
Hi all.


I looked would have posted this in Misc, but this forum has to do with modules, so here it is.


I don’t know how many other people who play this game are colourblind, but I’m one. I must say I don’t have any major problems, but one thing that is annoying is that I can’t tell the difference between Mk3 and Mk4 modules. This doesn’t hurt me in any way, it’s just an annoyance. I think it would be nice if the colour of one of those was changed. Of course, there are probably more people who like it the way it is, so maybe adding customization or a colourblind mode where some colours are changed to easily differentiable ones may be more to everyone’s liking.


I don’t think that much consideration will be given to this, but I thought I would toss it out there.


Thanks for reading!


Edit: Just saw the suggestions section… Sorry

Im sorry you have that situation…if it helps, you can check the level of upgrade of each module by clicking it (expanding) and seing the progress bars…i cant came up with a faster way to check that.

Sadly the game would become an information overload in pve/pvp with a colorblind mode that used icons (like in TF2) so sadly, I don’t really see much of a solution in sight. Stick with the statcards of a weapon or expanding it’s info.

The best part about things like this is my favourite word involving balance: “optional”.

If you’re not colorblind don’t use it. Problem solved. ^^

Good day!

We are really sorry. Our team would like to eliminate this inconvenience. Please contact Skula 1975 through PM to discuss the details of this idea.

The best part about things like this is my favourite word involving balance: “optional”.

If you’re not colorblind don’t use it. Problem solved. ^^

The idea TF2 has again seems like the first thing one could use, but since there are more elements beyond “damage effect, other effect, healing, damage, teams” it could become an information overload.


A different idea would be needed.