Close Quarters Maps

I was wondering everyone’s take on close quarters maps - kind of like Ice Reef, but more so.  


I love chasing enemies or losing them through the narrow passageways.  It adds a really fun piloting experience to the game.  Maybe the next close quarters map could be inside a giant, decayed, abandoned space station/ship (I know stuff doesn’t decay in space, but still… it would look cool).  I’m not saying the whole map should be close quarters, but definitely have 50 - 70 percent of the volume be CC.  How sweet would that be?


Let’s hear your guys’ opinions.  Thanks.

Thud galore. Ambush tactics. Epic guided torpedo sniping. 


Translation: fun.

I would like to see more close quarters.  It would discourage frigate balls since you cannot gate between beacons. It sets up nicely for small dogfight encounters.

I would like to see more close quarters.  It would discourage frigate balls since you cannot gate between beacons. It sets up nicely for small dogfight encounters.


It wouldn’t discourage them, pulsar and minefield mania ftw lol, they would just be more compact, bulky and slow, maybe that would be the thing that would discourage them.

It would be interesting indeed. Remeber the very first Descent games? Before Freespace? Flying inside structures could be an amazing experience. Might even pop up new game modes, like go out and salvage stuff.


I’ll go propose the game mode in the respective thread and link this thread to it :slight_smile:

Its much tougher staying as a big group when you have to navigate cluttered areas.  They would also be ambushed en-route by faster ships and have to expend their mines and pulsar before reaching the beacon.  Their slowness would also mean they could be out capped.  

maybe a map with a huge asteroid in the center of the map that is like a maze inside with a few objectives inside


you could have tiny passages that intercepters can fit through but frigates and fighters can’t and big chambers for fights