Contest ‘Pets and Star Conflict’



Dear players of Star Conflict, and pet owners in particular!


We are happy to announce the launch of a new competition of creative works on the space theme, with the participation of your (or your grandmother’s, grandfather’s, girlfriend’s, friend’s, neighbor’s) pets. You have a wonderful opportunity to show everyone, ‘What if our pets could love our game just like you and me?’ no matter what they (the fluffy, long-eared, bamboo-chewing, floating and crawling, four-legged, shaggy) are. To do this you just need to capture an image of your ‘friend’ related to space and Star Conflict. 




_  Participation conditions:  _


     Subject: ‘Pets and Star Conflict’; 

     Format: photograph; 

     Each participant can only enter one work; 

     Works have to be published only in  [a special topic in this forum  ](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24932-contest-%E2%80%98pets-and-star-conflict%E2%80%99-discussion/)



Requirements to work in the ‘Photo’ format: 


     Photo must be original and created specifically for this competition; 

     Your nickname has to be given in the description of your work. 

     The photo has to display your pet and anything related to the game Star Conflict or the space theme. Only your imagination is the limit; 




     Don’t send cats and dogs into actual space; 

     We want to receive fun, goofy and interesting pictures of your pets; 

     Try to use as little graphical editing as possible; 

     The winners are determined by the administration, and 3 winners will be chosen by the end of the contest 

     Entries will be accepted until 31 October; 




     The award for the first place — 4000 Galactic Standards; 

     The award for second place — 3000 Galactic Standards; 

     The award for the third place — 2000 Galactic Standards; 


Join the discussion of the competition on [the forums ](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24932-contest-%E2%80%98pets-and-star-conflict%E2%80%99-discussion/)