CBT Forum access

No acess here

Nick ArqueiroX

E-MAil jrm_jeferson@yahoo.com.br


Everyone who had written here are give an access.

Basecode - didn’t register here

no access

nick: Slamscape

Hi, I´ve received the Star Conflict - Beta Access mail with the directions for downloading the client. But after logging with my account I found two problems:

  1. Can´t download the client (Requires Validation Access Code).

  2. Can´t access the CBT Forum.

Nickname: Syrus

Email: asm.syrus@gmail.com

Thanks for verifying that information.

Regards to all!

no access to beta forum yet:

nick: alpham21

For everyone who still did not get access to the beta forum leave a post and I will collect the names.

where is the Beta Forum ?

Hi, I´ve received the Star Conflict - Beta Access mail with the directions for downloading the client. But after logging with my account I found two problems:

  1. Can´t download the client (Requires Validation Access Code).

  2. Can´t access the CBT Forum.

Nickname: Syrus

Email: asm.syrus@gmail.com

Thanks for verifying that information.

Regards to all!

I had the same problem, the solution is to login in YUPLAY account with the same mail as the invitation mail

(if u applyed for a beta key and received a e-mail, so, u probrably have a YUPLAY account with that e-mail, just try to reset the password)

same here

Can’t access the beta forums.

No forum access

Nickname: Navenis

Email: Navenis@hotmail.co.uk

I dont have access yet ether.

Nick: AcidLies

Emai: Imaword@gmail.com

I can’t access CB forum

Cant access the CB Forum

Nick: Carmesim

No access =/

same here

no access :frowning:

nick in game: S3r4fin

I had the same problem, the solution is to login in YUPLAY account with the same mail as the invitation mail

(if u applyed for a beta key and received a e-mail, so, u probrably have a YUPLAY account with that e-mail, just try to reset the password)

Thanks for the information, I did this procedure and now I am downloading the client without any problem.


The CBT Forum is online? Can´t find it.

I got no access too :confused:

I also dont see the CB forum

yuplay nick:PACC

I don’t have access to the CB forum