Confirmation of the team list participating in Summer#1:Second chance

Teams allowed to participate in the tournament:

  1. Legend’s
  2. RDS
  3. NIKA
  4. АСЫ
  5. ANGER
  6. Charlie Жёлтые
  7. Newубы
  8. Winen
  9. winner
  10. Syndicate
  11. Иридевые Стержни
  12. Level up Team
  13. Happy Meet
  14. Wolverine’s
  15. Celestial Guard
  16. Grey Cardinals
  17. Deft
  18. StarForse
  19. СССР
  20. SINQ
  21. Random team
  22. Snails
  23. Exosquad
  24. |Pew|
  25. GoD
  26. HOWLS
  27. IT4LY
  28. bearTrap
  29. Ultra
  30. ReinbowPonies
  31. CZech Ravagers [CzR]

Memebers replacement is allowed.


The following players can’t participate in the tournament:

  • members of super-testers teams
  • members of top 4 teams of the Summer#1 tournament.

[Want to know more?](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27398-summer1-second-chance-tournament/)

if this is an other tournament … let me check if we can join in … but so far i wud say , *Aye where in*


Team so far :


  • xevilxGodlike

  • SonaThorne

  • XofJSA

  • zombeh144

  • AliAlyoshaz

  • ivan270212

  • Tayexir


Reserve :


  • LudwigHR

So many registrations so far…

Pardon the ignorance, but why is it only these corps allowed to compete in “summer second chance” ?  Why not all corps allowed to register ?  (Excluding, the top 4 teams from Summer#1 tournament of course)

I assume there is another thread that I missed and am curious.

Pardon the ignorance, but why is it only these corps allowed to compete in “summer second chance” ?  Why not all corps allowed to register ?  (Excluding, the top 4 teams from Summer#1 tournament of course)

I assume there is another thread that I missed and am curious.


These are not the corps, but the team names.  It is the same list of teams that participated in the first tournament.  Now they are kinda being given a “runners-up” tournament, where some weaker corps will be able to get rewards.

Guys! today is the last day to apply!!