
 We all know how ridiculously bad the Matchmaking system is now for the PvP. Seeing  instances of 1 teams destroyers being all 14 and the other all 11s or 1 team with 2 destroyers and the other team without a single destroyer. We’ve seen a team of all R15 facing a team with r12s and 13s. Regardless of our complaints nothing has changed about it. If anything it seems to be getting worse. You have players who have been playing for years quitting over it. There are 3 things that need to start happening now that may force a scrapping of this absolutely horrible system.

  1. Bad reviews - I use to recommend this game to people and have had a few join because of it but that needs to stop and we need to be on websites like steam and any other gaming website that promotes or allows the downloading of this game giving the continual bad reviews until a change is made.

  2. Purchases - People need to agree to stop making purchases from the game with real world money. Ive personally seen other games forced to change when their members stood up and said they wouldn’t spend another dime on the game until changes are made. If enough people commit to this where it starts hurting the pocketbooks of the people financially backing this game then it will get their attention.

  3. Contact - The backers of the game need to be flooded with emails about the problem with the game and how our complaints are falling on deaf ears, they have to know that we are angry and are doing about it and they need to know what we expect to happen.

 Also if anyone reading this can speak and write passable Russian please get this posted on the Russian boards and as many other languages as possible.

46 minutes ago, UnBRoken said:

We’ve seen a team of all R15 facing a team with r12s and 13s.

And this is a problem why? The new MM confers bonuses to those R12s and R13s.

Also, git gud.

They have added bonuses to lower ranks so it is not too bad . Rather the actual players matter more, though often it so happens that the team with the r10 is a newer player…

Also you won’t really reduce the spending much considering lots of people never read the forums or chat, and buy premium ships for full price etc

As for the people who have gitten gud, the only thing you’ll see of them is their horse’s legs towering into the sky. Some say there is a body and rider up there, but no one knows for sure any more :stuck_out_tongue:

6 hours ago, UnBRoken said:

Ive personally seen other games forced to change when their members stood up and said they wouldn’t spend another dime on the game until changes are made.

Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. The individuals that mess up the games monetary statistics with downright mental purchases are usually the people that cant play this or pretty much any other game in general. On the other hand developers see money increase so they presume they are doing the right thing.

The other issue is, people remember there is a forum only when everything went to **** but when it’s all good, Sahara seems to have a richer population.

All in all, block ship ranks not fitting into the battle and the MM is fine, until players get involved and feedback like a grown objective adults, they don’t deserve better. With all due respect.

8 hours ago, UnBRoken said:

We all know how ridiculously bad the Matchmaking system is now for the PvP. Seeing  instances of 1 teams destroyers being all 14 and the other all 11s or 1 team with 2 destroyers and the other team without a single destroyer. We’ve seen a team of all R15 facing a team with r12s and 13s.

I have been often criticizing the MM for various reasons in the past. Now, they reduced 3 destros per team - so I won’t complain about their ranks at all.  Besides that, many seasoned players were a bit against Destroyers in general. For me personally, it is still too early to say, what Destroyers exactly will do in the balance, I think the next whole year will be full of increasing talk about Destroyers, and I still am not sure, if I care - I personally find them quite boring.

The mixed tier system works at least a lot better, with the bonuses for missing implants - they still need a bit of a finetuning, and maybe the game will be tuned completely into that direction, who knows, but generally, i find, now a R10 ship isnt obsolete if you reach R15. And that’s awesome.

Your introduction is therefore misleading, we do not all know how ridiculously bad the MM system is - in fact, those who knew the MM when it was really bad, most probably would absolutely not agree. While of course, there is a few people, who think, the MM is always bad, because they don’t win as often as they think they deserve to…

On 11/30/2016 at 0:08 AM, Mecronmancer said:

And this is a problem why? The new MM confers bonuses to those R12s and R13s.

Also, git gud.

 Because in almost every case a pilot flying a r11 ship is gonna be inexperienced. No boost or bonus will ever make up for experience.

19 hours ago, g4borg said:

I have been often criticizing the MM for various reasons in the past. Now, they reduced 3 destros per team - so I won’t complain about their ranks at all.  Besides that, many seasoned players were a bit against Destroyers in general. For me personally, it is still too early to say, what Destroyers exactly will do in the balance, I think the next whole year will be full of increasing talk about Destroyers, and I still am not sure, if I care - I personally find them quite boring.

The mixed tier system works at least a lot better, with the bonuses for missing implants - they still need a bit of a finetuning, and maybe the game will be tuned completely into that direction, who knows, but generally, i find, now a R10 ship isnt obsolete if you reach R15. And that’s awesome.

Your introduction is therefore misleading, we do not all know how ridiculously bad the MM system is - in fact, those who knew the MM when it was really bad, most probably would absolutely not agree. While of course, there is a few people, who think, the MM is always bad, because they don’t win as often as they think they deserve to…

 I agree that limiting 3 destroyers to a team is a great idea but only in a drug filled delusional state is it considered equal to have a r14 matched up against a r8 destroyer. And my experience with this game goes back over 2 years and this is the worst I’ve seen it.