Can Destroyers have a Coil Mortar equivalent?

I would really like it if Destroyers could equip a weapon that works like the Coil Mortar. Having some explosive artillery seems like it should be the natural choice for the closest thing you can get to a capital ship in this game, but the best you can do for ordnance is big energy balls that only explode on a direct hit. 

Yes, please! 

Coil mortar with the RoF of RFB yes please.

I highly support ideas about new weapons and modules for destroyers who, imo, seems to have been ignored since quite a while by now.


I rate your proposal as complicated and maybe not so usefull: first its a new exception to the rules of the game and as a general rule not balanced.

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I still think they should be grown not paid for.

We could name/tag the respawn repairs as “re-growth”, though?


41 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

The best way to “un-nerf” them is to let the bar thingy, that fills up when u select nodes, fill a bit further than it does now so you dont make that elly ship entirely out of the first 3 branches and then only be able to select one or two nodes in the remaining 3 branches of the node tree. Its simple and it would offer a bit more modularity minus the broken features.

I am not sure if this would be good in regard to all 3 Ellydium ships, because their respective research-tree-roundels are somewhat different from each other.

A propos explosive AoE (areo of effect weapons) weapons:

What are the explosive weapons in SC?

I know :

Coil mortar

Proximity mortar

Light mortar



Is Eclipse Launcher regarded as such?

Eclipse Launcher does work the same as coil mortar, yea, but it’s EM and also a healing gun.

has Eclipse the same diameter of “hitbox” when its shell hits the target?

Are there differences in hitboxes of the shells in SC weapons? Like the destroyer shells get naturally a bigger hitbox?

I don’t know what you mean. Destroyers have no proximity fuse shells right now. I think the shells are about the same size for all weapons that work that way, but I haven’t tested it in any major way. I just like how the weapon works and think it would be a great fit for a destroyer.

The sequential firing mode of the coil mortar might not work for destroyers because of the different amount of guns facing each direction. It would have to work like a massive explosive shotgun instead. That would be awesome…

1 hour ago, Scar6 said:

The sequential firing mode of the coil mortar might not work for destroyers because of the different amount of guns facing each direction. It would have to work like a massive explosive shotgun instead. That would be awesome…

Yes, all weapons could fire at the same time at like idk, 70rounds/min? ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

i agree, destroyers have few weapons