Greetings, pilots!
The Star Conflict universe is full of mysteries such as the “living” ships. Recently biologists have discovered a strange reaction of the Vaz’Got shell to mechanical damage - it regenerates! It is likely that the xenocrystals studied by Ellydium are entering a new stage of development and are taking control of the ship’s shield! This unique feature will allow you to direct the development of ships in a completely new direction!
But scientists lack the necessary data. The only thing they have is this video:
UMC invites all pilots to try themselves as an engineer and find the reason for such a high shield regeneration!
Your objective
- Find a guaranteed way to repeat what you see.
- Share the way to repeat it in [THIS TOPIC.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/40218-contest-engineer-for-an-engineer-entries/)
- Attach the logs of the game session and all materials that can serve as confirmation of the efficiency of your method (screenshots/video).
In case the described method works, you will receive deluxe versions of the New Year’s Battle Passes, as well as a special DLC ship that has not been announced yet!
The contest will remain open until the end of January, or until a 100% way is found to activate the Waz’Got ship’s excessive shield regeneration.