Cannot get a T2 Skirmish battle

As requested proper bug report.

 I have 189 pvp games, pretty high w/l ratio, but I got it while leveling up my T1s. Then I got my first T2 ships, my stats started to drop like a stone (I was facing R6s with my R4 white ships ). And then 4 days ago I stopped to have any games. No single PvP game. I talked in general chat to queue with me, guys were getting a game and me not. Some veterans helped me, equipping T2s and they got a game and me not.


1. I didn’t have a T2 PvP game in 4 days now.

  1. Expected result - getting a  T2 game, as my max ships are R6s

  2. Equipped 2 R6s and 1 R5, pressed launch -> PvP

  3. I have 189 pvp games, pretty high w/l ratio, but I got it while leveling up my T1s. Then I got my first T2 ships, my stats started to drop like a stone (I was facing R6s with my R4 white ships ). And then 4 days ago I stopped to have any games. No single PvP game. I talked in general chat to queue with me, guys were getting a game and me not. Some veterans with much higher pilot rating helped me, equipping T2s and they got a game and me not.

  4. Frequency of occurence: all the time. I was trying waiting over an hour in the queue, restarting the queue multiple times after few minutes. Nothing.

  5. Logs attached.

  6. Example time: 6th of September 2015, 12:39 GMT+1

  7. DxDiag.txt attached



[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9766)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9765)



Same here. I use my usual list of T2 ship, no changes in this list, but I can’t get any T2 PVP game since sunday. I just stay in the searching waiting room forever…

Good day!

Thank you for the info. Working on the problem at the moment. The changes should be implemented in the nearest future

T2 PVP is working again, they have added more bots, to compensate for the lack of players.


Yeah. I just faced Siegfried from DESU. 1 on 1 + 7 bots. He killed like 30 bots, and then he spawn camped me with 5 bots assisting him. His rating is over 6000 and has a lots of games. 


T2 PVP is working again, they have added more bots, to compensate for the lack of players.


And I think I was facing you as well in 1 on 1 battle.


Wait. What Siegfried was doing in T2?

Lol bots in t2 now?


When will they put be in t3? Just to finish off this big mess…



I queued 4 hours and a half and couldn’t get a T2 battle so I stepped down to T1 single ship, then I constantly getting battles within 3 minutes, and then you realize how bad the general public is in T2. I’m getting about 2-3 agents per battle not counting combat recon.

Wait. What Siegfried was doing in T2?

Boosting stats…

Ok. So. In the last 8 days I was able to get 3 (three) PvP matches. 2 of them were 1vs1 and one 2 vs 2 (I squadded up with friend). I’m still trying to finish my T2s, but I just got bored. How many times you can play same PvE over and over again? Invasion started to be repetitive as well. I wanted to learn ship roles, strength and weaknesses of each faction but it’s just BORING in PvE. Not too mention when you are taking ECM to PvE battle you are usually liability to the team. I was so bored that I finished agent assignments for Open Space and PvE (I couldnt do it for obvious reasons for PvP one :/)


I think I need to change the game. Thanks everyone for the support.

I wait for 20-30 minutes before I get a  game (for last week or so in pvp rank 15)…if I get one at all…maybe I get to play an 8 minute round then wait another 30-40 minutes…I try open space to see if that helps the servers, it does not. why do I spend money on this game if I just sit and wait?

I wait for 20-30 minutes before I get a game (for last week or so in pvp rank 15)…if I get one at all…maybe I get to play an 8 minute round then wait another 30-40 minutes…I try open space to see if that helps the servers, it does not. why do I spend money on this game if I just sit and wait?

Queue Conflict, the game where you have to buy another game when you don’t want to die cause of boredom.

try some brower games during the Queue-time. You’ll hear the “dumm” sound before the game starts so I can suggest you something what doesn’t have loud sound effects. I did this several times when I tried to play leagues :smiley:

I wait for 20-30 minutes before I get a  game (for last week or so in pvp rank 15)…if I get one at all…maybe I get to play an 8 minute round then wait another 30-40 minutes…I try open space to see if that helps the servers, it does not. why do I spend money on this game if I just sit and wait?

Err… Have you set your preferred region to “any region” in options? r15 pvp queue barely ever takes more than 1 minute for me.


Obviously except for EU early mornings which is also US night, especially on Mondays.

[CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/user/257821-cinnamonfake/) (Today, 06:14 PM): 
Matchmaker will get an update in nearest patch pretty soon.




Err… Have you set your preferred region to “any region” in options? r15 pvp queue barely ever takes more than 1 minute for me.


Obviously except for EU early mornings which is also US night, especially on Mondays.

This might be, as well as he simply might have chosen a bad time to play.

No further reason to pick on the game’s que system.


