Community Managers Dialogues #2. Part 2

The second part of the Community Managers Dialogues with beautiful Ashley! 




P.S. Guys, Ashley is the only person from the team who agreed to be recorded speaking in English. So now the dilemma for me is to find the way to let you hear the other members from the team. BUT they will agree to speak only the native language. So I see only 2 solutions: I will read their answers after translation or I can create subs… Which one do you think is better? Do you see other soutions?


P.S. Guys, Ashley is the only person from the team who agreed to be recorded speaking in English. So now the dilemma for me is to find the way to let you hear the other members from the team. BUT they will agree to speak only the native language. So I see only 2 solutions: I will read their answers after translation or I can create subs… Which one do you think is better? Do you see other soutions?


Hmm, I would say make it with subtitles.

If you do that, you can give the russians actually the same dialogue, while making it understandable for us too, if you make it with adding english quotes of all answers, the russians won’t get it or Lezort has to cut more. My opinion about it. Actually I care more about information than about the english itself. Or make them speaking english anyways! It’s for the community.  :006j:

Subtitles. Or force them to learn english :stuck_out_tongue:

Subtitles are obviously the easiest solution. Maybe just releasing an English translated transcript would be fine, too.

Alrighty! Then let’s make it with subs :wink:

Yes, subtitles will do. But if you don’t feel like doing the extra job then just use your Pikachu powers (or a taser gun) to make other team members speak English too. Or you could do voice-over for the sake of nostalgic memories of old VHS movies and of course because we all love your cheerful and kind voice (and not because it would be hilarious :fed004: ).

:005j: you are adorable))) 

:005j: you are adorable))) 

Sigh… I know. Thx.

I think subs will do. Im ok with listening russian language (at least I can understand something) until i don’t have to read it in cyrillic. :smiley:

edit. God bless Word Lens app. :wink: