Cargo Ships

I’ve noticed lots of unused models and stuff laying around in open space, including large shielded cargo ships. You can find the majority of them in corporation sectors or in federation space. They are much longer and more massive than any other ship in game, and are never seen moving, though they have huge engines that produce damaging radiation. It would be excellent if pilots could build these to fly around in open space. They would have unlimited fuel, and a huge cargo capacity such as 500pts of cargo space. Its pickup range should either be insanely massive, or it should automatically gather resources from the sector that it is in. It could also be more like a drone ship, where it sits in a sector and sends out drones to gather materials and bring them back to it. Pirates could attack these drones for their contents and “good pilots” could help protect them. It seems like a cool feature that wouldn’t be too hard to implement, as the models are all already in the game.

I suggest that these ships be invincible, but that stored cargo would be in externally visible cargo crates on the ship, and these crates could be targetted and destroyed to render their contents open and for grabs. Ships would have a large shield around them that has limited durability. They would also regenerate cargo pods on their hull (like destroyers regenerate modules) after they are destroyed. Cargo capacity is slightly limited for every cargo crate that is destroyed. Once a cargo crate is destroyed, all of its contents are ejected in to space.


Each faction’s cargo carrier would have a set of unique bonuses like so:

Federation: much higher max speed. more drones. faster drone reconstruction. slightly higher rotation speed. Drones are much faster. Drones have self-defense cannons. Hostile ships cannot cloak within 2,500m of the ship.

Jericho: has an external bubble shield that absorbs damage and can protect drones and cargo pods. this shield has a set durability and recharge time and must be destroyed before the primary shield can be destroyed. Shield regeneration is faster. Drones have small shields.

Empire: has a small armament of self-defense cannons on the hull plates that can be destroyed. They will deal considerable damage to any hostile ships in close range, and triple damage to alien ships. Increased cargo pod durability. Cargo pod durability regenerates over time. Drones are considerably tougher.

Ellydium: any ships within a certain radius will take damage over time via permanent pulsar. Drones can teleport back to the ship with a cooldown if they become too damaged or are full. Ship can open wormholes to other sectors with a considerable cooldown. Cargo containers will absorb ships that touch them to restore durability. (Meaning covie knives must be very well placed.) Any ships destroyed within the shield restore the shield by an amount.

Since they are so large, the would also be basically invincible, but since they are cargo ships, they would rely on pilot or drone support for defense. They would not be usable in normal game modes. Only OS.

They would also require their own hangar room because of their size, but this is easy to do.

  1. Cargo ships are NEVER massive in term of defensives.
    It’s waste of resources AND cargo space.
    They may have more or less a bit of armament, but that’s it.
  2. Flying around in a slow ship(dessy) is painful enough. Just think of those suicide - eh transporter already present. Waiting 2 mins+ for crossing a sector?!
  3. I’m not against this, no it’s very nice. I have a different approach towards ‘squad/team/corp and transporter’ idea.
  4. It would be nice, if there is some risk/reward and the concept of the maps.

It’s a nice thought, but would be someone flying the unfunny transporter to gather resources(with the option to die/lose all?)? It would likely take 10 mins or so up to hours to farm a mass of resources. And not all sectors have safe places/next to no pirates/whatever to not being dangerous and therefore needing escort.

+1 to this, I just have doubt, that the priority(and maybe mindset of playerbase) would be high for this.


DRFox you are talking about cargo ships more massive than the ship in PvE-Fire Support , right?

I would say, there are some players that would like to fly such a behemoth cargo/defense ship. It could be also, that this moving ship would be a docking base in OS. So that corps/pirate player based corps could gather around them, because these ships gather resources from sectors and deliver income against protection, etc… Or player could have extra storage (above 1500 items) via them…

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

  1. Cargo ships are NEVER massive in term of defensives.
    It’s waste of resources AND cargo space.

Have you even seen them??? They have massive plates of armor all over.

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

They may have more or less a bit of armament, but that’s it.
2. Flying around in a slow ship(dessy) is painful enough. Just think of those suicide - eh transporter already present. Waiting 2 mins+ for crossing a sector?!

Though the longer it stays in a sector the more stuff it gathers. It’s like a stuff vacuum.

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

  1. I’m not against this, no it’s very nice. I have a different approach towards ‘squad/team/corp and transporter’ idea.

Its not a squad team transporter idea. It’s for individual pilots. Making this corp only would suck seriously.

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

  1. It would be nice, if there is some risk/reward and the concept of the maps.

Well atm the risk is being instantly destroyed by aliens. The reward is negligible now. 

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

It’s a nice thought, but would be someone flying the unfunny transporter to gather resources(with the option to die/lose all?)? It would likely take 10 mins or so up to hours to farm a mass of resources. And not all sectors have safe places/next to no pirates/whatever to not being dangerous and therefore needing escort.

+1 to this, I just have doubt, that the priority(and maybe mindset of playerbase) would be high for this.

That’s why I say it be nearly indestructible, just not be able to dish out damage. Just go to fed space and look at some of these bad boys.

2 hours ago, avarshina said:


DRFox you are talking about cargo ships more massive than the ship in PvE-Fire Support , right?

I would say, there are some players that would like to fly such a behemoth cargo/defense ship. It could be also, that this moving ship would be a docking base in OS. So that corps/pirate player based corps could gather around them, because these ships gather resources from sectors and deliver income against protection, etc… Or player could have extra storage (above 1500 items) via them…

They would indeed have extreme cargo capacity. Something insane that would almost never fill up.

It’s interesting, + from me ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Added more specifics.

I always wanted to pilot one of those cargo ships.

Oh yeah, think about all those 100 credits and Vanadiums, I’d say SC should remain playable with smaller ships, destroyers are enough, it should show the importance of the smaller units through sheer numbers and teamwork, rushing with hybrid ships, strafe-spinning and spamming everything doesn’t really portray that but it’s something new and “hip” so every russian and his vodka pet bottle do that now, some other people either from 'MURICA or our fancy hellhole Europe too, but my point is that, small ships are fun, do some cool trix and get some kills along your fabulous journey to insanity!

i think i drank too much coke now

18 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Oh yeah, think about all those 100 credits and Vanadiums, I’d say SC should remain playable with smaller ships, destroyers are enough, it should show the importance of the smaller units through sheer numbers and teamwork, rushing with hybrid ships, strafe-spinning and spamming everything doesn’t really portray that but it’s something new and “hip” so every russian and his vodka pet bottle do that now, some other people either from 'MURICA or our fancy hellhole Europe too, but my point is that, small ships are fun, do some cool trix and get some kills along your fabulous journey to insanity!

i think i drank too much coke now

I have no idea what you just said.

33 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Oh yeah, think about all those 100 credits and Vanadiums, I’d say SC should remain playable with smaller ships, destroyers are enough, it should show the importance of the smaller units through sheer numbers and teamwork, rushing with hybrid ships, strafe-spinning and spamming everything doesn’t really portray that but it’s something new and “hip” so every russian and his vodka pet bottle do that now, some other people either from 'MURICA or our fancy hellhole Europe too, but my point is that, small ships are fun, do some cool trix and get some kills along your fabulous journey to insanity!

i think i drank too much coke now

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I just wanted to incorporate the 3x fun we getting lately from survival, elly and updates. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I might just say that the number 5, 10 and 15 enthusiast got fired and a new 3x employee was hired in their place ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Open space will surely be a blast and there is a long way till the first update, maybe we see something like this.

22 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I have no idea what you just said.

Me neither.