can we Chose what gamemode we want in pvp

its always get annoying that we can’t chose what gamemode we want , i have try to find combat recon for 2 days but i don’t get that gamemode can we please added ‘chose gamemode’ or maybe they added this in the future. 

This can be a good idea when trying to complete particular assignments/missions.

However I believe it may increase wait times for a PVP battle.

Hello ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) This was discussed previously many times. Unfortunately we can’t divide queue in matchmaker for different game modes, due to technical reasons. The custom battle is able to create the exact game mode you want to play with your friends.

10 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Hello ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) This was discussed previously many times. Unfortunately we can’t divide queue in matchmaker for different game modes, due to technical reasons. The custom battle is able to create the exact game mode you want to play with your friends.

Of course you can, you just chose not to. You need to know that it’s possible to do that, there is just no consensus in your development team.

Nobody wants to play in Custom Battles, because you can’t get any rewards there!

Do you honestly believe, that this man just wants to play the game without getting any rewards after a won battle?

gamemodes? no one cares about gamemodes. I would like to have a button that would switch to pvps without destroyers and alien stuff. the good ol conflict. Right now star conflict is at its worst it has ever been, and its been going this way for some time.