Contest - The best PvE-scenario (Discussion)

I’ve updated my work to reflect a more ‘wave’ driven approach. 

I’ll think on if I need to add in more, but I only needed to change a few basic premises. 

I assume that the devs will be able to have allied ships spawn in a continuous fashion, if they so chose, so this shouldn’t be a problem.  

i will write here about my idea-“space race”

map- “Ontregos Drift”

size-very huge

story: "Long ago after massive war between Empire and Federation, space became very cold place. Millions of ships destroyed from that war still lie without one atom of life.That two factions still living, but billion miles away of each other.

Federation(rebels) found new planet in another side of galaxy called Fraya and settled in her orbit.That was their new home,it was called “New Eden” above beautiful sky of Fraya.

Empire emperor called Caligula didn’t know where “dogs” gone. He ordered best scientists to work on ship what can be that fast as light,small as insect and see anything anywhere.They made recon! Caligula was fascinated and very happy.

Ship was his eyes,he could see anything,much further than ever before! He wanted revenge, rebel blood and defeat. 

He didn’t know the ship has its limits. Searched for years,he didn’t get any word of rebels and where they gone. He ordered strongest pilots to to compete in the race. They found nice place for that and they gave him the name “Ontregos Drift”.

So race can begin!"


-this is story for now,my english sucks but i am trying,i will try to show starting place on the map and picture so i can say how this gonna work and how to implement my idea.i am not sure devs can make that but something similar will be nice :slight_smile:

this is 2D map of Ontregos Drift

as we see its very huge map,long and clean-awesome for our work and story

we need tunnels like in “Crismon Haze” pve mission on this map

i think map size is 40km distance in all sides,i am not sure about up/down…


here we go:

this is about position of tunnels,monsters,warps etc,


now i gonna copy/paste link from my post where i explained how all works


description about my idea

The contest has ended. It was really interesting and fascinating to read your missions and imagine how it could be implemented in the game.

It was difficult to decide, all missions are good.


The results:


The first place (6000 GS) — PapyMcBites (IGN: PapyMcBites)

With this mission


**The second place (4500 GS) - **T050189 (IGN: zhangt050)  

With this mission


The third place (3000 GS) - DARK_ELITE_BOSS (please write me your ign via pm)

With this mission



Congratulations! Next weak we are presenting the new contest for all pilots!