Clan battles

5 rounds in a row, either NASA  or Nova in small 4-5 man teams.



Please, take this out. Its no small wonder why the clans get so high ranking when all they only need premade vs non premade in small-teams.

-1; ppl will coop besides their corp. “nationality”, the corps just make it easier. join one, or create your own, but even that is not necessary, Im not in any corp and I can bite a lot nearly anyone :) 


yes, im dead if 3 ppl target me, but its mostly my mistake - get with my ship too far to enemy zone. 

This is a team game, not a solo game. Either join a corporation or create a squad and invite some decent players in it.


Don’t blame other players for actively seeking team play, but be part of the solution instead.

I know what you mean. You often get matches where one side is all corp veterans and the other looks like random pubbers. Of course the random pubbers might be very skilled and organized in squads, but you don’t know. And that’s very bad for morale.

The matchmaking is quite challenged as it is, but maybe people in corps-squads should be weighted higher, because you can expect them to play together a bit better than other squads. You want games to be a challenge, not “play with corp = win”, right?

Note that these squads are weighted higher in the match making than solo pilots.


It’s not a good idea to do this purely for corp-squads as I often fly with other corps (and vice versa) and those squads are just as deadly as ‘pure’ corp squads. For example, last night we had a WPK/NASA/ESB squad flying together and on Teamspeak - this really isn’t any worse than meeting a ‘pure’ squad. How would you detect this vs. a ‘normal’ random squad? And trust me, this is VERY common place.


If you make the queue harder for pure squads all people will end up doing is mix the squads from two corps together and receive the exact same results. Just saying.

Just saying that if you’re from the same corp, I expect you to play together more often, and thus work better as a team.

How would you detect this vs. a ‘normal’ random squad? And trust me, this is VERY common place.


No discriminating. All squads should be weighted higher regardless of corp allegiance.

You could also go for a learning approach. If you and some other player play together and you’re successful, your weight is increased should you form a squad. Should you lose, it is decreased. Sort of a regression approach.

You know what, forget about ratings and do that instead :wink:

You can fall back to ratings if you haven’t gathered enough information yet.

The MM system already compensates for squads by changing (increasing) the bracket said squad queues into. Since this is a team-based game, I would be careful about further punishing squads as we do not want to discourage them from forming.

Who said anything about punishment? Matchmaking’s job is to produce evenly matched teams. To do that it needs to accurately represent each player’s skill. Teamplay is part of that.

No discriminating. All squads should be weighted higher regardless of corp allegiance.


Like both myself and Zeik already mentioned in the posts above - this already is the case :slight_smile: