Contest "Pets in space" — Discussion

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So I just take a photo of my 2 Guinea pigs (Yes I have these things) and put some imagination of description on it, and boom I have a chance to win?

I have a fish. I may need to use some editing to make a reasonable photo…

I have a fish. I may need to use some editing to make a reasonable photo…

Me too, and they are in a pond outside. XD I have no idea what to do

Me too, and they are in a pond outside. XD I have no idea what to do

holding a space picture behind them?

Or place a spacefigther model in the water.

Why does every single living creature around me go camera shy as soon as I pull my tech out for a photo… :fed003: 

Why does every single living creature around me go camera shy as soon as I pull my tech out for a photo… :fed003:

Ikr, the struggle.


Just don’t forget that u need 2 fish)))


Try to improvise



Try to improvise


Great idea for people with watery pets lol!


Try to improvise


:fed_lol: :fed_lol: :fed_lol: You’ve got no enough GSs for that.

Awh I got a good one but there’s only one pet on the picture :fed003:

Meet my cute pets, Ariadne, the space spider and her pals Jay and silent Bob, the two flying ants. Currently, I am waiting for Jay and silent Bob to respawn. (No animals were harmed during the making of this photo. Ok, maybe Jay and silent Bob a little bit. But mum says they are just fine now.) :fed_lol:



Meet my cute pets, Ariadne, the space spider and her pals Jay and silent Bob, the two flying ants. Currently, I am waiting for Jay and silent Bob to respawn. (No animals were harmed during the making of this photo. Ok, maybe Jay and silent Bob a little bit. But mum says they are just fine now.) :fed_lol:

Your spider got a graphics card in its web


Better deal with that before it gets ugly

Your spider got a graphics card in its web


Better deal with that before it gets ugly

Uumm… not sure If I understand you. I mean I am sure I don’t… What you saying?

my work is ready! 

my nickname in game is : Sonic89  


this is the image link:





I love it :smiley: You have my vote, even though my opinion counts for nothing in the final decision. You should have put a purple/green costume on them XD

Yes, those cats look really fearsome. But the predators’ ‘war cry’ sounds a little different. :fed015: Nice work anyway.

BTW. I made my picture for fun and not for the contest. I have violated some rules as well: I did not put my nick there + Ariadne, Jay and silent Bob are not my or anyone’s pets but I think this wasn’t a big secret.  :fed_lol: Oh and I forgot about the warning sign: WARNING! THE FOLLOWING PHOTOGRAPHS INCLUDE GRAPHIC IMAGERY :fed004: 

Made while queuing for PvP.



<a href='[']('_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt="hello" /></a>