Changes in the Bonus System and Matchmaking

Games with three difficulty types, which we’ve covered in news in detail, have recently appeared in skirmish. This system has allowed to create larger-scale battles and significantly reduced battle queue time. The new system also allowed to add new tactical decisions to the gameplay. But there was no intersection of two types of battles: ‘average’ and ‘hard’. Now they do intersect, and rank 9 ships receive a bonus of 55 shield and hull resistance pts., as well as 40% damage bonus in hard battles.




Starting today, skirmish can include the following battles:


●     Easy: for ships of ranks 1 through 5;

●     Average: for ships of ranks 5 to 9;

●     Hard: for ships of ranks 9 to 15.


We are carefully monitoring battles of all difficulties.


Successful missions to you, pilots!

[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31876-ship-bonuses-in-the-new-matchmaking-system-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=383565)


After analyzing the results of fast fights, it was decided to adjust the ranks that the difficulty types include. From now on skirmish can include the following battles:

●      Easy: for ships of ranks 1 through 5;
●      Average: for ships of ranks 5 to 10;
●      Hard: for ships of ranks 10 to 15.

Good luck in battles, pilots!