you know it in here, we know too, time to fix it & bring the hammer down, you might also want to look into who your mole is…
What hack?
??? explain???
Threads without any real content or substance, should get closed.
A hack? Incredible! What happened?
2 minutes ago, theNoob said:
A hack? Incredible! What happened?
Ikr I’m interested too! This game is supposedly impossible to hack because all technicalities are handled on the terrible servers. XD
57 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
Ikr I’m interested too! This game is supposedly impossible to hack because all technicalities are handled on the terrible servers. XD
There is enough that is not handled by the server like rendering, they should make rendering also server sided so that wallhacks and aimbots are impossible to do since the client does only have the picture and not also position data and so in the RAM
And it would make the game more fair since everyone would have the same frame rate (except the premium players with the high frame rate package)
4 hours ago, John161 said:
There is enough that is not handled by the server like rendering, they should make rendering also server sided so that wallhacks and aimbots are impossible to do since the client does only have the picture and not also position data and so in the RAM
And it would make the game more fair since everyone would have the same frame rate (except the premium players with the high frame rate package)
Make it happen!
Hum. Guys.
That’s not how it works.
Many of you already complain about a terrible ping, and you want them to send a hight resolution picture at 60 FPS?
And even with good servers, that would make the game absolutely impossible to play for any players with a small bandwidth.
When everybody will have a bandwidth of 1go/sec, then and only then we can think about rendering server sided. And even like that, there is the problem of FoV (players who use a very large screen or multiple screen for exemple).
4 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:
Hum. Guys.
That’s not how it works.
Many of you already complain about a terrible ping, and you want them to send a hight resolution picture at 60 FPS?
And even with good servers, that would make the game absolutely impossible to play for any players with a small bandwidth.
When everybody will have a bandwidth of 1go/sec, then and only then we can think about rendering server sided. And even like that, there is the problem of FoV (players who use a very large screen or multiple screen for exemple).
Lol u as about to say the same thing. Immagine the complaints piling up about invisible crash medals and objects never loading. XD
9 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:
Hum. Guys.
That’s not how it works.
Many of you already complain about a terrible ping, and you want them to send a hight resolution picture at 60 FPS?
And even with good servers, that would make the game absolutely impossible to play for any players with a small bandwidth.
When everybody will have a bandwidth of 1go/sec, then and only then we can think about rendering server sided. And even like that, there is the problem of FoV (players who use a very large screen or multiple screen for exemple).
a 50Mbit would be enough for 60fps full hd but this would be a premium version ofc, for no paying players only 720p30fps and for that a 16Mbit connection would be fast enough, but whatever my suggestion was thought as a joke and it WOULD reduce the possibility of cheats but also would shorten the playerbase and yeah the delay until the picture is on your screen and you control is sent to the server would make this game unplayable (100ms until you see the picture, 100ms more until your control would be at the server → it would only increase latency drastically since your screen <-> control would be atlest 10 times higher then when you have a normal client and not a videoplayer with mouse and keyboard input)
And different resolutions have different prices, it is so easy 
I want some of what ever this guy is smoking. This game is already expensive enough.
The only hacks I am aware of involves manipulating ping, or FPS, but that has both positive and negative consequences.
On 9/15/2016 at 2:08 AM, John161 said:
a 50Mbit would be enough for 60fps full hd but this would be a premium version ofc, for no paying players only 720p30fps and for that a 16Mbit connection would be fast enough, but whatever my suggestion was thought as a joke and it WOULD reduce the possibility of cheats but also would shorten the playerbase and yeah the delay until the picture is on your screen and you control is sent to the server would make this game unplayable (100ms until you see the picture, 100ms more until your control would be at the server → it would only increase latency drastically since your screen <-> control would be atlest 10 times higher then when you have a normal client and not a videoplayer with mouse and keyboard input)
And different resolutions have different prices, it is so easy 
Really mate tell me, I play with a 1 Mbps plan, considered mid tier plan, where I live, so what frames should I run so that I don’t crash?
Y’all are being ridiculous. John was (incredibly obviously) kidding about the suggestion. I’m more interested in hearing about what this “code line hack” is. Haven’t seen anything at all suspicious lately, and I get the feeling smokey isn’t about to provide any more evidence besides “it’s obvious…”
Hey if the player of SMOKEYSHADOW caliber calls out cheats, that gotta be real
still wating for infos bout code line hack. Why is there no answer??!!!
52 minutes ago, theNoob said:
Why is there no answer??!!!
because it’s a troll post
True. Just asked him ingame about the Codelinehack, he refused to answer… did not think Smokeyshadow was troll but its true.
On 17/09/2016 at 11:58 PM, xKostyan said:
Hey if the player of SMOKEYSHADOW caliber calls out cheats, that gotta be real
Lol, as you get further from Zlodei07 your packet loss disappear. Same when you kills him. You’re far from zlodei no packet loss, you get close, bam 2% packet loss. The guy must have tought it was subtil enought to not get spotted. And it ain’t because of the action. it doesn’t happen if he ain’t there. MIght just be coincidence tho.