Cloak vs locator

I’ve noticed that the cloaking buff that comes from EM camo or chameleon etc is removed completely when in range of a microlocator. This used to not be the case for EM camo and you could destroy the beacon to become invisible again. Please bring back this functionality, as microlocators are already too overpowered as-is.

micro-locator, overpowered ? Haha 

Recon have always been useless. Why use recon, when you can use ECM or CO ? The only use they had, was spotting invisible ships. And half of the invisible ships in game were using “radar cloak” that can easily bypass the locator. 

This is much better this way. 




Honestly it’s fair tbh, a bit over the top but fair nonetheless.

Are y’all joking? Or nah? Because I used to rek sum skrubs with my recons back in the day. (Sai mostly, now Nightingale)

It’s not because you kill stuff with recons that they suddenly become useful. 

All ships can kill stuff. That doesn’t necessarily make them useful. 


Recon have only 2 purposes :

Countering invisibility. And capturing beacons. 

Beacon capture is available only in 2 game modes. 

And only 3 roles out of 10 really use invisibility (LRF, CO, Tacklers). Other roles have barely a few seconds of invisibility (so nobody cares about it). 

And 2 out of 3 of these roles (CO, LRF)  were able to easily ignore recons due to how their invisibility worked. 


Even the heal debuff of spy drone is useless because if you need it, you can get it on CO and ECM too. 


So with this micro locator buff, recons still need a major rework. Similar to something that guards got. 

It’s less about balance/etc and more about effect layering. It shouldn’t completely remove cloak effects, only make the affected target visible while in the field, and then back invisible once the ML is destroyed or you exit the field.

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

It’s less about balance/etc and more about effect layering. It shouldn’t completely remove cloak effects, only make the affected target visible while in the field, and then back invisible once the ML is destroyed or you exit the field.


and why not?

WoW! Just Wow! I support eet!

Yeah the microlocator buff kinda made taikin even more buffed. Another thing is this return crystal thing… like how am I (mind personally, in a LRF, alone, with no ally tackler nearby or microlocators) supposed to counter the taikin? He uses cloak WITH the damn holoship thingy, you know he’s going for you, can’t spot him flying 700 mps, so what, you RT. Then what? Taikin is still cloaked so he will fly towards you and warp into your face STILL not detected by radar and teleports you without you even knowing that anything happened. Wth is that?! 



I’d say let taikin have the return crystal, but in exchange make it so that you can’t abduct enemy/ally ships. In the end, it’s still the best F module out of the four you can choose! With one keyboard button push you can get teleported across the biggest distance in the game, anywhere, instantaneously. 

Get close to your team ?

What’s the point of that when the taikin is CLOAKED?

Your team have micro-locators too.

And heavy drones block warps, even if he is cloaked.

34 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

“(mind personally, in a LRF, alone, with no ally tackler nearby or microlocators)”

And not always is your team going to have recons. Especially now when taikin is here, they won’t be using no microlocators 

I’m using microlocators on my Tai’Kin.

But that exact thing happened to me! 6v6, we had no elly ships, the other team had two (!)taikins and one kept focusing fire a d abusing the mechanic… no tackler, no recon at all. When you tell your teammate that accidently brought tackler to use it, he just responds something in gibberish Cyrillic… And you can’t do anything else now since the game forces you to play certain class to earn the parts…

So, you’re complaining that you died in a ship that is countered by the enemy, because you’re team wasn’t flying the counter of your counter ?

Then don’t fly this ship in the first place.

The only forced role with the current missions is recon.


I don’t use micro-locator on my tai kin. I use harvest crystal. It’s a micro-locator that can deny beacons.  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

Well, some missions require you take part in battles as a fighter or a frigate, you don’t have to play them the entire game, just go for a little, die like a moron and mind your business doing whatever a recon is not supposed to.

Also, unlocking the Harvest crystal is possible from R13, not gonna get that anytime soon judging by the annoying way of unlocking nodes.

26 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Well, some missions require you take part in battles as a fighter or a frigate, you don’t have to play them the entire game, just go for a little, die like a moron and mind your business doing whatever a recon is not supposed to.

Or do it the hard way :

Spawn in the required ship. Self destruct. Spawn in what you want to play.

8 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Or do it the hard way :

Spawn in the required ship. Self destruct. Spawn in what you want to play.

If only we could without throwing away our missions. 'Tis a pity we can’t actually fly what we want any more.