Contest 'Space Memes' (Memes)

I’ve been 2 minuts watching this…it’s hipnotic.


Can I be your friend?


I like Federation though…


I’m a part of the feds too, but one day I thought of this and I was like “OMJESUS I MUST POST THIS XDDD BLJFIDLFUHDSIOFARIOGJNOP”


sad but true… is this of your own making?



I don’t have much confidence I will win anything from this contest :c but I want to see how far I can get with this, this is my sweat, effort, and 11:00PM Water because I was thirsty while making this. Also I thought this was genius at first thought but I’m rethinking.

Just tell me to stop posting memes and I will :


Why I left Eve and will never look back.  Was a top 2K pilot in battleclinic . . .  Had a sweet 13-1 kill record.





More eve bashing. . 




But eve is still fun :smiley: Heck I’m playing it right now as I type this :stuck_out_tongue:


Mining and PVE are good fun (when I want to be a bit more laidback or do something else at the same time) and PVP, well yeah you have to be patient. But the big fleets only get fights if they organise them - everyone runs away otherwise.


Yeah one problem I have is the price. In two months playing I still haven’t made my first billion to buy a PLEX, since I’m buying lots of pvp stuff (and dying in it XD)


But one thing you forgot to mention: IN EVE I CAN PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS

PVP, well yeah you have to be patient. 


Yes, that’s basically true but to be good at pvp.  You have to pick your fights, you have to have intel on your enemy, you need to have spai’s and alt accounts to act as cloaky scouts.  And in low sec you rarely get a fair fight.  While in Star Conflict, regardless what your personal opinions are you will never get a 20 on 1 fight.  The numbers are the same and its up to you to carry your team.  As I said before “you are the reason your team lost”.  this cannot be said for Eve or any other space combat game.

Lets make a eve vs sc topic! i would like to see the result.

Edit: Just realised that a new picture must be created specifically for the competition.

This is my updated, current submission:


Author: xSwiftblade

Press B to zoom in (Actually click because this isn’t SC)




ign RennieAsh

ign RennieAsh


Amazing. . . . that is all.


To the 100 times I have done this or 10,000 times I have seen a team mate do this.



Awesome work RennieAsh. You genuinely made me laugh out loud.


You perfectly described many of my own strategies (especially after several pints of cider) X)

Press B to zoom in (Actually click because this isn’t SC)





ign RennieAsh

That’s actually how a lot of people play beacon hunt. I’ve seen a match where 3 people had an lrf and were just shooting torps to beacons… 

I vote for RennieAsh! That was amazing and must have taken a long time to produce!

That’s actually how a lot of people play beacon hunt. I’ve seen a match where 3 people had an lrf and were just shooting torps to beacons…

I had a match today 3 LRF’s & a engie sitting in apawn -.- hate there is no friendly fire

IGN: Xzerberus



Mine isn’t even that good and we all have one heck of a competition :confused: What if they don’t notice mine, what is Adam even doing XD


IGN : MrSmooK




IGN : MrSmooK




U got it Pilot!