Contest "Flight Test" (Feedback)

good work for update. every new thing is good for this game. we have new modules and ships now so I think the more important thing is game mode. most players play PVE and PVP. new players like co-op. players may get bored in pve mode because there is no change when they play it again and again. pvp is a liitle better than pve because of enemies’ diffrence. so i think pve mode needs more new contents in the future.  

i still have some cool ideas like :

  1. Gate cutscenes - when you active gate to jump. cutscenes make players feel so cool in a space game and enjoy the map reading time. for example, the gate cutscenes in game <tera>.

  2. Custom hangar - if we have a custom hangar, we could choose different modules and make it distinctive. and do more interesting things. (ok, It’s just my fantasy

  3. Story quests  - as the story develops (by completing the quests), players will see a new face of open space map such as today’s Leviathan. more new things could be done to open space. the first thing is how to make players feel cool and not alone.



Open Space.

Open Space doesn’t fits to Star Conflict. Let’s be honest here, the Open Space is already desert because no one wants to play PvP, PvE or any other game mode in Open Space, people just go to hangar to play these modes, is more easy, more simple and more fast, this will happen to new Open Space too, high population for the first days and no one until to the next Open Space rework again. The only way to make Open Space popular is completely removing PvP, PvE and other game modes from the hangar and move them to Open Space, but i do not recommend it, we will take maps with a huge number of players and others with no one, also this system will favours groups that will hunt alone players.

Game Modes.

PvP is the best Game Mode (principally Beacon Hunt, Domination and Detonation) because we fight against players who continues adapting and evolving, offering a big challenges every time. PvE and CoOp get boring fast (people only do it to finish them tasks).

PvP Maps. 

Why we don’t have all PvP maps available in rank 15 battles? I don’t understand why you make this stupid restriction. Please make all PvP maps available for rank 15 battles.

Game Modules.
New modules are leaving “science” fiction zone and entering in the “magic” fiction zone. Module that can instantly stop ship ignoring inertia physic, traveling by time, teletransportation, gravity wave… This is ridiculous. You can do so much with the real physic knowledge. Try not speculate so much the science fiction.


Thanks for reading.
Nickname: aldermatias 

I have one criticism. The flight controls of the NY18 is ackward is weird. Currently pressing the space key make the ship tilt in a random direction. Honestly, if the mouse is above the ship rotation, the pitch up and vice versa. It’s better to have a pitch up key and pitch down key. That’s my only criticsm of the ship so far. Testing the modules.

i’m loving the new update especially object NY18 and also the new modules very useful.But i think getting beryllium and electrum is soo much hard so you should guys work on it like creating NPC missions which gives electrum and beryllium.

please don’t change NY18 movement, i love it how it is! as for bugs i have a few issues

-NY18 doesn’t have the normal hull regen during inactivity that most guards have

-active module that switches you with an enemy is bugged and allows the user to carry a bomb still while using it

-special module effectiveness should scale with rank, being weaker than it currently is at lower ranks, and a lot stronger at higher ranks

The swapper module also doesn’t work 90% of the time. It’s always a gamble. Especially against larger ships.

That and the range is suuuuper tiny.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The swapper module also doesn’t work 90% of the time.

that’s true. I thought it was a good module, but it is bugged.

For example:

  1. you activate the module ‘Relocation mechanism’ and the ship does not teleport anywhere.
  2. if the ship goes 100 meters away from the range and the module still gets activated, NY18 tries to jump anyway. What for? It should not get activated if the range is too high.

As to those PVP battles in Open Space (Research Center) - I tried to kill some players and no matter how many of them I kill, the counter stays 0/5. So, I cannot do that task>
Also, have you fixed the bug with Insignias in Ellydium Theta? After I collect the Insignia and dock, I do not get any loyalty (30.000). Nothing.

As to the NY18. Can you paint its back black, and its nose white? I cannot understand where the nose or tail is. Maybe you can show in some way, where its rear (b+utt) part is?

I didn’t test new modules much, especially LRF ones, so far I just met players with them in pvp.



-Thermal Energy Burner

Works good on paper, but the problem is slowing projectile speed that hinder shooting too much for me. I would reverse the effect, more damage and slow proj at start of firing. Give it also some unique sound and visual effect, many players mistake it with just a heavy blaster.



Not so strong but not weak neither, kinda like current Dart’s quantum. No objections here.


-Lightweight coil mortar

Very good, strong and good utility. Maybe little too strong. Deals damage comparable with frigs coil mortar with much easier hitting the targets.


-Prometheus jump

It’s nice as utility as an escape option. Allow commands to hit and run or helping ally cap beacon faster. Good strategic module, but seen for many as waste of slot. I’ll reduce cooldown here, without CPU passive is hard to use.



Baby’s first pyro. Fighters in general are too mobile to use modules that require standing still. Not a good module in my opinion. Either make it longer with longer duration or make it steerable.


-Penetrating beam

Absolute powerhouse against fighters and inties unprotected by R9 implant. From one side its strong, but from the other require precise aiming. It could stay like it is.


-Repelling shield

Emergency shield, repel is unreliable to use because its unpredictable. Looks like it create imaginary Waz’got with gravi wave 1km from you at crosshairs. Repel need to change for this module to be useful. It can be changed to akin to destro repelling beam, repelling things in crosshair direction outwards, or a in a cone.


-Mobile pulsar

Nice surprise module or beacon denial, but works too short. Increase the duration.


For passives, there is not much to discuss. Most of them is either very good, except volumetric absorber. Commands rarely go so close to enemy for this module to be useful.




-Gordon missile launcher

Automatic flux phaser. Overheats too fast and projectiles are somewhat slow. Not sure about damage…


-Plasma minigun

Adding a meson cannon with Dag’tnith discs effect isnt a little overkill? This gun is doom for inties with nearly zero chances to resist. Either reduce maneuver cut percentage or reduce its duration to require constant hitting.


-Homing laser

Absolute garbage. One target Thi’Lith beam with reduced reticle, range and absurd power usage.


-Slowing projector

ECM stasis on steroids. Another doom to inties. Maybe instead make it so ship hit is stopped for 2 sec when beam is on target for 1.3s ? Also change pyro’s sound to something else. 


-Mine network

Fine on paper, but mines deal to little damage, also they dont deploy unless hit a ship. Change it to deploy when hit by anything and increase damage. A bug here, sometimes mines shoot not in direction I aim. I suspect module placement on Parallax, like A1MA.



No issues, fighters are big enough to spot them even with radar immunity. But can be good utility.



Gauss user wet dream. No issues.


-Hunter tac system

Might be nitpicking but range seem to be too high.


-Inhibitor drone

Another absolute garbage. It has less hp than microlocator. Range is too low as well.



Adaptive engine seem to work good only in PvE. Energy burn capacitor is a bit odd, but works, emergency shield booster has too long cooldown. Module recharge when invis used is very good and almost mandatory where able.


Other things:

Adding more slots to ships is really fantastic idea, further blurring border between ranks. But not many people knew that it affected built ships as well - there should be single free refit ship option for Palom, destros, Spiral and Endeavor pop-up when logged.

New modules desperately need own effects and sounds. Majority of them use existing sounds, confusing the player.

In conclusion very good patch. Bad that Wazgot extreme healing capabilities are still untouched, but at least you give us new tools. This was too long overdue. We lost many players with Ellydium disaster, this could save them if done sooner. Keep it up.

16 hours ago, inyazserg said:

that’s true. I thought it was a good module, but it is bugged.

For example:

  1. you activate the module ‘Relocation mechanism’ and the ship does not teleport anywhere.
  2. if the ship goes 100 meters away from the range and the module still gets activated, NY18 tries to jump anyway. What for? It should not get activated if the range is too high.

As to those PVP battles in Open Space (Research Center) - I tried to kill some players and no matter how many of them I kill, the counter stays 0/5. So, I cannot do that task>
Also, have you fixed the bug with Insignias in Ellydium Theta? After I collect the Insignia and dock, I do not get any loyalty (30.000). Nothing.

As to the NY18. Can you paint its back black, and its nose white? I cannot understand where the nose or tail is. Maybe you can show in some way, where its rear (b+utt) part is?

The warp is only possible if you keep the locked target in visual AND in range, destroyer can prevent you from warping using a static shield.


Read the mission description before accepting it, the objective is located in gas harvester.

Insignia are just credits.


NY18 have no such thing as front or back, since it can fire at 360° around.

More than ever with this update we need the ability to save custom loadouts/ presets for ships, at least 3 (1 for pvp, 1 for pve, & 1 for other things like sector defense). This would allow a player to quickly switch weapons, modules, modifiers, tuning, & etc. between matches depending on what they are doing.


My nick is EYEBALL

pleeeeaaaaase make guard refit items available again!

Hi team,


first of all: nice move to invent this concentrated critics-section to listen to pilots opinions. Thanks for that!



The updates brought a quite great diversity of new content (mostly enjoyable) and i actually am looking forward to the next updates. After introducing the (at the beginning) way too overpowered alien ships, adjusting the standard ships was a great thing. I hope you stay this creative with new modules adn weapons.


Nevertheless there is still much content/gamemechanics/bugs that kind of need to be changed to grant fun and entertainment in the future.


For example: Meanwhile it feels like all ships have slowing abilities. That’s so needless as there is a special (even pretty strong) ship-class to slow enemies. If you cant aim take a tackler, not a Tai’Kin or guard. 

The ability of tackler’s Heavy Guard Drone and Inhibitor Beam to prevent targets from warping/jumping maybe was a quite necessary move to counter Tai’Kin. But although Tai’Kins made regular recons more or less useless, the new Tackler abilities weakened them even more. Recons (not Tai’kin, only the regular ones) definetly need some kind of boost to be worth piloted again. 




Seriously, stop implementing auto guided weapon systems. Where is the point of those in PvP? As far as I can relate is PvP a mixture of equipment, experience and knowledge, teamplay and finally the ability to hit stuff. Sure, with low-level equipment guided weopons dont really hurt, but at higher ranks those weapons just take an essential spect of PvP and simply destroy the experience of “damn, this guy’s pretty tough” and “hah, what a snack”. Now everyone just buys one of those weapons and off you go - 12 kills per battle. Not a problem at all.

But yeah, I’m quite sure that you guys will find a solution for this.


Thermal energy burner:

I guess I don’t really need to say something about this weapon. Way too high DPS, range, velocity and too strong additional effect.




Just like Thar’Ga and Tai’Kin at the beginning, Waz’Got is still way too strong. 

4 drones firing and hitting (at least at medium and small distances) all the time. Especially effective against smaller ships so even those ships that are supposed to focus on engineers have a pretty hard time fighting even a single Waz’Got. 

Gravi-wave  - really??? Simply give a ship the ability to jump into the opponents forces and smash even the biggest ships with the push of a button. What did you guys think when implementing this? Sure, on open maps this module is quite uneffective, but for example on Abandoned Complex… way too strong.

Green Mist  has a way too short cooldown. Dealing a considerable amount of damage AND making the host (and nearby allies) (more or less) invincible for a whole  2,5  seconds - every 12 seconds - that sounds just uncreative and is far too strong.

’Patron’ active defense:  when used in a team probably overpowered, but my point is: Why can it be active although obstacles are blocking the path between host and ally? That prunes the concept of cover IMO. (BTW there’s a small typo in the eglish description of this module)

Waz’Got battle station:  Oh man, what a bunch of overpowered stuff. First of all there should be a limit of stations per area. Battle stations hit invisible ships with their lasers. Please fix this. As those stations have auto-aiming assistance, they even hit the most agile ships on medium to close ranges dealing a way too high amount of damage while you try to shoot them down. A they have a way too high amount of HP as well these stations sometimes are stronger than some pilotes on this level. The slowing-effect of nearby battle stations stacks!!!. Probably unwanted but just annoyingly strong.

All this leads to the fact that with a Waz’Got, any pilot (doesn’t matter how strong or weak) gets annoyingly (and sometimes even unfairly) powerful.



Only one thing: Nerve the Satellite Crystal.  Meanwhile this module is more or less omnipresent and the debuff is really unneeded and annoying as hell.


Thanks again for this convenient method of gaining feedback.

ingame nickname: kaskas08


Hello Cinnamon Fake,


I play on my other alt, the steam one: alexgajdo

Regarding the game itself the kappa beam seams to be fixed at all times, I have to move the ship to aim it.

And regarding destroyers I would like to add that the possibility of gathering resources for a t11, let alone a t14 is a very hard process, due to electum and beryllium being very hard to find or to purchase for players who do not own GS.  Here is a post for reinforcing my point:


Otherwise great game!


Have a great day, regards and all the best!

Thermal energy burner is way too hecking overpowered. The energy burning effect is fine, but the damage combined with the projectile speed and lack of spread is unbelievable. Plus, it has no hit sound, so all you can use to tell you’re being hit is the fact that you are dying.

20 hours ago, inyazserg said:


As to the NY18. Can you paint its back black, and its nose white? I cannot understand where the nose or tail is. Maybe you can show in some way, where its rear (b+utt) part is?

It has no front or back. It is irrelevant. It shoots the same and flies the same in any direction.

Object NY18.

Object NY18 is inferior to the others guard frigates, new modules are very weak compared to conventional guard modules, include the special module, the frigate just can’t roll, once we can deduce front/back according to the cockpit position, normal flight control could be better, alternates fire between weapons in top and bottom of the ship, it is not make much sense, once we already have frigates that able to fire all weapons in both sides at the same time, number of modifiers and additional bonuses should be according to the players preference, including special module.

Thermal Energy Burner.

High projectile speed for a weapon with high dps. Weapons with high projectile speed should be more effective against small ships, less effective against big ships and low firing range, however, weapons with low projectile speed should be more effective against big ships, less effective against small ships and high firing range.

Suppression Effects.

Afterburner/energy suppression effects are basically a death sentence in Star Conflict, also Stasis Generator (ecm module) and Slowing Projector (tackler module), these effects don’t need any strategy or skill element involved, it is not fun or challenge, it is just annoying, you can’t move, you can’t hit your target, you can’t escape.

Energy Converter.

The most of guard frigates use it to deal unavoidable hit kill, if you thinking it is just matter of stop firing and this will be don’t give any problem, you are wrong, allies continues keep firing, the result is a death ray destroying everything on the way.

Capture the beacons.
This is the best game mode, why you remove it from normal PvP? Maybe because players with only 1 ship in ship slots? Bring it back and make unlimited deaths (players can be use the same ship unlimited times).


Sorry for my English. Regards.

Nickname: Naggarok497

Great update so far. Keep up the good work.
Lots of new weapons to collect and try out… Though I might say an overwhelming amount and I don’t have enough faction tokens to work through them


I also think that Open Space insignia cargo is erroneously giving credits and not vouchers.

I would definitely like to recommend additional storage space for neodymium, xenocrystals, and alien composite blocks, because I constantly have too many of them due to daily quests…
Maybe have dailies that give more faction tokens which most people seem to be short of? or a “chose your reward” kinda thing?


IGN username: 00ACW

Hello, my nick name is PechugaPollo. First of all, apologize for my English and my expressions, I am Spanish and my English is not very good. I’ve been playing star conflict since February 2, 2014 and I love it, I think the game in general has had a good evolution but there are some things that I would like to comment as a suggestion, as well as other ideas and constructive criticism.

First of all mention some aspects of the game that I think have very good quality and that have surprised me compared to other games. Destroyers in particular have seemed to me a good evolution of this game, that you can destroy its modules physically I find it great, as well as its unique modules with a unique modeling and surprising effects. Another thing that surprises me is the renovation of many modules, weapons, ships, their models and visual effects, which is not renewed in most games.

The continuous balance in pvp is also important and I am glad that it is always swinging to get a better experience. On the other hand, the alien ships are the most expected and exciting of this game, they have incredible potential, their system of improvements and special modules with different aspects is great.

There are visual details that have not been updated throughout the game and that ask for a visual update or certain fix to be appropriate to the game and the quality it has now. First of all, the stations, the three main stations have been eclipsed by the quality, beauty and realism of the ellydium station. These stations need a major and urgent renewal, especially because it is the first thing that new players see, I think it is important that as soon as you enter the game the new user will be surprised with the quality of this. The stations seem, perhaps, very cartoon, flat and of solid colors, without atmosphere or light and very small, all in comparison to the Ellydium station.

As for the missions, personally I think there are enough and they have good variety, but we miss some special confrontation or something like more interiors or a confrontation with a station that has to be destroyed by parts or a big ship. Almost the whole game happens on the outside, it would be fine something like an attack inside a space station breaking some gates and finally go through some complicated tunnels to plant a bomb or a missile in an energetic nucleus or a stage of the mission that is to flee from the radius of a big explosion going along a structure that is exploding. I think that this aspect of the interiors and the environment is little exploited, as well as confrontations by phases to bigger ships that you could assault in the emptiness of space as boss-fortress with a life bar and a very large shield.

As for the Dreadnought, I think it’s a very interesting and surprising content and I think it’s also wasted, it could be a mode, PVE mission or Spec Ops that can be about an assault on a dreadnought taken by the aliens, so this content would be something more used. It is a strong point that many players do not even know exists.

On the improvements of the alien ships, perhaps the material requirements for some not so important improvements are disproportionate for what they offer, especially taking into account the manufacturing cost of the ship. I have seen that this in players makes them completely lose interest in getting the alien ships due to the dedication necessary to improve the ship. I think it happens to some that once they have acquired the ship, they have seen the improvements and have not used the ship again because for three improvements they are asking for more than what is necessary to manufacture the ship. Maybe this would need an arrangement of some kind. An arrangement of this type is that of the container of 10,000,000 credits that previously offered very low reward for its cost and is now more balanced with what it should give.

The main weapons of the game are great, there is a lot of variety between them and their visual effects are adequate and they have good quality, although some of them need a revision, as the rail assault cannon or the plasma weapon of the interceptors, have remained with effects somewhat antiquated. With the missiles this is missing, there are missiles of some types and lately their effects have been renewed, but perhaps more variety is needed for other types of ships such as fighters, rather than simply changing the color of the explosion, and also more stuff in the destroyer’s missile slot.

The piloting and handling of the ships is brilliant, but I think it is also wasted, it would be good to take advantage of this to attract other players who would probably end up playing other modes. By this I mean ship racing or something that focus in piloting, not in combat. It would be great some kind of racing mode in which with one or two impacts the ship is destroyed. For the maps, I imagine complicated tunnels or control points in a small and fast asteroid fields, or that there are anomalies that attract you and once past a point you cannot escape from them, it can also be control points that have to be passed in open space or a city, in which there would be many debris or mobile objects such as floodgates they open and close or traffic of ships that one has to dodge.

As for the racing modules or ships, I could not say if the existing ships would be valid for this game mode due to the difference between them. If combat modules were prohibited in this mode, there would still be many ships that would have a clear advantage over others. The ideal would be types of racing modules that temporarily increase the speed, the turn, another module that would put a container or a box as an obstacle, mines with a timer, a shield that protects you from an impact in the next second, modules for knock down or hinder others, etc. It would also be good to shoot at a point close a gate, that there was some interaction with the environment.

I know that this idea loses a lot of the combat and pvp approach that the game has and promotes individualism, but it is something different based on a positive thing that this game has that I consider very untapped. I understand that the game as Free to Play and as a business idea have very specific interests that close the doors to certain ideas because they are incompatible.

As for the latest changes in the game, I have to say that I am very satisfied, new modules were needed for so many ships, and that they have more specific modules per role and rank is brilliant and necessary. As for the new quality of the game, I’ve seen that everything is improving in general, but some things need urgent change, in addition to the stations that I mentioned before, many ships need a remodeling because they are too similar to each other and they have a quality rather inferior to the rest. For example, Swarm, Prometheus, Black Swarm, Achilles, Prometheus X, Prometheus Fire, Magnetar, Tempest, Nibelung, Beaver, Spartacus, King Nibelung, Argonaut, and more or less Apollo, Aura and Lightbringer, all of them, seem to be made of the same mold, but that has simply been changed the size, added some ailerons, more or less wing, and little else. Some Jericho ships also give the same feeling, although somewhat less.

The open world mode takes a long time without having a major improvement, it seems to be the maps of the game connected by doors, without more, it would be either a really big map or a new way of taking the open world.

The special operations mode also takes a lot without major update, it would be great to add a couple more missions.

As for the customization of ships, it is brilliant. Now with the change that the purchase is permanent for the presets and colors I see it great. Even so, personalization has some aspect that does not convince me. For example, I’ve seen that when you dismantle a ship’s weapons, its default weapons appear with the texture, material and color you’ve chosen in the customization because I imagine these weapons are part of the modeling of the ship. Well, it would be nice if this material, texture or color was applied to the equipped weapons, because many times you have purple, blue or green weapons in a ship that is silver with yellow lights and blue modules, it is a little ugly because like this the appearance of the ship has no consistency. Another thing that I miss in the presets and in general in the customization, are the textures that come in some presets, such as the texture of the dark part of the “Cerberus” preset. I think you could exploit something more personalization with an important redesign of the stickers (although lately they have improved a lot in quality), materials and presets for sale, although I understand that you use them as an incentive for people to get involved in events and special occasions , new ones could be created.
In the store I would add a text that you would put if you have that object in property and how many, it is very useful to know which modules you have and which ones you have not, this is necessary.

Please, increase the maximum number of many resources, especially for veteran players who run out of site.

It would be great if in the future ships of larger sizes were added. A ship more than double or triple in size, siege destroyers or something similar. It occurs to me that these ships could carry slots of ship modifiers that were automatic weapons, or special slots of active modules in which only automatic systems could be put. Some module that deployed many suicide drones or drones that have a life of 60 seconds or something, a large beam fired from the nose of the ship that reaches a long distance and takes 10 seconds to charge and deactivates the ship, a module that unhooks shield plates from the body of the ship and that serves to cover others, a pulse that makes an electromagnetic nova that has a slow expansive wave and that deactivates the shields of which it reaches. According to the way that it has the special module, it unfolds weapons or armor like if I had a siege mode, defense mode and engine mode but something more than a percentage bonus, I do not know, something of that.


I will be writing down more things as I go thinking. I hope that my opinion is worth something or at least give you some ideas, you are doing a very good job with this game. 

Greetings and Happy New Year!



I like the new updates so far, they really make the game more different, and I am looking forward to the new stuff that is going to be released.


Although I have a lot to talk about, I will stick with the topic and discuss only the new updates:


  1. Thermal Energy Burner: absolutely a pretty weapon to use, but a nightmare if the opponents have it. Burning 320 pts energy on critical hits make ship builds focusing on critical chance unstoppable.To me energy is life. I have many instances that my tacker could not run away by cloaking due to lack of energy. A possible resolution to this could be reducing/removing the energy consumption for tackler special module.


  1. Dawn Locator: a really nice module that allows tacklers to have more tactics and less vulnerability against recon and covert ops since these two types of interceptors can cloak as well. With this module, It really makes tackler a thread to them, as now they have to consider the risk of being revealed under cloaking and difficult to run away.


  1. Stretto Gun System: I like it with Gauss Cannon. The effects of this module also stick to the ship role very well.


  1. There are also many interesting passive modules for tacklers like Maneuver Blocker and Adaptive Maneuver Booster. They only have short active range, though, therefore I am assuming the Dev’s are encouraging players to have more dogfights. But these modules are not very suitable when against destroyer and frigates.


I have not tried the new long-range frigate’s modules yet, but I am very interested in Energy Sharing and Ballistic Processor Surkov by just looking at the descriptions.


In conclusion, the new modules are overall well designed, and again I am very interested in the upcoming new modules. If there is anything I can say to the future modules: I hope the new modules could well stick to the traits of the ship roles and enhance/highlight/extend the special abilities of each ship roles. In other words, try to make each ship roles more delicate/specialized but not more versatile. Anything that adds tactics/playability and encourages players to be creative is good.


Best wishes to StarConflict!



From iU (in-game nickname),

Corp. CRS

i found one strange thing about Object NY18… I mean : Pulsar 9 on this ship have lower range of work than on other this type ships…for example: 800 meters on Object NY vs 1200 meters on Alligator-C

probably with other Pulsar modules (i mean higher ranks of this module) is the same situation5a48e14016082_objectny18.jpg.ad1b32140b8532c135ce64b32808e6af.jpg