Cant see menu

Hi and sorry for my English it’s not my native language.

I have got a two problems. First my launcher don’t start the game. After pushing start nothing is happening.

Second, after intro in main menu i cant see any inscription.

Any ideas?

After press start in the starter theres nothing or theres something like that: ‘’ could not run the game". After that i had started the game and there was similar problem - i couldnt saw menu. Im downloading everything again. ill write something tommorow if it will help.


Reinstall didn`t help. Anyone have some ideas what should we do with that problem?


Yes i’ve got the same problem. Got latest drivers, directx PC meets the requirements. Any ideas?

I will be very grateful if some of you help me to resolve that problem.

Ok, i made it. You have to copy all from your game folder to another disc(you know from example c:\star conflict to d:\star conflict). I don`t really know why(mybe its protected or something?) but it is working.

Ok, i made it. You have to copy all from your game folder to another disc(you know from example c:\star conflict to d:\star conflict). I don`t really know why(mybe its protected or something?) but it is working.

Thanks for your help. We hope to find the problem which causes this issue.

Nah it didn’t help. I coped whole folder, only content and nothing.BUUUU :confused:

Did you tried it with all of your discs?

yup even C:\Program Files

Anyone?? Anything?? Please??

At the moment I dont have any other ideas than:

-try to reinstall the game.

-try to change your grafic card drivers

-try to update direct x files.

-done (twice)



and nothing

So i see u cant help me (us??). Thanks for invitation and BB.

At the moment I cant do anything.

Does anyone know in what kind of fonts the ingame letters are written? Maybe he simply misses the desired fonts.

For everyone who has this issue, please download the dungeons ttf.

Got this problem on my new laptop with a new installation of win 7. Downloaded the dungeons standard ttf, installed it and it works. Thx for the hint!