Combat Recon PvP errors

Have been launched into PvP Combat Recon three times when the Commander (Capt.) has been lost even before the battle has started for myself and I am sure for others.  This is a huge sacrifice to the players involved in this obvious error in programming since it is such a lose/lose scenario.  I would suspect that this is occurring for both sides making one side the immediate victor and the other the defeated which includes the loss of pilot efficiency points, all synergy (earned and free) and voucher values, contract loyalty values, etc. which degrades the game enormously.  This game flaw should be analyzed immediately since it has seemingly gone undetected up to this point by the developing team.  I have not seen anything posted yet, but have heard very unsatisfactory comments by other players who have been subject to this programming error.  Please look into this sequence of this game mode and have it rewritten to make it fair and challenging to both teams who enter into this mode in order to bring a degree of sensibility to PvP play section.  Thanks 



this issue is known and we are working on a fix.