Congratulations on Victory Day!


im confused, what is this for?

im confused, what is this for?

Commemoration of teeth kicking the xxxx’s back across there boarder.

Why they put Su-27’s on the poster instead of the Yak-9’s or Il-2’s that actually did the job is anyones guess though.

Nice picture;) Congratulations :01212:

same here ^^

do not misunderstand this one

I wonder if they knew it would rhyme back in the day? “9th of May is Victory Day!”

Caros Camaradas ,

Sou do Brasil , meu país também lutou ao lado dos Aliados contra as Hordas Nazistas.

Todo cidadão deste Planeta deve Comemorar o dia da Vitória com muita Honra.

O Mundo tem eterna gratidão aos Soldados Soviéticos e ao Exército Vermelho.

Pois se somos pessoas Livres hoje , devemos isso à União Soviética , ao seu povo e ao Camarada Stalin.

Toda Glória à Grande Mãe Rússia!


Dear Comrades ,

I’m from Brazil , my country also fought alongside the Allies against the xxxx hordes.

Every citizen of this Planet should Celebrate the Victory Day with great H onor.

The world has eternal gratitude to the Soldiers Soviet’s and the Red Army.

For if people are Free today , we owe it to the Soviet Union , its people and to Comrade Stalin.

All Glory to the Great Mother Russia!


Дорогие товарищи,

Я из Бразилии, моя страна также воевали на стороне союзников против нацистских орд.

Каждый гражданин нашей планеты должны праздновать День Победы с великой честью.

В мире есть вечная благодарность солдатам и советской Красной Армии.

Ведь если люди бесплатно сегодня, мы в долгу перед Советским Союзом, егонародом и товарища Сталина.

Все Слава Великой матушки-России!


sp.gif brasil-segunda-guerra.jpg

*Google Traductor, Dammit

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