Contest " Engineer for an engineer"



Greetings, pilots!

The Star Conflict universe is full of mysteries such as the “living” ships. Recently biologists have discovered a strange reaction of the Vaz’Got shell to mechanical damage - it regenerates! It is likely that the xenocrystals studied by Ellydium are entering a new stage of development and are taking control of the ship’s shield! This unique feature will allow you to direct the development of ships in a completely new direction!

But scientists lack the necessary data. The only thing they have is this video:


UMC invites all pilots to try themselves as an engineer and find the reason for such a high shield regeneration!

Your objective

  • Find  a guaranteed way to repeat what you see.    
  • Share the way to repeat it in [THIS TOPIC.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/40218-contest-engineer-for-an-engineer-entries/) 
  • Attach the logs of the game session and all materials that can serve as confirmation of the efficiency of your method (screenshots/video).

In case the described method works, you will receive deluxe versions of the New Year’s Battle Passes, as well as a special DLC ship that has not been announced yet!

The contest will remain open until the end of January, or until a 100% way is found to activate the Waz’Got ship’s excessive shield regeneration.


Let’s start with the fact that this is an open space where chips work. It’s not a bug, his ally fires a Waz’Dum weapon.
The effect of the weapon is to heal 7.5% of the damage dealt for elidium ships and 15% for others.
Below I present this effect with the fact that my chips are set to the rate of fire, not to dmg, so I heal for 2-5k and not 20k, if I had all the chips for high dmg, I would heal myself after 70-80k per shot, the weapon heals the shields and hull. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


2 minutes ago, MrJeyJus said:

Let’s start with the fact that this is an open space where chips work. It’s not a bug, his ally fires a Waz’Dum weapon. The effect of the weapon is to heal 7.5% of the damage dealt for elidium ships and 15% for others. Below I present this effect with the fact that my chips are set to the rate of fire, not to dmg, so I heal for 2-5k and not 20k, if I had all the chips for high dmg, I would heal myself after 70-80k per shot, the weapon heals the shields and hull. :slight_smile:



No, this is a bug - we’ve known about it for well over a year now and have dealt with multiple different players having it trigger on them within PvP by accident. It’s an extremely deep rooted bug which is stupendously difficult to document properly; hence why this bug hunt is happening.

5 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:


No, this is a bug - we’ve known about it for well over a year now and have dealt with multiple different players having it trigger on them within PvP by accident. It’s an extremely deep rooted bug which is stupendously difficult to document properly; hence why this bug hunt is happening.

Then it’s the Battle Regenerator to blame. I noticed that the more people he shoots at me, the more his treatment grows disproportionately

Until at a certain point, the shield heals itself completely every second

4 minutes ago, MrJeyJus said:

Then it’s the Battle Regenerator to blame. I noticed that the more people he shoots at me, the more his treatment grows disproportionately

Until at a certain point, the shield heals itself completely every second

We have a few fresh sets of evidence which might be of use to the developers for trying to nail this bug down for good. It was once again an Open Space trigger as it is the most reliable way to stress test setups and/or bug hunt without dealing with other players excessively but the potential triggers are way too precise to nail this one on the head for good due to the nature of what we can see within the combat logs. I’ll be dropping them in traditional bug report format attached to this thread as per contest/bug hunt stuff. But the real reward of this… well other than the actual real reward is getting this years old bug out of the game for good.

29 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

We have a few fresh sets of evidence which might be of use to the developers for trying to nail this bug down for good. It was once again an Open Space trigger as it is the most reliable way to stress test setups and/or bug hunt without dealing with other players excessively but the potential triggers are way too precise to nail this one on the head for good due to the nature of what we can see within the combat logs. I’ll be dropping them in traditional bug report format attached to this thread as per contest/bug hunt stuff. But the real reward of this… well other than the actual real reward is getting this years old bug out of the game for good.

I found one correlation during pvp related to this bug:

17:44:23.649  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 15384.35 Module_GreenDrones_15

healed 15384 shield points

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20305)


Discussion aside; evidence is ready and rendered.


Fresh trigger occurred on live server, current update (1.7.4a.142789 Nov 19 2020)

Regular format as per bug report guidelines


1. As per the bug hunt, I was able to regenerate my entire shield capacity in an extremely short span of time.

2. To take damage and only have regular shield regeneration input from modifiers and modules.

3. Refer to evidence below. Specific things to note that occurred at the time the bug triggered:
→A shield break triggered debuff immunity
→My debuff immunity chip triggered
→I was under the CC effect of a Blaster turret and the typical Police debuffs

4.  As per the bug hunt I was specifically hunting for the “infinite shield” bug, so I used Open Space police in order to cover as many bases as possible for potential triggers (debuffs, damage sources, proximity, etc.) and was able to successfully trigger and record evidence of the bug. I was also able to successfully seperate the combat logs in order to make spotting the triggers of the bug easier.

5.  This bug is rare, it is hard to replicate but extremely powerful when it occurs.

6.  Logs attached, video included.

7.  The time should be able to be spotted via Combat and Game logs I hope - I forgot to note what time it was locally (AEST +10)
8.  Not sure if this is necessary, but attached as per usual.

9.  Not applicable.

10.  Not applicable.


Video of bug trigger (cut down to before and after trigger success)



[shield_bug_log_3(new).zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20306)[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20307)

Video time 1:46 heal 15384 pkt shild | → combat.log → 17:44:23.649  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 →         MrJeyJus|0000003679 15384.35 Module_GreenDrones_15
Video time 1:56  heal 5476 pkt shild | → combat.log → 17:44:34.177  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 →         MrJeyJus|0000003679 5476.13 Module_GreenDrones_15

I’ll be trying to get several more sets of evidence to see if triggers line up for the bug as the only way to really get proper input of mass debuffs and damage intake is via open space as PvP isn’t a very viable place to bug hunt. But those will be posted probably in the coming days.

17:43:04.167  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000001570 ->         MrJeyJus|0000001570  63.02 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:43:04.510  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000001570 ->         MrJeyJus|0000001570  63.02 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:23.649  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 15384.35 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:25.345  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 1834.00 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:26.423  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 3475.13 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:33.450  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 4309.96 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:34.177  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 5476.13 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:34.842  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 5837.37 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:45.731  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 6526.70 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:47.886  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 3205.12 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:49.573  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 216.14 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:51.474  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 2246.29 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:52.375  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 1596.76 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:53.162  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679 2904.53 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:57.439  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679  32.07 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:58.273  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679  32.07 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:44:59.305  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679  32.07 Module_GreenDrones_15

17:45:00.076  CMBT   | Heal           MrJeyJus|0000003679 ->         MrJeyJus|0000003679  32.07 Module_GreenDrones_15

53266.8 shield regeneration in 2 minutes!


[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20308)[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20309)[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20310)[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20311)

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | shield regen bug |
| What you expected to see | shield regen bug |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | When I spec module drones take damage (“repairing the ship for 30% of received damage”) |
| Problem details | I guess this is the problem it probably heals too much |
| Frequency of reproduction | frequent/always |
| Time of bug | ~18:30-18:33 |


screenshot                                          20201120183300_1.jpg

11:51:38.180  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 12531.55 Module_UntouchableGhost_13

11:51:22.077  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 14680.00 Module_UntouchableGhost_13
11:51:22.745  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 3228.32 Module_UntouchableGhost_13
11:51:24.377  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 13507.67 Module_UntouchableGhost_13
11:51:40.429  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 4980.78 Module_UntouchableGhost_13
11:51:42.663  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 14683.00 Module_UntouchableGhost_13
11:51:43.396  CMBT   | Heal      TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 ->    TheDarkRedFox|0000006412 5837.37 Module_UntouchableGhost_13

So I just got the bug after being hit by like 12 enemies in OS at the same time. Hadn’t recently used GM, but it healed me to full every 0.2s or so.
The only things that I can attribute to it are taking lots of damage from lots of damage sources, with a number of debuffs applied.



This is the only log element that shows up consistently when the issue is happening.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20312)[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20313)[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20314)

Screenshots from 2019. But this not Waz’Got, it’s Brokk! Unfortunately I have no logs which is weird because I usually keep logs from situations like that. Happened only two times so I thought it was just a single occurrence…


Anyway, some other logs from AI Waz’Gots from 2019:

23:24:04.116  CMBT   | Heal        Infiltrator|0000034679 ->      Infiltrator|0000034679 7088.36 Module_GreenDrones_15



How to replicate it:

1: set up a wazgot with green mist and any modules ready for combat. (Preferably one able to tank a lot of damage)

2: launch in to any game mode (easiest to do outside of a station in open space)

3: Start blindly killing things until your danger level reaches lv5.

4: Once you start taking lots of damage from many sources, there’s a solid 10% chance that your shield will start regenerating nonstop and you’ll be for the most part invulnerable.

5: (tips) it helps if you have 4 GM drones, and have lots of sources of shield regeneration already, like combat shield regenerator, and active modules.

8 hours ago, Gon009 said:

Screenshots from 2019. But this not Waz’Got, it’s Brokk! Unfortunately I have no logs which is weird because I usually keep logs from situations like that. Happened only two times so I thought it was just a single occurrence…


Anyway, some other logs from AI Waz’Gots from 2019:

23:24:04.116  CMBT   | Heal        Infiltrator|0000034679 ->      Infiltrator|0000034679 7088.36 Module_GreenDrones_15

Yes, this bug has been sighted on ships other than Waz’got (I’ve seen it happen to Valor, Phoenix, Hammerhead and Thar’ga so far) but Waz’got is the easiest one to have it trigger accidentally on you within PvP - all the others the triggers are far too hard to meet without being killed in the process.

Multiple sets of game, combat and game-net logs supplied each with a confirmed trigger of the bug. Guideline format will primarily be similar to previous evidence report with changes for further details in an attempt to find similar debuffs, damage inputs and module activations that could match up between the evidence sets.


Fresh trigger occurred on live server, current update (1.7.4a.142804 Nov 20 2020)

Regular format as per bug report guidelines


1.   As per the bug hunt, I was able to regenerate my entire shield capacity in an extremely short span of time.

2.   To take damage and only have regular shield regeneration input from modifiers and modules.

3.   I was taking heavy damage and debuffs from Open Space police units when I successfully triggered the pursued bug.

4.   On both occurrences during evidence the bug triggered there was only one element which lined up - being that a new debuff timer appeared the moment the bug began (virus chip on second activation, shield break cooldown on first).
→This brings up a new theory on activation that… well, a new debuff of some sort being applied is somehow triggering the bug with in the prior report the bug activated upon leaving “spawn invulnerability” may have been due to the “multipurpose implant” cooldown being added and then the longer activation being caused by the shield break implant’s cooldown being added to the debuff list.
→This could potentially explain previously noted triggers which included:

  • Vacuum Resonance laser
  • Dag’tnith Launcher
  • Blaster turret debuffs
  • Gravibeamer
  • Inhibitor beam
  • Engine Suppressor

Although this would not explain the presence of the bug on non-Ellydium ships and low hostility NPCs, it is once again a potential theory (one of many of course).

5.  This bug is extremely difficult to replicate on demand and currently is simply only able to be documented via “trial and error methods” which is extremely costly to players (Karma, Credits, Time).

6.  New evidence attached including two new clips - just don’t mind the commentary, I was in the corp discord at the time.

7.  Once again I didn’t think of documenting the time during activation - server times may be able to be seen via game logs.

8.   DxDiag was provided in a previous report, not attaching to this one.

9.  Not applicable.

10.  Not applicable.


Evidence of successful triggers for documentation purposes (audio warning as per usual, mic was enabled)


[shield_bug_log_4(new).zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20317)[shield_bug_log_5(new).zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20318)

To avoid spam, please post your findings in this topic.

Please avoid spamming in the entry thread.

got it, but posted on the other page.


[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20378)[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20379)[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20380)[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=20381)