ‘Abilities Shift’, which allows to use it in different ways, depending on the situation. It can significantly diversify the gameplay of the Destroyers. And, of course, you have to look at the amazing artwork, made by the author of the concept. And don’t be VROOOMED in the universe of Star Conflict!

Also, we didn’t forget about our players’ voting. The winner is DARKELITEBOSS and the Destroyer ‘Kronos’! By the way, there is an awesome 3D Scetchfab of this space ship, which can be found here.