Classes are irrelevant.

Up until this day i was satisfied with everything that the devs has given us, i haven´t logged into the game yet but just by reading the contents of the new update that came out i really feel like classes are now irrelevant, gunships that can move across maps in seconds, TOO much homing bullxxxx that doesnt require any aim. And engineering frigates? what purpose do they have when ships can self repair both their hulls and shields in expense of the surplus energy the ship generates, like seriously. I never complain but wtf… And most of the modules i saw (sent by a friend on whats) are cheap remakes of existing modules and weapons! For example “Quark-beamer” it acts exactly like a halo launcher does except it shoots 1 time. And the “new” ThiEs Beam, is just a cheap copy of the Tilith Beam like for fvck sake… Almost every module i have seen come out so far has certain aspects from older ones. Doesn´t the devs have any imagination what so ever? I love your game but come on. 


(Release the Granite and Wolfhound already)



25 minutes ago, DeathWasp said:

(Release the Granite and Wolfhound already)


No , they don’t  … But its all good , because the classes have been  worthless for years … nobody plays teams , nobody plays classes , no real rewards are given for proper class play … so the only thing your left with is damage and kills , which give the most reward … It stands to reason that EVERYTHING has moved toward damage … but at the end of the day its a good thing … you pick the ship design you like most and equip OP mods and modules to make it what ever you want it to be … I always complain but after seeing my Tyrant chew through a Ariadne’s frigate in seconds at 18,000 damage per hit I see the need for UBER OP weapons and modules … without them PVE will become unplayable and with the current MM set up to predetermine wins and losses it might be a good thing to have a N00B team predestine to loose do 100,000 DPS to the winning team and stand a chance of winning against all odds .

I don’t mind having these new jump abilities if every role/class gets something similar. LRFs, recons, destroyers, gunships already have them, so why not give the rest something too. It might add some new tactical elements to the game.


As of the high damage… well, nerfing is always an option. It is a testing phase after all.

1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

gunships that can move across maps in seconds,

Excactly 2 gunships are now able to warp 1500m with a 40 sec cooldown


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

what purpose do they have when ships can self repair both their hulls and shields

There are a lot of occasions where you need that self healing because a lot of engineers aren’t playing their role properly


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

“Quark-beamer” it acts exactly like a halo launcher does except it shoots 1 time

On that one i must agree, but it still deals way more damage and has a 30 sec cooldown. In addition to that, I can see the module having a huge difference in usage to the halo launcher, because it will mostly be used in close quaters


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

ThiEs Beam, is just a cheap copy of the Tilith Beam

Have you even tryed this item? It works the other way round. Spread is lowered and damage is powered up while shooting (Ti’lith does nothing like that). Besides that it is no aimbot weapon


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

Almost every module i have seen come out so far has certain aspects from older ones

I like most of those mechanics, plus they actually make sense on Gunship fighters. Give the imperials a possibility to reasonably regenerate hull? Sure! Buff Federation regen at max speed? Why not? Heck, strengthen stats like crit chance and resistance depending on nearby enemies? Hell yeah! At last meta seems to be drifting away from 6km distance strafe fights.


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

Doesn´t the devs have any imagination what so ever? I love your game but come on. 

But i still agree. A lot of items added, don’t really score a lot of points regarding creativity.


1 hour ago, DeathWasp said:

(Release the Granite and Wolfhound already)

Damn you are right! Please devs, stop delaying those ships, you have teased them last year!

Classes? You mean ship roles (or sub-classes)?


Basically we still have the connection between ship roles and their designated special modules:

Interceptor class:

 1. Recon            Microwarp engine

 2. Covert Ops    Plasma web

 3. ECM               Metastable energy field generator

Fighter class:

 4. Gunship          Overdrive      

 5. Tackler           ODG Chameleon     

 6. Command       Diffusion shield      

Frigate class:

 7. Long range     Disintigartor, Guided torpedo

 8. Engineer         Combat drones        

 9. Guard             Phase shield    

Destroyer class:
 Rang 8,11,14

  1. Suppressor     Empire energy router, Federation energy router, Jericho energy router      

 Rang 14

  1. Suppressor     Empire energy router, Spatial stabilizer, Beam destructor   

  2. Suppressor     Federation energy router, Spatial stabilizer,  Attila targetting complex     

  3. Suppressor     Jericho energy router, Spatial stabilizer, Warp reflector


But I would expect that these various special modules of the silver and golden (premium) ships will undergo a future rework, look at the research-roundel of the Ellydium ships, each Ellydium ship (Tai’Kin, Thar’Ga, Waz’Got) has 5 different special module versions to research/select.

Insofar, the new modules and weapons of SC v1.5.0x lets the silver, golden (premium) ships get on par with the Ellydium ships.


Maybe the devs will collect data/statistics about use-distribution of ships and in the end of the upgrade process of SC, only the best ships or the most used ships will remain and make way for new ship-developments. In the end, a game can only deal with so and so much complexity In other words, in-game variability is finite.


Poeple complained few ships were op. What better balance than making all of them op. Should please everyone. I bet you’ll be happy once your favorite type gets it’s rework.

Off cause! It is a version of balancing in the end!

Well to be fair the gunship rework is really weak compared to the others. It’s almost laughable…

9 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Well to be fair the gunship rework is really weak compared to the others. It’s almost laughable…

Yes i deffo agree

thanks for the new modules, the thermal damage over time one is just what i needed to make damage in the falloff ranges.  Not a fan of the the’is or whatever, damage seems low for the range it gets. yeah i know damage over time and the overdrive doesnt seem too shabby with it, but empire gunships just dont have the kind of slotting to make that kind of weapon good when i have to choose between vernier and heatsink for a close range weapon. I guess its ok on the lightbringer because it gets TTWH but I’d still rather have ions due to the reach.

On the topic of classes, I know I don’t really play a fast gunship 90% of the time (working on a wolf) but people stay away from me and for good reason. Only thing with bigger bang is a covops and so many people dont know what they’re doing in them. That said, I feel bad sometimes for what I do to interceptor and tackler players. depending on who is flying.

The only thing that i find annoying in pvp is the Thi’Es Beam thingy. Its damage grows over time while the spread decreases. After a few seconds it basically acts like a Pulse Laser with aim assist, which is slightly (very) annoying when flying interceptors.


The Plasmer is very rewarding to use.

On 1/20/2018 at 3:28 AM, Scar6 said:

The only thing that i find annoying in pvp is the Thi’Es Beam thingy. Its damage grows over time while the spread decreases. After a few seconds it basically acts like a Pulse Laser with aim assist, which is slightly (very) annoying when flying interceptors.


The Plasmer is very rewarding to use.

thi’es clings to targets like flux phaser tracking laser does when aim assist is enabled. All you have to do is shoot in the general direction and it will even cling to invisible players.