Change password for login

So, yesterday I play on Hungarian client and for some reason the client didn’t working, on laucnher he write Server Offline, so I change server on English and he worked all good, today when I try login in game he write *can’t login because password or e-mail is incorrect, I choce (remember acocount details) so it’s impossible that was not the same pass and e-mail, but I try sometimes write pass e-mail but nothing, when I registered in game I dind’t change pass or e-mail never…
To enter in game I had to change password.
I’m afraid If someone has hacked my account, or it’s just simple technical problem, when I login nothing has disappeared, I have all things, ships, galactic standards…but damn I’m afraid…
I contact [CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/ “Go to CinnamonFake’s profile”) for this problem, but I want ask If someone other player he had the same problem that I have.
Thanks for the reply Greetings from Predatore.

Servers were off for a short while yesterday.

You sure you typed correct password? If you changed password, everything should be fine. You can change password to email associated with game if you are worried about you account being compromised.

5 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

Servers were off for a short while yesterday.

You sure you typed correct password? If you changed password, everything should be fine. You can change password to email associated with game if you are worried about you account being compromised.

Yes yesterday I typed correct password but not working, today I had to change or I could not enter the game. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)
Ps… as written before I choice *remember account details, so when I want login I never typed pass and e-mail.

Okay. I just had the exact same problem. I could not log in either into the game or the forum. I had to change password to get acces to the forum. Which of course would not have been possible if the game site hadn’t opened my account automatically that it often does for some reason…

… And I just saw the techincal issue message in the launcher window so now just waiting for resolution.

same problem here, cannot login


I have same problem as well ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) - i feel sad ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Image result for sad monkey

We are special. We are parts of the more than 4 million that got blocked.

I could log in now. Back in business…

:open_mouth: Seriously?  How happend? ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) 

Are login troubles continue now?

For me no, working good.