Cargo Drones

My suggestions for Cargo Drones:

  1. Cargo Drones need to have an icon simliar to an emp bomb.

  2. Cargo Drones SHOULD be at every warp gate at every sector, This will make every sector just as good/viable to play/farm invasion for every tier.

  3. Cargo Drones Should be colored/designed to reflect the closest dock of empire, federation, or jericho.

Reasons for changes:

Cargo drones can be difficult to see and find.

It should not have to be part of the game to search for cargo drones. It is not fun checking gates in a sector to find no cargo drones.

These factions are supposedly at war, i dont see why they would all be using the same technology/drones.

Cargo drone should NOT be everywhere. 

Cargo drone is too much and allow farming without risk on long run. 

But yes for the HUD upgrade, and why not for a small description of where they are in the map. 

Cargo drone should NOT be everywhere. 

Cargo drone is too much and allow farming without risk on long run. 

But yes for the HUD upgrade, and why not for a small description of where they are in the map. 

By not having cargo drones at each warp gate you make it so some areas are better for farming then others… Which means certain sectors will become overcrowded with pilots, while other sectors will be useless because there are no convienent cargo drones…

By not having cargo drones at each warp gate you make it so some areas are better for farming then others… Which means certain sectors will become overcrowded with pilots, while other sectors will be useless because there are no convienent cargo drones…


I know but sectors with drones are usually or dangerous sectors or empty. So nothing broken here. 

Too much drones mean that I can make millions of credits just by traveling while doing daily. 

Cargo drone should NOT be everywhere. 

Cargo drone is too much and allow farming without risk on long run. 

But yes for the HUD upgrade, and why not for a small description of where they are in the map.

The only risks in Invasion are getting disconnected or joining a laggy instance.

We already do have cargo drones in station protected zones since they changed it to everything being protected, so might as well put the drones everywhere now. Or even better sell some cargo shuttle active module for GS so you can completely afk farm. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not risky only in a recon/fast tackler. 

In a Frigate, it can be painful, and even more with Aliens. 

There are just a few drones anyway. So if we are traveling from a point A to a point B, we have to pass through several gate to find a drone, witch is far more dangerous than just use the one available where you are. 

It’s not risky only in a recon/fast tackler. 

In a Frigate, it can be painful, and even more with Aliens. 

There are just a few drones anyway. So if we are traveling from a point A to a point B, we have to pass through several gate to find a drone, witch is far more dangerous than just use the one available where you are. 

 i know what you mean, i had a full cargo on my naga, couldve sworn there would be a cargo drone in that sector, 15 minutes goes by me checking each warp gate, at least traveled 30km at 267m/s, couldnt find a drone, aliens spawned, killed me, lost all cargo. This happened a while ago, but now i just use recon. mostly.

Every single sector should have at least one cargo drone, and its spawn location should be marked on the map.

Every single “Station protection inactive” map would help a lot.  In any case, the Frontier sectors each have one and because of the time it takes to get there, they’re generally empty and have decent loot.  They’re pretty good for farming.

Every single “Station protection inactive” map would help a lot.  In any case, the Frontier sectors each have one and because of the time it takes to get there, they’re generally empty and have decent loot.  They’re pretty good for farming.

I believe that would be a problem in the future… as i said before, unless all sectors get a cargo drones, areas will be farmed more then others, which would lead to over-crowding.

However what you say is mostly true, for now.

Limiting to the “red” zones would eliminate T1 and T2 players from farming.  It’ll stop those players from getting the impression it’s a farming game.  T1 and T2 players should not get the idea that this game is meant to be farmed.

Why make it more difficult for new players to play the game? Making it take longer for new players to farm doesn’t make sense to me.

At the moment this game is a grinding/farming game. Until they add bosses/ raid battles to invasion.

I noticed that Imperial Transport Hub has a drone, possibly because it started out as a PvP sector. That said, Transit Route has always been PvP and never had a drone… So I have no idea how they decide on drone placement.

I noticed that Imperial Transport Hub has a drone, possibly because it started out as a PvP sector. That said, Transit Route has always been PvP and never had a drone… So I have no idea how they decide on drone placement.

I can’t figure out their current cargo drone placement rules either, although it seems that they are usually around gates that lead back to the main stations… but still. This is not 100% true either

they are usually in dangerous zones