Contest ‘Top Aerography’


Greetings, pilots! 


We announce the start of a new creative competition for the best ship sticker! 


Your task is to draw an original emblem for the ship. The most original and interesting work will be available for purchase in the game store. 



  1. Sticker sketches for the contest must be published in a [specially created theme](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23890-top-aerography-works-and-discussion/). Works published elsewhere will not be considered. 

  2. The description can have the sticker’s backstory, its thematic or factional affiliation. But this is not a requirement. 

  3. One participant — one work. 

  4. If you have a question about the contest, post it in the topic on the forums 

  5. Players using other people’s work will be excluded from participation. 



  1. The image should needs to have the resolution of 512x512 pixels. 

  2. Tork can not be contrary to the rules of the game and contain emblems, not relating to the game. 

  3. Exclusive rights to the works produced by the participants of the contest belong to the contest organizer. 


Main prize : Co-authorship. 

Winning stickers will be added to the store. 

The winners will receive a certain percentage of GS from sales.


Deadline for entries of Round 2 : No deadline for now, need more contest participants. 


[You can discuss the contest here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23890-top-aerography-works-and-discussion/).

In a number of long dicsuccions, two works have been chosen as contest winners.
RUS-forum, Toki_San
ENG-forum, DestroyHer
546c1ded8e00348bca50fbf356b7.png 8410a0f6e3feb57cfd30ef7164792f25.png
As an advance payment and general encouragement, the Centre is paying these two pilots 1 500 Galactic Standards.
More information on co-authorship will be published when stickers are added to customization options.

Round two is now open!