Combat alert. Timeline of events



The timeline of important events in the world of Star Conflict for the upcoming weeks.


Star Conflict Team


Summary for the lazy with added speculation.

  • 25th of March - Federation frigates scheduled for sale, likely Boremys due to popular demand but may be Archelon
  • 26th of March - Update is scheduled | Includes Scylla, Paper Plane simulation created by a simulation, Papa Crab’s DLC (timed, don’t buy it), stay at home event and the usual April Fool’s stuff
  • 27th of March - ‘Empire ship’ components on discount, either Scylla is premium or Brokk discount scheduled or Gargoyle release again
  • April the 1st    -  ‘April fools update’ scheduled | likely the crab claws despite many disliking them returning year after year 
    • Jericho ship parts for sale, potentially Executor due to popular demand but may also be Dart
  • April the 3rd   - ‘Ellydium ship starter pack’ discount scheduled. Nothing too special.
  • April the 8th    -  Jericho ship components scheduled for sale again. Either Executor again or new Jericho ship coming (unlikely)
  • April the 9th    -  Cosmonautics day scheduled, likely returning Endeavour parts, Spiral parts as well as the unique presets for both ships
    • Scylla is available for DLC, not worth unless you by some chance miss it from release event (we’re all in quarantine aren’t we)
    • ‘Special premium license’, likely missable
  • April the 10th - Weekend discount and ‘events’, not much to speculate there.



Too bad it’ll probably cost way too much like Black Ghost. I really don’t like these special ships being limited like this.

3 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:



Too bad it’ll probably cost way too much like Black Ghost. I really don’t like these special ships being limited like this.

Nobody liked them being time limited. I literally didn’t hear a single person say they liked Black Ghost being event limited  when you had to pay money to get it.

59 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Nobody liked them being time limited. I literally didn’t hear a single person say they liked Black Ghost being event limited  when you had to pay money to get it.

I hoped that Black Ghost will be made permanent some time after that event as people wanted, too bad devs didn’t listen to them. At least we know now that these ships are waste of money. This ship is literally Vigilant but without any customization which makes it worse that Vigilant, I don’t see a reason not to keep it permanent.

Seriously, paying for digital assets is a big enough leap for me, there’s no way I’m paying for a ship I can’t use ~50 weeks of the year. I will pay for Executor parts, if that goes on sale.

I’d pay 99¢ for something like this but honestly nah. Whatever they’re charging for it, it’s too much if it’s limited.

The main attraction here is the paper ship. Other than that, the Scylla ship could make me grind. I am generally tired of simply grinding for 4 years. I have noticed that I log in the game to play maybe 3 battles and visit OS, and enough of grinding. The devs should finally look at the game Freelancer and let players travel and trade between different star systems. For example, farm 100 Silicone in Jericho sectors and then go to Empire and barter your minerals for some ship parts. This sort of Trade would make the game more immersive, make players spend more time, and this would be in trend with the modern games like No Man’s Sky, or Citizen. Also, dear devs, I am sick and tired of too many beacons in PVP. I have nice ships, but I cannot use them because becaons mostly require small interceptors, and all my snipers and frigates and dessies and tacklers ![:fed014:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed014.png “:fed014:”) simply do not get used. And, please, update game audio and hangars. Hangars are boring. Simply putting Christmas trees there is not interesting, and it destroys the atmosphere of the game. Come on, christmas trees in year 4620 in pilot hangars, in the world with pocket universes???

Wait, last year the Papa Crab thing was just a reskin of the Brokk, so now it’s going to be a completely separate ship we have to buy… ? Made more sense to just reskin the Brokk, but a moneygrab is a moneygrab I guess.

Oh… the Scylla is locked to Portal games, some pvp gamemode available only at specific time of day. That’s why they already announced Scylla DLC for 9th April because they know that barely anyone will get the ship without DLC… Why did I think that devs will create some accessible and fun event?

I even prefer another moonpass event than that.

Is anyone else getting an ‘invalid assignment type’ error when they try to start the Timed GS mission?

4 hours ago, Gon009 said:

Oh… the Scylla is locked to Portal games, some pvp gamemode available only at specific time of day. That’s why they already announced Scylla DLC for 9th April because they know that barely anyone will get the ship without DLC… Why did I think that devs will create some accessible and fun event?

I even prefer another moonpass event than that.

Incorrect. Scylla components drop infrequently from Special operations, Portals has the materials required to make a singular component.

5 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Incorrect. Scylla components drop infrequently from Special operations, Portals has the materials required to make a singular component.

Oh, I see, thanks for correction.


Still, locking the ship behind A, the worst gamemode in the game after Survival and B, some pvp available at specific time of day is just bad. Also, it seems that Portal battles do not give any rewards, I just won one and didn’t receive anything.

So I guess this is intended and we just all need to buy DLC to get the ship.

Ok first off gotta say making us play for 25 of the energy router packages is making me a little bit mad (because of the number of them) though I’d probably not be as mad if we had a percentage of if we get it (like .50% chance to get one each game) secondly the elite contract for the 200 gs doesn’t work when I click accept, it just pops up “unable to perform  operation, Failed to accept mission. Error: Invalid assignment type. So ya…that’s broken (though I suspect it to already have people working on fixing it right now) and also just a suggestion to make the game better (for me at least) make Carrier type ships (like the Vigilant you could make it release a drone squad) just a thought that I hope you all take seriously