[Pilots, in honour of the upcoming May 9 holiday and the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the UMC solemnly announces a special creative contest.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39714-contest-%E2%80%9Cspace-victory%E2%80%9D/)
[Pilots, in honour of the upcoming May 9 holiday and the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the UMC solemnly announces a special creative contest.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/39714-contest-%E2%80%9Cspace-victory%E2%80%9D/)
Art name: Allies Together
“A Little Help From the Future”
Las guerras traen consigo caos, destrucción y muerte, pero la necesidades inherentes a la misma han impulsado grandes avances tecnologicos y cientificos, las sociedades en guerra se unen para conseguir el objetivo de ganarlas, mostrandonos la grandeza y la miseria del ser humano.
El universo Star conflict tiene muchos paralelismos con la realidad, las guerras de star conflict unen a los jugadores y a las corporacions para alcanzar la victoria, se tejen estrategias, se mejora las habilidades de los jugadores y consiguen que el juego sea mucho mas divertido y excitante.
Deseo que este post se convierta en un tributo a todos jugadores que forman estas corporaciones, haciendoles ver que las guerras corporativas son una oportunidad para estrechar lazos entre jugadores y corporaciones.
Un saludo a todos y cada uno de ellos, nos vemos en el espacio.
Mi apodo en el juego es “Bardo”.
Wars bring chaos, destruction and death, but the inherent needs of it have driven great technological and scientific advances, societies at war unite to achieve the goal of winning them, showing us the greatness and misery of the human being.
The Star conflict universe has many parallels with reality, star conflict wars unite players and corporations to achieve victory, strategies are woven, player skills are improved and the game is much more fun and exciting .
I want this post to become a tribute to all players that make up these corporations, making it clear that corporate wars are an opportunity to strengthen ties between players and corporations.
Greetings to each and every one of them, see you in space.
My nickname in the game is “Bardo”.
I play only healer. Nothing else does it for me like healing teammates! So i made one of my corp bean dad. Enjoy!
Also, i am fully aware hammerhead and Syclla do not have healing beams BUT IT SHOULD *COUGH [@Devs](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/201004-devs/) * COUGH
U.M.C. the place where it all begins for us…
Now we must face greater and larger threats, but together we can take on anything in our way!
A fun little project, I hope we can get a bit more entries along the way. Also, I would not mind winning a free Gungagi_—_ _ I mean Gungnir! _ ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)
Art Name : The United Mercenarie_s by : Sookabazooka _
IGN: Alcoholocaust
Artwork Name: It’s a hard LRF life
Song Credit:
Charnin, Martin. 2014. “It’s the Hard Knock Life” [Recorded by Wallis, Quvenzhané. Colletti, Zoe Margaret. Pierini, Nicolette. Duncan-Smit, Eden. Troya, Amanda]. On “Annie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”
Retrieved from https://open.spotify.com/album/0T1lQv20NNCoFlZkVHN3SQ?highlight=spotify:track:2IetGxzkjAYQsoFtvX0fNA
Mind the lack of decent shots, I only sampled from 5 games today
I sincerely apologise for any copyright infringement as a result of my previous entry. I posted without thinking about the consequences of my actions, and I regret it deeply.
Here is a hand drawn alternative submission, any similarities to corporations/players in the game are purely coincidental and not intended:
My Contribution to the Event !
In Game Name: SunGear
A mercenary’s greatest victory is to come out of a battle alive. Here we see a Brave pilot heading home! Happy Victory Day!
By SheenShade