Contest - The best PvE-scenario





As you all know, in update 1.2 we added a new PvE-mission called ‘Defence Contract’ that caused great excitement, so we want to continue in that direction. Therefore, we decided to start a new contest.

This time we offer you to come up with your own PvE-adventure, based on defending against waves of attackers, just like in ‘Defence Contract’. The most interesting ideas may be used to define the direction of our new missions!



  • Provide a detailed description of gameplay structure and key points of their mission;
  • The mission should organically fit into the world of Star Conflict (i.e it needs some story background);
  • Enemies have to attack in waves ;
  • The mission must be created specifically for this contest.

Publish your missions in a [special section](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28174-contest-the-best-pve-scenario-works/) of the forums. Each participant can only put forward one mission.



  • 1st place reward — 6000 Galactic Standards ;
  • 2nd place reward — 4500 Galactic Standards ;
  • 3rd place reward — 3000 Galactic Standards.


The contest starts on September 17 and will end on October 1 at  23:00 (UTC+3).


[Discuss](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28173-contest-the-best-pve-scenario-discussion/)

The contest has ended. It was really interesting and fascinating to read your missions and imagine how it could be implemented in the game.

It was difficult to decide, all missions are good.


The results:


The first place (6000 GS) — PapyMcBites (IGN: PapyMcBites)

With this mission


**The second place (4500 GS) - **T050189 (IGN: zhangt050)  

With this mission


The third place (3000 GS) - DARK_ELITE_BOSS (please write me your ign via pm)

With this mission



Congratulations! Next weak we are presenting the new contest for all pilots!