Can't complete Alien Tech: Challenges mission

Mission requires gun I haven’t unlocked.



A lot of people have the same problem we waiting for a fix 

Just now, Ogrande18O said:

A lot of people have the same problem we waiting for a fix 

Will dev compensate with xenocrystals? A f2p player lose 16 xenocrystals a day due to unable to finish these type of mission. It’s been a long time since these missions were introduced… At least give us a cancel button once per day just like the open space mission, or refresh the mission once every 6 hours.

1 hour ago, Milfeulle said:

Will dev compensate with xenocrystals? A f2p player lose 16 xenocrystals a day due to unable to finish these type of mission. It’s been a long time since these missions were introduced… At least give us a cancel button once per day just like the open space mission, or refresh the mission once every 6 hours.

Developers can’t compensate anything. They are powerless. Short answer is NO.

4 hours ago, Milfeulle said:

Will dev compensate with xenocrystals? A f2p player lose 16 xenocrystals a day due to unable to finish these type of mission. It’s been a long time since these missions were introduced… At least give us a cancel button once per day just like the open space mission, or refresh the mission once every 6 hours.

And it would distract too many man-hours from developers to get information whom and how and how much to compensate. Life is not kindergaden!

1 hour ago, avarshina said:

And it would distract too many man-hours from developers to get information whom and how and how much to compensate. Life is not kindergaden!

Life is not Star Conflict!

there are so many time based assignments nowadays… if you could complete the main task whenever you want, something like S.Galo tasks, it would be way better, it would feel like getting an achievement. Right now I rarely get in the game just to do stupid “dailies” which are usually the same all the time, boring as hell. But if every single mission was different and you would have to do something in Open space and you wouldn’t get the same mission more number of times, it would actually feel like a progress. That is the thing that I don’t feel when playing star conflict. Progress in the assignments. The newbies get those and get so many ship parts too, but regarding destroyer marathon or thar’ga marathon, there is only a limited time when you can get the missions… if you could have the number set at lets say 60, you would feel progress.

On 1/30/2017 at 8:40 AM, avarshina said:

And it would distract too many man-hours from developers to get information whom and how and how much to compensate. Life is not kindergaden!

Nope, this is not kindergarten, and I expect products, including video games, to be functional and deliver on what they promise. I’ve put money into SC before, but this kind of broken nonsense certainly doesn’t make me want to put more in. I agree that trying to determine the exact extent of this glitch’s impact on everyone affected is probably a waste of time; the usual thing to do in these situations is to offer some kind of generic compensation (xenochips) to everyone affected, erring on the side of being generous (since you’re handing out virtual goods which cost you essentially nothing in the first place).

9 hours ago, MalfeasanceSC said:

Nope, this is not kindergarten, and I expect products, including video games, to be functional and deliver on what they promise. I’ve put money into SC before, but this kind of broken nonsense certainly doesn’t make me want to put more in. I agree that trying to determine the exact extent of this glitch’s impact on everyone affected is probably a waste of time; the usual thing to do in these situations is to offer some kind of generic compensation (xenochips) to everyone affected, erring on the side of being generous (since you’re handing out virtual goods which cost you essentially nothing in the first place).

Nope! It would you cost man-hours of development and support. Minor things just pass without compensation - as in real life.