Can someone explain this?...


Seriously,y tho?

log a bug, seriously. 

some unobvious thread title which only reads like a mysterious cheap populistic fb ad (“You will never guess what this looked like afterwards!”) led me here. darn.

to be honest, in this case the picture alone might even be enough, in one of the active threads, if you had no logs (but time to take a screenie and cut it)

Cuz da bundles are mostly garbage, just like the victory loot now. Its not a bug if that’s the intended code, which sadly it is.

19 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:


Seriously,y tho?


1 hour ago, MassHomicide said:

Cuz da bundles are mostly garbage, just like the victory loot now. Its not a bug if that’s the intended code, which sadly it is.


Actually it’s a bug. If someone will log it, it will be fixed. I will give you an example of solved bug:


(screenshot taken a minute ago). How the heck do you expect them to fix the bug if it’s not logged?  By guessing the intention?

Well,I’m pretty sure the devs know what the “Lucky” container is and what it is supposed to drop and a graphite plate wasn’t in the possible loot drops(or at least displayed)I might not be a programmer but,if it was a bug then why would it require a whole log file to change a drop?

2 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Well,I’m pretty sure the devs know what the “Lucky” container is and what it is supposed to drop and a graphite plate wasn’t in the possible loot drops(or at least displayed)I might not be a programmer but,if it was a bug then why would it require a whole log file to change a drop?

All they want to say is, if that’s an obvious bug (i wouldnt know because i havent seen that bundle yet…) post logs of your lottery bundle in bug report section, otherwise they dont know how to respond to your thread ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Having a picture of a lucky container drop is not a bug report. How the heck am I supposed to know what the available drops are? “can someone explain this” is far from being explicit, nor is “seriously, y tho”. Plus, this is not the bug report section.

Devs are not magical beasts that have the ability to remember literally everything they’ve done before as a collective. Posting a screenshot of a drop that shouldn’t be possible in the discussion section of the forums is a great way to get no response and completely ignored.