Charge Weapons redesign ideal!

Happy birthday “Star Conflict”!

Charge weapons like Gauss Cannon and Positron Cannon are great in making a suprise first shot or long range hit, however it’s very inconvenient when using those guns ( switch between charging shoot and continues firing ). I have an ideal that we can make them become auto charge guns. That mean when we hold the fire button, that gun will become a normal gun that can continues fire its rate of fire, and weapon spread degree will be max as it non-charging status. When we release the fire button, that gun will itself start charging -  similar with charging status of  the current charging gun, auto charging process will not heating the gun but cannot be stack with the gun’s cooling process.That mean charge guns will have 3 status.


1- Weapon is cool: auto charge until max accumulation. and keep the shoot there.

2- Weapon is heated but not overheat: auto charge ( gun aren’t cooling ) when max accumulation gained start cooling gun

3- Weapon is over heated:  cooling gun then auto charge if not holding fire button.


So that we can have a wonderful gun that can continue firing and charge at once. :005j:

nice idea but needs to improvement some sort prepare to ppl yell’s about their similar ideas

Sorry for my bad English, i just want to share my opinion because i think that there are not too many people want to reuse current charge gun after tried them. Moreover, I think it will be great if ships can be in burning screen if their hp  is low such as <50% can has a small buring, <15% is a torch light for people to kill him or save him.

No thanks, goose cannon is fine as it is. Your proposition would make its mechanics overlap with the assault railgun’s

Happy birthday “Star Conflict”!

Charge weapons like Gauss Cannon and Positron Cannon are great in making a suprise first shot or long range hit, however it’s very inconvenient when using those guns ( switch between charging shoot and continues firing ). I have an ideal that we can make them become auto charge guns. That mean when we hold the fire button, that gun will become a normal gun that can continues fire its rate of fire, and weapon spread degree will be max as it non-charging status. When we release the fire button, that gun will itself start charging -  similar with charging status of  the current charging gun, auto charging process will not heating the gun but cannot be stack with the gun’s cooling process.That mean charge guns will have 3 status.


1- Weapon is cool: auto charge until max accumulation. and keep the shoot there.

2- Weapon is heated but not overheat: auto charge ( gun aren’t cooling ) when max accumulation gained start cooling gun

3- Weapon is over heated:  cooling gun then auto charge if not holding fire button.


So that we can have a wonderful gun that can continue firing and charge at once. :005j:

No. I use positron all the time, and I can tell you, there’s good reason to shoot with a partial charge quite often. Usually that reason is interceptors. Regardless, forcing a gun to accumulate its maximum charges before starting to cool down is a very, very bad idea, especially since it makes shooting with a partial charge much more difficult than it needs to be.