Just 2 thoughts about what I think needs to be fixed:
- There is a pretty big number of maps where it’s very hard to see the beacon, because… it’s dark, it’s black ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
The background is also dark, like space, or dark-brown rocks, buildings and so on.
So, sometimes you can warp 10-12km to the next one that activates…except you loose 10-20 seconds to look for it!!
How about changing the colours of beacons, no matter if they are active or not?
Or they could have 2 colours, one for the active beacon and another colour for the inactive ones. Or 3 colours, but anyway… some way of making it easier than it is now to see them, to find them.
- Sometimes you warp into a map (PvP) and it happens to have an object VERY close to you. A few examples: Artuga maps: those red tubes, some columns, or others sorts of object. Other maps, some rocks, buildings too. It’s really unpleasant, especially if you use a dessie, not to be able to jump 2000m in front, because… you’d hit a building.
I mean, it’s a huge map, can’t certain warp-in places be made in such a way that you don’t hit a building 5 seconds after warp-in?