Connection lost. Reason: client unable to connect.

Every time I queue up to join a game, i get this error. I have never been able to join a game without this happening and I tried a wireless and wired connection, got the same problem no matter what. Please help, I really want to try out this game and it looks like a lot of fun.


Game Logs:


— Date: 2014-02-23 (Sun Feb 2014) Eastern Standard Time UTC-05:00


13:26:23.197        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

13:26:23.197        | //

13:26:23.197        | // Build: StarConflict (Feb 20 2014 13:32:45)

13:26:23.197        | // params: -lang ENGLISH -nosteam

13:26:23.197        | //

13:26:23.197        | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

13:26:23.197        | 

13:26:23.199        | Preloaded 1 SStrings

13:26:23.362        | Number of audio devices: 2

13:26:23.362        |  Audio device 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)


13:26:23.363        | Speaker mode: STEREO

13:26:23.363        |  Audio device 1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)


13:26:23.363        | Speaker mode: STEREO

13:26:23.363        | Number of recording audio devices: 1

13:26:23.363        |  Recording audio device 0: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)

13:26:23.363        | Speaker mode: STEREO

13:26:38.957        | Environment setting ‘default’ loaded

13:26:38.967        | Entity Defs hash 97D6E0FF. calculated in 0.93 ms

13:26:40.223        | BnRandCaller succeeded

13:26:40.410        | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change

13:26:40.456        | ====== starting level: ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’  ======

13:26:41.561        | Environment setting ‘mainmenu’ loaded

13:26:44.125        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus

13:26:44.155        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion

13:26:44.155        | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed

13:26:44.155        | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess

13:26:44.405        | ====== level started:  ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’ success ======

13:26:44.536 WARNING| frame 262 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.345325)

13:26:44.873        | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1

13:26:44.873        | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is

13:26:44.873        | MasterServer_OnServerAddresess: status code 0

13:26:45.209        | MasterServer_OnNewsFeed: status code 0

13:26:46.471        | MasterServerEndpoint: connecting to load balancer at [0]…

13:26:46.471        | Requesting web advert …

13:26:46.497 WARNING| frame 578 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.137231)

13:26:46.610        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to load balancer, awaiting shard address…

13:26:46.758        | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: status code 0

13:26:46.763        | Applying LB cvars…

13:26:46.763        | ‘sv_dailyWinExpRewardCf’ ← ‘2.000’

13:26:46.768        | MasterServerEndpoint: received shard address (

13:26:46.768        | MasterServerEndpoint: received chat server address (

13:26:46.769        | Disconnecting from load balancer

13:26:49.907        | MasterServerEndpoint: connected to shard, awaiting auth request…

13:26:51.694        | MasterServerEndpoint: Successfully login to masterServer, uid 000FB334, nick iShenanigans, spaceStationZoneId 1

13:26:51.846        | StoreSvc: received store hash, its dc639b4e

13:26:51.846        | StoreSvc: loading store cache

13:26:51.847        | StoreSvc: cache signature matches, loading the store from cache

13:26:51.847        | Game store size : 386.98926 Kb

13:26:51.852        | StoreSvc: loading base store took 5.0 ms, but there is a patch probs…

13:26:52.050        | Store patch size : 1.00098 Kb

13:26:52.050        | Store patch was packed, unpacked size : 4.32617 Kb

13:26:52.050        | StoreSvc: proceeding to special values loading…

13:26:52.340        | Player doesn’t chose his faction yet

13:26:52.415        | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change

13:26:52.486        | ====== starting level: ‘levels\mainmenu\mm_empire’  ======

13:26:53.074        | Environment setting ‘mm_empire’ loaded

13:26:55.073        | ====== level started:  ‘levels\mainmenu\mm_empire’ success ======

13:26:55.088 WARNING| frame 1767 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.187639)

13:26:55.405 WARNING| frame 1769 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.262378)

13:27:30.465        | json parse: 0.00ms jsmn, 0.03ms to-m3dDict, 0.03ms total

13:27:37.100        | MasterServerEndpoint: enter matchmaking queue with mmvalue 17

13:30:36.853 WARNING| MasterServerEndpoint: leave matchmaking queue ( but will join the game soon )

13:30:40.263 WARNING| m_bufferizedUICalls delivery took 7.9 ms

13:30:40.330        | MasterServerSession: connect to dedicated server, session 5077648, at addr|35001, zoneId 0

13:30:40.351        | client: start connecting to|35001…

13:30:40.538        | client: connected to|35001, setting up session…

13:30:55.332 WARNING| client: couldn’t connect by timeout (frameTimeReal = 0.007803)

13:30:55.332        | client: connection closed. DR_CLIENT_COULD_NOT_CONNECT

13:30:55.332        | Network stats (bytes per second): avg pushed 1, max pushed 3, avg sent 37, max sent 61, avg received 65, max received 123

13:30:55.477 WARNING| frame 32867 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.130242)

13:31:05.272        | GameApp shutdown

13:31:05.274        | Closed connection with masterServer addr, reason 41

13:31:05.277        | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus

13:31:05.277        | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion

13:31:05.277        | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed

13:31:05.277        | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess


Someone please help I really want to play this game I would really appreciate it!

Repair the client, restart the modem and router.

I’ve restarted my modem and router multiple times already. What do mean mean/how do I repair the client?

I’ve restarted my modem and router multiple times already. What do mean mean/how do I repair the client?

launcher window.

Didn’t help :confused:

Check that there is no firewall/anti-virus/router/etc. blocking the connection. The specific port in that log that may be blocked would be 35001 UDP.

You can also file a support ticket.

Already tried disabling everything, still not working. Thanks for the suggestions though and any more would be appreciated.


Please note that I am encountering the same exact issue at this very moment and it is the SECOND TIME it happened to me. I already raised a ticket last time and even said I’m expecting an investigation to push through with results even if it already got resolved by itself after some time. And to my unsurprise, it seems nothing was investigated.

Still need help if anybody has suggestions! Nothing I’ve been trying has worked.

Sorry, man… Can’t think of any more advance troubleshooting for you as mine just gets fixed by itself overtime. I don’t mean to bring your hopes down but I have a  ticket for the same issue I think about a month ago that hasn’t even been responded yet until now.