Captain transfer

There needs to be a way for any given captain to step down and give someone else the status of captain. Being captain is great and all, but when you only have one ship / no ships that are survivable as a captain, things get bad fast.


Anyone remember back when destroyers were actually viable as captain ships? Lol.

Was there such an option? I think there was… + anyway

Ah, yea, figured as much.

The system picks up not a random captain, it searchs among the most skilled pilots in battle, the rest is depends on captains themselves. Fair enough) According to this ‘skip myself’ option, we can’t make analog of that due to the some server and client specification at the moment, as well as voting for captains.

so ur telling us that “if u dont wanna be captin play bad a few games” lol  ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)

On 2/15/2017 at 9:49 PM, CinnamonFake said:

The system picks up not a random captain, it searchs among the most skilled pilots in battle, the rest is depends on captains themselves. Fair enough) According to this ‘skip myself’ option, we can’t make analog of that due to the some server and client specification at the moment, as well as voting for captains.

The problem is mid-join, when you first get a 4vs4 in captain match, the most skilled pilots from the 4 pilots may be okay if game is 4vs4. Then suddenly 8 more pilots have much higher skill popped in the battle and don’t get the option to be captain, and they can eliminate enemy captain with ease. I suggest enemy captain is picked after 2 or 3 minutes into the game, and captain effect (75% dmg, no respawn) will take effect 1 minute after. This way all pilots on the battlefield get a chance to be captain, and also make spawn farm much harder. When a good Thar’ga pilot become captain in the beginning vs randoms, the game will be pve in just under a minute.