Constantly facing off against a pre-made team of what appears to be cheaters

Hi and thanks for taking the time read and do something about this.


Over the past 2-4 months I am constantly getting placed fighting against teams that consistently have the same players on them. Not once have these players appeared on my side in a conflict, always against.

I noticed that when I am playing against that team there are some really weird things that happen, that after 4 months of this I would say is cheating.

For example, you hear “bzz, shields down, boom!” in the span of less than a second (like the boom happens before she can say shields down). At first I thought It was just a stronger ship, but after this long I think it is cheating or an exploit because I have unlocked and fully upgraded 3 higher level ships since then and it still continues to happen when playing against members of that team.

Sometimes you will see a beam laser firing close to you, but not actually hitting you, and you can watch it miss all around you, but you still take damage from it for some reason.

Other times I will equip ships that bolster hull tank to 150-170 resist for all damage types for a few seconds once activating a module, I will be taking sometimes no damage at all due to armor repair, it’s like someone gets mad that they discover I’m tanky (for 3-5 seconds), and then they just hit the delete key on me.


As you could imagine, you don’t want to play with, or against these people ever again. Ever.

You hope that if you add them to your ignore list, that not only will that stop them from sending you messages, but hopefully stop you from going into match making with them as well. No one wants to play with people like that.

You can’t right click the enemy team at the end game lobby to commend, message, report, or ignore these people, which if I could, I would of messaged, reported, and ignore all of them.

If you try to manually ignore them by going into the “Social” menu and typing in there name (which I wrote down on paper so it was spelled exactly the same), the game tells me there is no such player with those names.

They are impossible to get rid of, xxxx to play against, I don’t have a clue wtf is going on.


Are these guys Bots? Is this some Clan bug? Can they cheat so badly that they manipulate match making? Are they internet forum volunteers abusing their privilege? Are they developers abusing their privilege? Who are these guys, and why do they make the game so unenjoyable for others to play?


Honestly I have to go up against these people at least 1/4 of my PvP matches, and they need to be dealt with.

I beg you please, do something about this, and If that means stripping someone of their privilege, do it!


Thanks again for reading, and you time.  

Here is a screenshot of some of the people (if not all of them) on the red enemy team of the people I am talking about.



Bots. They’re called bots. And yeah they have aimbot. Everyone wants them gone.

I would wait 10 minutes for a match to not play against them…

Thanks for the conformation, I always thought they were bots, but wasn’t sure.



What made me think they were Bots and tipped me off to it being the same people the whole time, is the entire team had the same manufactured Alien ship, the Flying Saucer DLC ship, and some other manufactured ship.
I was thinking how is it possible that all of the opponents purchased that DLC, and manufactured the same other 2 ships, and then placed them in the exact same order in their slots. Must be bots, I thought.

19 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Bots. They’re called bots. And yeah they have aimbot. Everyone wants them gone.


I don’t. I like to play vs full team of AI. They are a better challenge than most PvP games. I agree that they shouldn’t pop up in regular PvP games, though.


59 minutes ago, ForbiddenSo22547 said:

Honestly I have to go up against these people at least 1/4 of my PvP matches, and they need to be dealt with.

I beg you please, do something about this, and If that means stripping someone of their privilege, do it!


Then maybe instead of playing vs AI games, just select PvP mode? You are saying you play for more than 4 months, so you should definitely have PvP unlocked (it unlocks at prestige lvl 6).

What you posted is a typical game of skirmish vs AI game. 

52 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

I don’t. I like to play vs full team of AI. They are a better challenge than most PvP games. I agree that they shouldn’t pop up in regular PvP games, though.


Yeah it isn’t Vs. AI I’m Picking OwnageMaster, it’s PvP, and they are these bots TheDarkRedFox is talking about it.

Since posting till now every single PvP game I have played has been less than 30 second wait time and was against those bots.


Please get rid of them.


EDIT: OOPS maybe I was picking Skirmish… Will write back in a bit. Sorry about that.


EDIT 2: Yeah turns out I was I didn’t realize there were 2 different vs AI options for PvP. used to be called PVAI I’m pretty sure, like TheDarkRedFox said. Also I’m pretty sure PvP used to be called Skirmish, so I got hella confused.


Anyways, I have actually been playing PvP now and have not seen those xxxx bots since.


Thanks OwnageMaster.


2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:


That’s what I said, no need to shout.


1 hour ago, ForbiddenSo22547 said:

EDIT: OOPS maybe I was picking Skirmish… Will write back in a bit. Sorry about that.


EDIT 2: Yeah turns out I was I didn’t realize there were 2 different vs AI options for PvP. used to be called PVAI I’m pretty sure, like TheDarkRedFox said. Also I’m pretty sure PvP used to be called Skirmish, so I got hella confused.


Anyways, I have actually been playing PvP now and have not seen those xxxx bots since.


Thanks OwnageMaster.

Yeah, those UI changes can be a little confusing ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

No worries, and have fun ![:fighter:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fighter.gif “:fighter:”)


1 hour ago, ForbiddenSo22547 said:

Anyways, I have actually been playing PvP now and have not seen those xxxx bots since.

If you haven’t seen them since, you’ve been extremely lucky. PvP is ALWAYS filled with bots. Always named after players in the game though, to confuse people.