I’m sad to say that even with the small amount of new modules that came with Empire gunship fighters, most of the classic ones are still hard to fly. I’ve been having a very hard time using gunship fighters in both pvp and pve as there are better ships to fly out there, namely tackler and guard.
Gunship fighter’s need a rework to it’s special ability. All I ask for is a PASSIVE function for the special ability on classic fighters. That would solve basically all the issues with gunship fighters.
Hint from a Star Conflict Veteran
Build a proper ship! Use the role specific modules! Raise the ship synergy and modules level to maximum! Play tactically! (If the previous things don’t succeed write a suggestion for buff your ship or nerf every other ships.)
Gunship fighter’s need a rework to it’s special ability. All I ask for is a PASSIVE function for the special ability on classic fighters. That would solve basically all the issues with gunship fighters.
I’m interested:
What kind of module would you like to have on your gunship?