Container Drop Rates

Hey all,

I thought it may be useful to show what you can expect to get from buying containers. Feel free to post your results!

Results from 30 Rare Destroyer Parts Containers, bought in 5x sets
6 bonus guaranteed Neodium plates (out of 6-30 possible) 

1 Neodium Plate- 0 drops
3 Neodium Plates- 0 drops
2 Impure Neodium- 24 drops
5 Impure Neodium- 0 drops
Pure silicon- 13 drops
Computing chip- 21 drops
Processing block- 14 drops
Metal Blank- 10 drops
Graphite Plate- 10 drops
Screened Battery- 9 drops
Osmium Crystal- 13 drops



Results from 70 Very Rare Destroyer Parts Containers, bought in 5x sets
14 bonus guaranteed Beryllium (out of 14-42 possible) 

1 Enriched Beryllium- 3 drops
3 Enriched Beryllium- 0 drops
2 Impure Beryllium- 65 drops
5 Impure Beryllium- 0 drops
Pure silicon- 32 drops
Computing chip- 27 drops
Processing block- 28 drops
Metal Blank- 34 drops
Graphite Plate- 34 drops
Screened Battery- 31 drops
Osmium Crystal- 17 drops


Results from 30 Contraband Containers, bought in 5x sets
20 bonus guaranteed Monocrystals (out of 18-30 possible) 

1 Monocrystal- 8 drops
3 Monocrystal- 5 drops
5 Monocrystal- 3 drops
10 Monocrystal- 2 drops
Pure silicon- 13 drops
Computing chip- 12 drops
Processing block- 17 drops
Metal Blank- 16 drops
Graphite Plate- 6 drops
Screened Battery- 16 drops
Osmium Crystal- 10 drops
ANY R15 weapons- 0 drops


Very bad drop rates, not surprised when comparing to my own experiences.

Can you do the same thing with pie chart but this time istead of 1 2 5 10 mono stats do just mono stats?

Are you buying them one by one or 5 at a time?

2 hours ago, Oregyen said:

Are you buying them one by one or 5 at a time?

He was doing 5x

I like the idea, though it has one huge flaw… some items are guaranteed, but some are comoletely Random. I suggest you make two graphs per container, one pie g. with guaranteed items (ie. which kind of berry drops, either 2, 5, enriched or 3 enriched etc.) and the other column graph with the items like metal blank. Also what orca Said.

6 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Can you do the same thing with pie chart but this time istead of 1 2 5 10 mono stats do just mono stats?

Sure. As previously, I’ve been doing “drop rates of each option”. Here is a “drop amount” version of the Contraband:

Results from 30 Contraband Containers, bought in 5x sets
20 bonus guaranteed Monocrystals (out of 18-30 possible) 

Monocrystal- 58 items (78 total with above bonus)
Pure silicon- 13 items
Computing chip- 12 items
Processing block- 17 items
Metal Blank- 16 items
Graphite Plate- 6 items
Screened Battery- 16 items
Osmium Crystal- 10 items
ANY R15 weapons- 0 items


1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I like the idea, though it has one huge flaw… some items are guaranteed, but some are comoletely Random. I suggest you make two graphs per container, one pie g. with guaranteed items (ie. which kind of berry drops, either 2, 5, enriched or 3 enriched etc.) and the other column graph with the items like metal blank. Also what orca Said.

I thought about that, and looked on the game again. Apparently, the only  written  guarantee is the bonus neo plates or enriched beryllium when you buy 5x containers. You can theoretically get no bery or neodium per crate, or all of them. The fact that each container contains at least 2 unrefined ores…is an unwritten thing.

With how I had it set up, I did not include the “guaranteed neo/bery” from the x5 crate bonus in the pie charts. 

Suffice to say, you can pretty accurately expect to get 1.8 neo/bery minimum per x5 crate (1 bonus + 8 impure). Just…don’t expect that much more.

But, everyone likes pie charts! And they’re easy to make…so here they are!


I can help out with data like from 100 clicks on x5’s, that should be more precise than less than 100 i presume. For now i only have data like how many x5’s to get a specific premium from scratch.

Sure! Post them, or send the data to me and I can pie chart them ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

It will take time, in the meantime check out the gs handbook i made.

Thanks for the charts ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

So what I can see, from this research on destroyer bundles, is that non berry/neo parts are 14,2% per resource, berry/neo parts are like 85% 2 impure, the remaining 15% the rest. Ofc when you buy x5 you get guaranteed plate/rod, so then its like 18 impure pieces total.


After some math one destroyer equals at least 18 x5 containers. (Structure only). R11 is 18 x5 super rare, 12 x5 common. (2 Structures - one destroyer)

Just from my experience:

The shippart container drop at least everytime 2 parts.
With 5%(-10%)? as chance of 10 parts. Don’t know how many container I opened, but a 50 parts thing never dropped until now.

1.8 Beryllium per 5x
625 GS when on sale
18 containers needed at most for 32 Beryllium
18x625 = 11250GS… roughly $35+/- dollars in GS

I guess that’s ok? As opposed to grinding your arse off for 5 months.
So Beryllium is roughly equivalent in cost to $1 per unit of refined, though this becomes more if you compare to a $5 package as opposed to $100

Follow this link to see theoretical “Lucky Container” drop rates!: