Campaign Mission Texts

Does anyone have the campaign mission texts or know where I can find them in the game files? I want to read them over again.


This includes both the objective text and the success text.


Warning: not sorted (yet)


"quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_name" "FROM THE SHIP TO THE BALL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ariadne's Thread' in 10 minutes and destroy 20 opponents." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_text\_complete" "What a relief not to hear the wailing hull of this proud result of engineering! Thank you on behalf of both of us, the reward will be delivered to you shortly.|So, to the point. So you managed to catch the SOS signal from June Lamarr when you were near PB-42 and a couple more times? Remarkable! This is my protege, the curater of the recon fleet who should now be on the flagship. Hmmmm... Of course, on your part it would be correct to warn 'Ellydium' in advance that you are attracting outside resources. But since you and the UMC have already gone so far, let's continue. Cortes will surely be enraged to learn that our little blunder has become known, but do not take it to heart. She'll calm down.|Here are the contacts of a trusted person. Back in the day he had led enough fleets through the thickest nebulae and knows how to deal with communication problems." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_text\_new" "Doctor Dimeni listening. Who is speaking?|Ah, a mercenary from the UMC? You work fast. What? It's not about my request? Then I apologize, I'm somewhat... busy. I can not help you, until one of the experimental docks under control of the AI Ariadne is switched to standard mode. Right now she is under a massive attack of cybers. Do not even ask how I ended up there...|I have already asked for help from the UMC, and I am ready to wait for it. Unfortunately the shipyard does not fully share my opinion and, it seems, is ready to fall apart at any moment. But since you have an urgent matter for me — welcome. I would be grateful if you hurried. Arthur Gage was appointed to lead the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_name" "HIGH STANDARDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_task" "Extend your ship collection with an imperial interceptop Neutron. Press 'SHIPS' in the section 'Ship tree' and select the right ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_text\_complete" "That's better, soldier! Now even without the tools you can see that you are not a deserter and not a criminal, but a brave fighter of the UMC. If I had a pair of squadrons of guys like you, we would not have let the damn aliens out of the portals during the invasion... Many good guys fell then, and for what? We only kicked these xxxxxxxx out recently. And not even ourselves, but with the handouts frpm 'Ellydium'. Well at least Natasha notified us this time...|Okay, why just stand here? We need to solve a couple of problems." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_text\_new" "Legate Festus Morten speaking.|Who? Why not through the aide? You're about to go clean the toilets for violation of subordination... From Conrad? Okay, let's hear it.|So... If your data is correct, then we do not have anything good to expect from this situation. Nobody would want to share the fate of the First Fleet. But I'm honour-bound by the hands and feet, and Guardian-17 have their own problems. Until everything's fine here, I can not help, that's it.|If you decide to help the chained dog with its headache, then first get a normal ship, so bring it in line with the imperial standard. Or my falcons may accidentally shoot you down in this trough." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_name" "POLITICALLY NEUTRAL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_task" "Complete the mission 'Defence Contract'. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_text\_complete" "I saw how the remnants of this carrion fled, tucking their tails! Ha, I'm willing to bet a monthly salary, that right now they are drowning their tears with cheap swill and swear not to take the wheel in their hands anymore. They were very mistaken if they thought that firing at a cargo ship is a real fight.|Thank you, that pleased the old man. I remember about your problem. I do not want to reassure you in advance, but my intelligence is working on a couple of theories while we're talking. When they find something, they will inform you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_text\_new" "Legate Morten speaking.|Wanted to help me? About time. The damn deserters and pirates, using confusion in the Federation's Olympus system, attack civilians, who do not have either warships or weapons.|Yes, this is not our territory, but civilians do not give the oath, so it does not matter on whose side they are. I will disgrace the honour of my title if I do nothing!|We are unable to deploy a full-fledged military operation, as petty politicians will see an act of aggression on the part of the Empire. But you and the guys from the UMC can safely cross the border and show these xxxxxxxx that justice never sleeps. Kyle Carran will coordinate the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_name" "INTELLIGENT SELECTION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_task" "Win in the mission 'Blackwood shipyard. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_text\_complete" "Thank you for your cooperation, fighter! I will not forget this. If the Ironside traitor had captured Ariadne, much more imperial blood would have been spilled. Much more. Yes, I had to act with your hands. But who would I be if I gave the soldiers the order to kill their own brothers? What do you know about honour, mercenary...|I'll send my guys to look after the situation at the Blackwood shipyard. Dismissed" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_text\_new" "It's Morten.|Urgent business. Ironside separatists attacked Ariadne — artificial intelligence developed by 'Blackwood'. If they manage to figure out how to subdue it completely, then everyone can immediately resign. There's always problems with this piece of metal: first it gets out of control, then some psychos want to capture it. And who does all the work? Ordinary soldiers! What do these eggheads think?|But an order is an order, get to work. The plan is simple: my guys distract the Ironside henchmen, and you, along with other mercenaries, come from the flank. Instill horror into the enemies, make them beg for mercy — let them run and no longer make my people dirty their hands in imperial blood. To battle!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_name" "EXPERTS AT WORK" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_task" "Complete any 5 assignments in the location in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_text\_complete" "I see, none of us wasted any time. I'll start from the beginning. In 2062 on Earth, the Signal was first registered. A powerful electromagnetic wave interrupted all communications. The distant ancestors of those whom we know as Jericho began worshipping this signal. And for this they were driven far away from Earth.|So, scientists at the time thought up a communicator of a special type that allowed them to communicate despite the Signal. But if earlier there was not enough capacity, and therefore the communicator operated only on short distances, now it's quite another matter! Do you understand where I'm going with this?|It is extremely difficult to find a communicator of such kind. But fortunately, my humble self is a collector of ancient technology with experience. But that prehistoric construct in your ship — yes, it's a replica of those communicators produced and mounted for reasons unknown. If you properly dig into its logs and hardware, you may get at least some useful information about the fleet, and perhaps even its location. We will set up the equipment and orientate ourselves not with the coordinates, as is usually done, but with the signal source. That is the flagship. It can work out. And without any emergency drones." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_text\_new" "So, mercenary! There is new data concerning your request. Near PB-42 The first fleet was attacked by an unknown enemy. In the course of a fierce battle with the use of the heaviest weapons — they tore a bloody piece off the planet! — the forces of 'Ellydium' suffered serious losses. The commander - or whoever was there - ordered to retreat. After that, the flagship, together with the rest of the ships of the fleet, made an emergency jump. Where — nobody knows. These were the facts.|According to indirect data, the crew probably fell under the influence of psychotronic weapons, and the fleet was attacked by its allies. What worries me is the fact that no wreckages of the ships of the attackers were found on the battlefield. Scouts believe that some of the spaceships were saved along with the flagship, and an emergency drone, launched during the jump, was picked up by someone. It seems that we have stumbled upon some kind of dark business.|We need a stable communication channel with this Lamarr. While I'm busy with your problems, someone must do my job: jump around the sectors and see that everything is according to the rules." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_name" "WRATH OF THE IRONWOMAN" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_task" "Destroy or help destroy 30 enemies in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_text\_complete" "I remembered why I did not destroy you last time. You are too lucky. Stop with the smiles! Your reputation is still below the threshold.|So be it, I'll forward the codes. You and Festus have to find the damn emergency drone or find another way to locate the flotilla!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_text\_new" "Yes? Who is this?!|Provide access codes? To you!? Do you even know what are you asking? After you sent the information about our internal investigation? How has the secrecy of the mission not been discussed at the briefing? It was implied! Now because of this everybody knows that the indestructible 'Ellydium' could not keep track of its own fleet! And everyone wants to take advantage of our weakness! Every lousy mercenary without a company behind him and that we did not have time to buy, now circles around us like a vulture over a wounded lion, trying to tear off a piece!|But it was not our fault, do you understand this? The route was clearly laid, the action patterns were developed, people were trained. What... What could have gone so wrong that we can not even now understand where the reconnaissance fleet is?! And worst of all, you are the one closest to the answer...|Okay, I'll give you one more chance." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_name" "FEAST DURING THE PLAGUE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_task" "Earn 5 medals for capturing beacons in Skirmish or battles versus AI. You can see the descriptions of medals in your profile (Click on the pilot profile or press 'P')." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_text\_complete" "I did not doubt that you would manage. Brilliant work! Now my lab will be able to continue working on increasing the signal stability and then locating the fleet.|It is sad to see that in such a difficult time for the galaxy, people still continue to waste time on small squabbles, weakening all of humanity. I hoped that, at least after the invasion, people would stop fighting for territory and measure how quickly their guns burned through a sheet of steel. I'm glad that you yourself do not do such stupid things, and our views on the problem seem to coincide." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_text\_new" "Hello! Or how do you, the military, usually greet each other? Sorry, I do not know much about professional jargon.|I heard Cortes cursing even from my office. Let me assume that it was you who caused her distress. Remember, I warned not to take it to heart? Follow my advice.|But I'm not calling you to invite you for a cup of tea and teambuilding. Though the idea itself is certainly not bad. Teambuilding remains one of the promising models of corporate management, although it was developed in the distant 60s of the XX century... But, I digress.|The matter is that to increase stability of your connection with the First Fleet, Ellydium leased navigational beacons from private corporations in order to strengthen the incoming signal. But here's the snag: they all ended up in the territories where the fighting began recently. There is a feeling that someone is trying to stop us. Last time at Ariadne's shipyards you showed yourself very well, I hope that you will also agree to help the UMC now." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_name" "HOT HEADS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_task" "Earn a medal for quickly destroying the enemy in PvP or CO-OP modes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_text\_complete" "Excellent, is working as intended. When the fleet contacts you again, Dimeni's laboratory will provide a stable reception, we will fix the signal and thanks to your effort we will send a transport with an evacuation team. We transfer the computational load to hardware, rented by Conrad. The blind leap is risky, but it's worth it.|You need to jump while the fleet's signal is live. Otherwise, we'll get lost just like they did. And we still have not solved the fuel issue, it will take time for the request to go through all the jumps. If the fleet contacts us right now, we'll have to improvise. Do not worry, I know an illegal mining station nobody is going to miss..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_text\_new" "Commander Morten speaking.|Everything goes according to plan: navigational beacons are rented; access codes to 'Ellydium' emergency drones are received; the Signal-era communicator is configured to provide a stable connection to the fleet and ping its location. Everything is almost ready to jump blindly at the signal to save the crews of the missing fleet from that hole where they have driven themselves.|But there are complications. Once again we checked everything, and it turns out that the guys do not have enough fuel to jump back to us, even if we establish a communication channel and set up navigation.|We are already thinking about solving this problem. And you, pilot, listen to your special mission: do a couple of sorties with the guys from the UMC who are not busy with the Ellydium case. My engineers will calibrate your relic communicator in conditions as close to combat as possible. We do not want Miss Lamarr's call to end at the wrong time, right?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_name" "HELPING HAND" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_task" "Destroy 5 objects in the PvE mission 'Processing Rig'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_text\_complete" "We got the transport with fuel from you. But its crew is dead. We're establishing the cause of death. Evacuation won't work like this! But we do not give up, we just need another way. We will try to determine your location. We will hold on... as long as it takes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_text\_new" "The signal has become more powerful, but I still can not hear you. I'll broadcast it while I have energy. This is very resource-intensive, perhaps we ended up quite far away. I hope that the data we have collected will not be wasted. |The scientific department of the First Fleet confirmed the theory of Dr. Dimeni. The so-called biones — giant aliens, form directly within the planets! Most of the life, if you can say so, cycle, they spend in a state of suspended animation. So they can accumulate reserves, I would call them fuel, if earlier it hadn't been given another name — iridium. When the bione awakens, it absorbs and recycles everything that formed on the planet during hibernation! I'm not sure, but I'll assume that this is how it evolves, assimilating a new genocode. What happens after this is not known for certain.|Wait-wait, what? We are detecting a warp-jump at our coordinates? We have been detected?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_name" "A FINE LINE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_task" "Get 5 medals for survival in combat." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_text\_complete" "Intelligence reported that a ship with the Federation's signature was on the battlefield before us. Damn marauders, taking everything from the battlefield. The emergency drone. of course, was already disabled and we can't track it. So you'll have to move to the Federation's area and look for it yourself. Well, good luck. I can not help you anymore, command is withdrawing to the second front.|So long, pilot. It's up to you. But send me the reports anyway, 'Ellydium' may need my dreadnoughts again. It will be harder than at the Leviathan last time, but Natasha will come up with something again." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_text\_new" "What do you mean the crew of the evacuation team died during the jump? But where the hell did they go? The system worked at the power limit! Some Bione too...|I do not like it... Enough! I will not waste the lives of soldiers for this quest. Conrad is my friend, but the Empire is above all. I'm winding down the operation. We did not learn anything: there are no precise coordinates or the ability to return the fleet, since the crew dies during transportation.|If we had at least an emergency drone, which is launched into space during an emergency jump. I told you that we did not find any of them and it's very suspicious. No? Getting old...|If you find an emergency drone, you can accurately determine the parameters of the jump. How do I know where to look? Maybe your communicator will find a signal. Let's wait." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_dialog1" "Ok, the cameras are on, start checking the ship. Judging by the broadcast, our unidentified object is a lost drone and it's close. Destroy it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_dialog2" "Come back, the test is finished.||Reach the station in 'Open Space' or select 'Return to hangar' in the main menu 'Esc'" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_name" "CHECK THE SHIP'S SYSTEMS!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_task" "Launch into 'Open Space', destroy the target and return to the station." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_task\_short" "Destroy an unidentified target: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_text\_complete" "Good job!|This junk has no business hanging around like this. It's easier to take down than to pick up and restore. I know drones like these: lag behind the mother ship after a fight and hang out in the area afterwards. They remained in this sector, because recently, 'Ellydium' conducted a large-scale operation against Aliens. I hope we will not see them again.|We checked your ship, the systems are OK. But the communicator should be replaced. I just know where you can get spare parts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_text\_new" "Welcome to the UMC, mercenary!|United Mercenary Centre is a union of brave conquerors of space tied by a single goal. That's what the booklet says, and for the most part it's true. My name is Selena Galo, I will be your instructor. Your squad has just arrived at the station 'Ellydium Theta'. We are preparing to take a large order from the 'Ellydium' corporation, which owns this place.|There is time to look around before the briefing. Fly to the signal of an unidentified beacon next to the station.||Undock from the station — open the map, find the Line system and select the marker 'Ellydium Theta station'. Prepare for the flight and launch when you're ready." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_name" "RICH WORLDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_task" "Perform any 5 location assignments in Open Space." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_text\_complete" "Suppose you are not an imperial spy. Purely theoretically. But why would I help the first person I meet? Sorry, buddy, but the good guys in our world do not survive." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_text\_new" "What could a mercenary do at the station 'New Eden'?|You're straight from Morten. You think you can leave your Imperial insignia behind and I'm gonna just trust that you work for UMC and nobody else? I do not trust my reflection, when the whole world is rolling downhill.|I do not want to hear anything until you prove that you are not a spy. Over and out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_name" "CONVINCE AN OLD FRIEND" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_task" "Complete any 5 timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_text\_complete" "Ha-ha, what a pilot! Said and done. I immediately realized that you're a great guy.|Keep this between us, but I think it's bad at Ellydium. Though the fleet is huge, but without exact coordinates, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. I'm sorry, what?.. Is there a new technology that makes serious ships launch an emergency drone if they make an emergency jump? And this drone has the starting and finishing coordinates? Are you serious? Not found on the battlefield? Come on! |If such guys did not cope with what happened in the unfortunate planet PB-42, then I do not know who can. Probably, you and the UMC are right to sound an alarm, but the times are not right for enemies to sit down at the negotiating table.|In all this chaos, 'New Eden' is the only place in the former Federation, which at least tries to help others. Help it not to vanish and I'll think about what can be done in your situation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_text\_new" "Hello there, mercenary! I've heard (accidentally of course) that you're looking for Oliver Winkler's favor. I can help you.|Oliver and I are old friends, he's a good guy, but he takes everything too seriously. You know, since the start of the war with aliens, the Federation cracked at the seams, and now it's bursting. And there is no more Federation. We have all sorts of Hermes Blocks, Separate Worlds, Unions you can't pronounce and Oliver with his useless station 'New Eden'. But that's all wrong, right? There is no longer that state with freedom and equality. And Oliver was very close to it, and behaves like the worst...|In a word, it's all hell: problems appear and disappear so quickly that we do not even have time to track them, not to mention react. But you have a decent ship, you'll have time to do the job. Solve a couple of problems — Winkler will become more accommodating. And in the meantime, tell me what's wrong with you. If the matter is worthwhile, we will not abandon ourselves to the mercy of fate." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_name" "TO DISPERSE THE DARKNESS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_task" "In the mission 'Scarlet Haze', destroy or help destroy 50 ships." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_text\_complete" "Good work! Cybers deserved it after they'd called aliens into our world with their beacons. Now Jericho carefully monitors this technology. Only in their secret laboratories can you find beacons of cybers in the original form. Those that are hanging around in space, either burned out and almost do not work, or were specially reprogrammed, so that the hordes of aliens from another world would not be called.|We return you back, as promised. Continue the search for an emergency fleet drones on Federation territory. It can not be that it disappeared without a trace. And who would destroy an emergency drone? What do you think about it?|Okay, ask for help if you need it. Over and out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_text\_new" "Greetings, mercenary.|How are things going? I see you have already reached the ex-Federation. Keep it up! The rest also are actively combing other sectors. Completing Ellydium's order is a matter of time.|But we have a shortage of people in the Solaris sector. Therefore, I will requisition you for help. We will take you by our transport, no need to fly manually. We're attacking the station of cybers — crazy Jericho rogues. Pilots in their sectors say that they fell into a strong dependence on cyberimpants, which are popular in their homeland, and were expelled. And then I do not know how it happened, instead of the Signal, they worshiped the crystallids. You're sure to know about them: the aliens who invaded our world from the portals a few years ago. Can you guess who helped them get to our world? The whole galaxy has old feuds with them, do not spare anybody." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_name" "EXPLOSIVE HOPE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_task" "Detonate the bomb in 'Detonation' mode in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_complete" "[Interference]... hold it. I looped the message... [interference]|This is senior scientific... [interference] out of control. [Interference]... can not... [interference] Evacuation... [interference] waiting for her.|[Noise]... my guys insisted that I... [clutter]|Before us on PB-42 there was... [interference] a list of their equipment... [interference] is not potential, but real... [noise] swarm of enslaved creatures, used to be hu... [interference]|... all squad ships on the flagship [clutter] try to save... Lamarr, the end of the recording." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_new" "[Interference]|...first recon! We noticed that several navigation beacons tuned in to our frequency, which allowed... [interference] Now we use much less energy on comm... [interference] But a few hours ago the broadcasting of one of the navigation stations by at coordinates... [noise] began to overlap our frequency. Is it possible that someone intercepted it? I know that you can still hear me. This is our only... [interference] with the outside world!... need to be warned... [interferences] Please, I need to restore the old communication channel. Otherwise, when...|[Interference. Communication is interrupted]" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog1" "Home, sweet home, huh? Certainly not for such respectable citizens as me and you. In short, you're in place. Look for smugglers disliked by Oliver." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog2" "Yes, you really showed him. Keep it up, we'll deal with this and figure out how to help the fleet." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog3" "That's it. Dirty work, but someone has to do it. And now I advise you to report to Oliver." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_name" "SHADY DEEDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_task" "Destroy 10 smugglers in the 'Smugglers Hideout' location." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_task\_short" "Destroy smugglers: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_text\_complete" "Excellent! Excellent. Now these uncontrollable ragamuffins will not stop serious people from doing business. Take your reward.|So why did you come into our sector, since you're not a spy? Looking for an emergency drone? I'll ask around." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_text\_new" "Hello again. Judging by your pale face, some fleet called again and connection was all bad again? That's sad but let's not waste time.|One well-wisher told me that you did something for the good of the sector. Funny, I thought that altruists outside the now deceased Federation ceased back in the XL century.|If it turns out that your problem is really more serious than anticipated, then everyone will suffer. Especially those who have settled close to the bione... What?! Not only Morten has informants. I will be one of the first to know if this huge creature stirs again!|Okay, I'll consider the idea of helping this fleet. But in exchange for a favour. Smugglers settled nearby, which prevents other smug... um, honest people from doing business. Go and deal with it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_name" "OLD STOCKS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ellydium plant raid' in 11 minutes and destroy 15 enemies with missiles. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_text\_complete" "Thanks for the help with iridum. Automated systems have been processing it all this time, as if waiting for us. But it's strange that the Cartel ended up on an Ellydium base. Perhaps they were rightly accused of connections with these pirates?|Fine. Got your thing there? Well done. Go to Ragnar, he is the authority on incomprehensible junk. He'll find so many uses for a rusty bolt, nobody in their right mind would even dream of it.|Now go on, sort out your business and leave. I'm not a genie from a lamp to help you so much. See you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_text\_new" "I thought about your problem. 'New Eden' will not get involved in this. It's too risky. I'll bet that those knuckleheads from the Empire you visited before us, can't wait to hit us in the back when we go to the coordinates of the alleged disaster. I will not give them such a chance, I'm sorry.|But your thing, which signals just like the fleet, and which made you fly to us from the territory of the former Empire, is most likely located in the old Ellydium base for processing iridium. What? Surprised that I have not forgotten about this? You're right. If you wait for help from others and do nothing — you will not get anything.|I sent troops there to deliver the surplus iridum to 'New Eden'. Why waste the goods? If you hurry, you will have time to help me, and take your gizmo. 'Ellydium' left this base, and now there is some kind of madness going on." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog1" "Hey, you! Why the hell are you sticking your nose into Ellydium affairs? The corporation has long since left this base and has nothing to do with the 'Cartel'. But it's still none of your business!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog13" "You work hard, huh? You're a responsible mercenary. You can come back, I'm mostly done with your item." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog2" "Cortes, why the drama? My friend, tell 'New Eden' that they could just ask for the iridium. Let them consider this not a robbery, but a gesture of goodwill." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog3" "You work hard, huh? I never knew mercenaries could be responsible. You can come back, I'm mostly done with your item." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_name" "SCRAP THE BARREL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_task" "Complete any 5 location assignments in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_text\_complete" "Do you know that this 'Ellydium' emergency drone is something like a sealed safe? Its complicated protection system just screams that there's something very interesting inside! And so let it remain in the hands of the connoisseur — that is, my hands.|I'm sorry, but it will be better for the three of us: me, you and the gadget. Nothing personal, just business. And now I have to bow out. Good luck, all the best, stay happy, be healthy and good-bye." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_text\_new" "I heard about your raid... ahem, a visit to the abandoned 'Ellydium' base. Did you get a lot of iridium? Can I get my share? Just kidding! Of course, you did not get involved in all this for the sake of profit.|I found your mysterious gadget. Quicker than you think! It's asking for an access code. Oh, you got it from Cortes? Send it to me, I'll figure out what it is.|And while I'm busy with it, do not stand like an idol and help 'New Eden' a bit. They did us a great favor by giving a tip to the location of the object." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog1" "Good afternoon! Are you looking for me by chance?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog2" "Forget it, it's no use. These alien sharks will devour you like a wounded man who has fallen overboard." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog3" "Just how stubborn can you be! But I'm not and never was even near the abandoned beacon." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_name" "CRYSTAL CLEAR" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_task" "Destroy 10 Crystallids in the Abandoned Beacon zone." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_task\_short" "Destroy Crystallids: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_text\_complete" "Are you serious? The abandoned beacon only had aliens, crystallids and marauders instead of Ragnar? I can not imagine how this could happen. Maybe you took too long to get there, no? Let me find out if his ship was seen elsewhere." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_text\_new" "Wait, slow down. What did they steal? Who?.. What an unpleasant situation. I understand, you crave justice, and who am I to disturb you?|According to tracking systems, Ragnar's trace leads to an abandoned beacon. The area is problematic, you have every chance of encountering aliens. So many problems from them, they keep interrupting our delivery of goods. So do not forget to check your weapons before departure." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_name" "DISTRACTION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_task" "Earn 5 medals for serial achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_text\_complete" "Now this is much better! Maybe they'll quiet down at last, while they're fixing up We sure showed them! Did I say 'we'? You, of course you!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_text\_new" "I put out an APB for Ragnar's ship, and several witnesses indicated that they saw him in a couple of skirmishes. I would send the police there, but it's a mess between the corporations in this place. Mercenaries gnaw at each other's throats for the one who pays the most. You understand what will happen if the cops get there.|What can you do, you'll have to get into every fight and sort it all out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_name" "AUTHORITY EQUALS POWER" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_task" "Earn 3 medals for competitive achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_text\_complete" "Well done, your name can be heard quite often now. This should impress smugglers. Let's hope that they will influence Fris and convince him to cooperate with you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_text\_new" "Long time no see! How is it going? We are working hard. Cortes does not let go!|You sure? They're giving you false leads? So the Federation may have broken up, yet its remnants still function according to the old scheme, although they dislike each other now. They all rely on official and unofficial traders — smugglers, who now have grown bolder and have stopped hiding. And who would they hide from? New governments have problems more important than illegal trade. But that's good enough for us.|Smugglers all thrive on reputation. They listen to the top authority. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of a loophole in their system and to earn yourself enough reputation so that smugglers would deal with you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog1" "So, you're close. Fly around, look around. Candidates for spare parts should be nearby." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog2" "Yeah, you got it right. We need these terrible debris. It's amazing you don't even care that you will have to stick this garbage to your ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog3" "This should be enough for us. Come back, I have news for you. Oh, this buzzing again! Can't wait for the new communicator to work." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_name" "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_task" "Launch into 'Open Space' and pick up 3 spare parts in the 'Ellydium Theta station' area." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_task\_short" "Collect parts: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_text\_complete" "Now that's much better: the sound and the video are normal. I can see who I'm talking to. Hey, sticking your tongue out!|Hmm, customers have been active, a general briefing's announced. The 'Ellydium' corporation recruits mercenaries of all colours, details of the task are still secret, but the fee is already known. I don't know about you, but after a bonus like this I'm not going to get out of the spa for two years!|In short, the customer is serious! It is important to show that we are the ones they need. So be careful with the ship when launching from the hangar." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_text\_new" "After the recent battle with aliens (what a silly nickname!) a lot of space debris that used to be ships drifts around 'Ellydium Theta'. Because of this war, the situation is unenviable, and resources are not extracted as much as before. Sorting through trash is hardly fin, I already told the authorities, but... there isn't much choice.|So go and collect a few ship spare parts, they will come in handy if it becomes hot during the execution of the order. And for god's sakes, find a new communicator in this trash, my head's already buzzing from the noise I hear when I talk to you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_name" "OUT OF SPITE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_task" "Complete any 10 timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_text\_complete" "Hey, I told you not to do this! Now all the work is lost because of your fuss. I do not know exactly how, but you frustrated the Cartel's plans with your actions. They refuse to listen to my assurances that you are not working for me. Now we do not cooperate with them!|When the Federation burst at the seams, nobody needed 'New Eden'. We are all sitting on a depressurized ship, but instead of evacuating its command simply blocks the compartments one after another and hopes to wait it out. It does not matter if someone is choking behind a partition! They behave like it's ok.|So we survive as we can. Therefore, if anyone has not yet understood, the Cartel and smuggling were necessary for the survival of the station. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Call me when you do." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_text\_new" "Well-well-well, you keep insisting? I'm asking you kindly, forget you about this stolen unit from the 'Ellydium' base and forget your fleet. Do not waste time, the promised jackpot and progress through the ranks of the UMC are not worth it! And remember that we also do not need help and fussing around. Everything in the sectors is good and I am in control. Do not interfere in the local affairs, it brings no benefit." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_name" "FIXED BATTLES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_task" "Earn 5 medals for using special modules and weapons in skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_text\_complete" "I did not think that you would really get into a conflict, but a deal is a deal.|I played around with your safe. Regrettably, in itself it does not represent anything and does not contain anything valuable. But you'll definitely like the news that inside there's beacon with the markings of 'Ellydium'! It produced the signal. The coordinates indicate Jericho territory, so I have no idea what is there. But apparently in this country of cybersamurai, rejected by mankind a long time ago, things are not going smoothly either. The whole crazy world is going downhill after the Alien invasion.|So you're going to have as much trouble as you've got with us at the 'New Eden'. But I have a man who owes me his life. I will warn him, and he will contact you as soon as you go to Jericho. Well, good luck. I will help you with the First Fleet, so do not say goodbye." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_text\_new" "Salute, mate!|I see you and the UMC really got into this whole thing! With all your heavy lifting, the guys just keep talking about you. They tell me to be serious with a guy like you. And what about me? I have a conscience, too. Maybe I understand that what I did was wrong. But they never told me directly that people were missing! I picked up the drone, but how did I know what it was good for. It's a new technology! A profit is a profit, but I never toy with other people's lives.|Let's not put it off. My friends benefit from the opposition of the corporations. Continue to heat up their conflict — I'll open this thing and decipher the coordinates. I have the access codes, he-he." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog1" "That's right. You are almost there." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog2" "This is the First Recon automated message! Communication pr... Infection has spread to the flagship, the situation is critical! I repeat, the infection..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog3" "I intercepted your radio conversations. Do not be surprised. It seems that we are running out of time. We must hurry." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_name" "A NEW HOPE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_task" "Destroy 10 cybers, cyber patrolmen or cyber warriors in the 'Pallas Frontier' location." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_task\_short" "Destroy cybers: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_text\_complete" "From myself and the forces of Mendes on the border of Pallas, I thank you for your help. Cybers are a blot on the reputation of Jericho. In the war with aliens, they fought on the side of crystallids and opened portals to their world. For every Jericho, destroying them at the root is a matter of honour.|I'm working on building a route according to your coordinates. Be patient, we need to check many things." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_text\_new" "Greetings.|I'm sorry that I can not meet you personally, and we're talking through videocomms. My name is Ada Sonex, I'm from the great Mendes family. Mr. Fris told me about what happened to the First Recon Fleet. I can understand your concern. Send me the coordinates of the Ellydium beacon. I'll find out what's there.|By the will of fate I found myself the highest-ranking officer in this sector and now I am responsible for it. Therefore, while I'm busy with your task, I ask you to render me a service.|On the border of the Pallas, a handful of the remaining forces of Mendes are fighting with cyber fighters. According to the laws of my people, the family is above all. We need to help them immediately. Because: firstly, I will do it anyway with your help or without; Secondly, my people will not follow the commander who tarnished his honour, who did not come to aid in a difficult situation. A great family should not vanish." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_name" "ICY CALM" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ice belt' in 13 minutes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_text\_complete" "Great, now cybers will not be able to ambush us or take us by surprise. One less problem.|I have a report about your question. When you are ready, call me." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_text\_new" "My scouts reported that the cyber team had ordered a superheavy dreadnought from the 'Cartel' (you probably already heard about these pirates). It's being repaired at the ice belt. If it falls into the hands of our enemy, we will have almost no chance.|I have already placed a contract with the UMC, but I trust my friend's friend more. Therefore, I ask you to go and counter the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_dialog1" "Are you in position? They shouldn't pay attention to you, just behave yourself. Pretend you're stargazing or something." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_dialog2" "Did you get it? Come on back, I can't wait to see what's on it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_name" "SILENT RECON" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_task" "Find and take the data container at the 'Excavation Site 6'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_task\_short" "Get the data container: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_text\_complete" "Damn it. Scientists from the 'Ellydium' base at the excavations do not know anything about the disappearance of the fleet. They thought that it was just a problem with communications on their part. But the fleet was still there. |Did you notice the unusual flying object that fell on the planet? According to the collected data, it is an ancient artifact. During the research, scientists discovered a source that literally makes all people around it crazy. They found out that the device that crashed a million years ago flew from the planet PB-42 — where you first heard the signal of the recon fleet. This was the reason why Ellydium sent its forces there.|I wanted to first share all the intelligence data, and only then the results of deciphering the coordinates of the jump. The first fleet made an emergency jump outside the galaxy for an unknown reason — into the world of Aliens. And now they are there. We believed that the chance of a successful transition between worlds was close to zero. Therefore, your crew died at the beginning of the operation. Inform Ellydium about this, to save people they will need non-human technologies." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_text\_new" "So, in our archives I found a place where the coordinates from the emergency Ellydium drone lead. It really isn't and could not be in anyone's maps, because the jump occurred outside the galaxy.|But before I tell you, you must go to the Morag sector. On one of its planets, the corporation excavates an artifact of antiquity. Perhaps, 'Ellydium' is hiding something about its fleet or hiding a part of its route. I already introduced an agent to them right after our first meeting, but their security figured it out. However, my agent managed to get rid of the item with the collected data. So your job is just to pick it up stealthily." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_name" "RETURN WHAT'S YOURS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_task" "Win in the mission 'Pirate fort raid' having destroyed 30 enemies." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_text\_complete" "Thank you, the transport has reached the base of the corporation. I did not contact you in vain. |'Ellydium' with the support of Festus (for you — legate Morten) and... private entrepreneur Fries went to the final stage of developing a rescue plan. Fuel, which with the help of the legate was delivered to the flotilla, should be enough for a return jump if spent with care. But where the First recon ended up, navigation beacons do not function. Without them, it's dangerous to jump: ships at the exit may end up in the asteroid belt or in outer space. I'll have to open the damn portals. Find out from these Jericho how to do it. Their lepers, cybers, already somehow called Aliens into our world. We ourselves have already built something, but the probability of success is only 39%, it is negligible!|Stay in touch, get Jericho's info about the portals and let me know if they contact you again." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_text\_new" "Cortés speaking. Drop whatever you're doing, there is an urgent task. These stupid knuckleheads missed everything! We'll have to save the day. Rather, you'll have to.|Lousy pirates attacked our convoy! For the rescue operation, it transported valuable equipment based on alien artifacts. Imagine, these degenerates took all the equipment to their base! Ha, as if their chicken brains are enough to sort it out.|According to the forecasts of Dimeni, the flotilla will last only a few days. Therefore, the equipment must be returned immediately, we have already lost a lot of time! Do what you want with the pirates, I do not care about their fate. Hurry, your people from the UMC have already departed. Show them how things are done." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_name" "NEW... ALLIES?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_task" "Complete any $need$ timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_text\_complete" "I see you did not die on the first mission. Although with the emergency capsules that are popular in the UMC, it is generally difficult to do.Now not the strongest survive, but those whose emergency system did not jam.|For the first time you have a good number in the overall statistics indicator. But the results of the study can not be fully judged on the basis of a single case." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_text\_new" "This is the Guardian of the Mendes family — Victor De Toro. Our fighters are taking control of this sector, mentor Sonex is suspended from the case. The investigation will be led by me.|Mercenary, if you still count on the support of the great Jericho, you will have to prove again that you are worthy. A wise commander is only on the battlefield with his warriors. So I want to personally see what you are capable of, instead of trusting someone else's opinion." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_name" "MATTERS OF SECURITY" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_task" "Earn 5 medals for destroying the enemy under certain conditions in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_text\_complete" "A satisfactory result. Your way of dealing with the task was optimal, you didn't waste time arguing, the most popular pastime of all earthlings. Perhaps you will be able to understand the culture of Jericho much more deeply than I expected.|Sonex told me about the recon fleet. I doubt that the disappearance of our people has at least the slightest connection with the problem of 'Ellydium'. But the loss of the victorious fleet in the war with the Aliens causes serious concerns. The fact that it faced a threat that it could not cope with itself, is hard to believe. Even at the fleet's first descent into space, I sent my spies to study it carefully. The verdict was unequivocal — the flagship and the rest of the fleet were designed with great care, they possess unprecedented maneuverability, fantastic ammunition and reliable sensors and protection systems. It's impossible to catch it off guard, but that's exactly what happened at PB-42. Therefore, no matter how much you trust your employer, we need to be on our guard. Perhaps you, and then us, were dragged into games, which we'd rather not know." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_text\_new" "You are fit for standard missions. We found that out. But in our country, before you allow a person to be responsible for anything, traditions require to be convinced of his skill.|Show what you are capable of in real combat before you demand anything." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog1" "Visors to the max. We found not only the terminators, but also mercenaries hired by the Sentinels." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog2" "Take a note. Just a machine always loses to the perfect combination of human intelligence and machine power." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog3" "Enough for today. Return to the hangar, I have news for you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_name" "INHUMAN LOGIC" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_task" "Destroy 10 AI ship-terminators in Sorting Facility." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_task\_short" "Destroy AI ships: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_text\_complete" "Although the situation is still critical, but the time, while 'Ariadne' was occupied by you, was enough for our engineers to remotely connect to the database of the sorting facility and evacuate it. It's not just an ordinary building, but outsiders do not need to know the details.|We will help. The best minds of my people worked on the study of how Alien got into our galaxy with the help of cybers. They assembled a prototype of a device that opens portals to their world, but the project turned out to be unprofitable. But I am sure that your employers from Ellydium will be able to afford it.|But that's all. I forbade Mendes to help you and disclose more information about the device. The insanity that flooded the fleet, the unclear circumstances of its disappearance, the ease with which the plan of action was shifted to the shoulders of mercenaries — any of these reasons is enough for me to refuse to send my Family to this task. And here we have it all at the same time. The violation of orders in Jericho is severely punished. So think twice when you try to recruit someone else." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_text\_new" "I decided to tell you more than the ordinary outsiders. I hope you will not make me regret this deed.|We learned that you used to deal with the artificial intelligence of the corporation 'Blackwood' — Ariadne. And I need to know how to behave. Ariadne showed suspicious interest in our sorting facility and seized control of it with the help of AI warships. |The family is unhappy with this. The Sentinels close to the facility are also worried — they're our AI, left after the departure of the Families to observe the order.|I'm sending you there, and let your enemies know no mercy." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_name" "RETURN TO BUSINESS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_task" "Complete any 10 assignments in the location in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_text\_complete" "Save your arguments for after we save the fleet. I know that I'm disobeying the order, but it's my duty. I can not stand aside when I can prevent the death of so many people. Let us be enemies, but such a death will not do anybody any honour and will not bring Jericho closer to victory. |Portals are dangerous, but I do not see any other way out. In my homeland, no one will approve of their use, but I have already sent instructions to 'Ellydium' on how to make them stable. For my people this will be considered a crime. Use of cyber technology is prohibited. It is desecrated.|Cybers are our worst enemy. Worse than the attacks of the rest of humanity since the first appearance of the sacred Signal, through which the gods call us to their place outside the galaxy. Cybers did not know when to stop in interaction with technology, and then completely betrayed everything valuable in this world and switched to the side of the enemy. Blinded by their pride, they accepted the wicked Aliens for gods and began to worship them. And with the help of their beacons and portal technology, cybers called aliens into our world a couple of years ago.|If you use beacons for a short time, they will not have time to accelerate to the level when they are heard by aliens. The risk is great, and this is a violation of the laws of Jericho, but we have no other choice. Do not worry about me, I know what I'm doing. Get ready, we will begin soon. I will deal with the people you work for." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_text\_new" "I will not deceive you with a polite and courteous greeting. I know how we can organize the evacuation of the fleet in full force. But this is a very... controversial way. I'm going to give Ellydium information on how to open portals to the world of Aliens. And I will need your help: warn your own and scout the sector." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_dialog1" "Just look! Are those really hovering rocks? What power could've severed these pieces directly... from the planet? Look closer." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_dialog2" "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! First... Fleet. We are... Code 7500, 7700. In the sector... dangerous. We have... bear losses... Mayday, Mayday!.." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_name" "ON THE AIR" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_task" "Take a Lynx fighter and using invisibility (F key) visit the location PB-42 in 'Open Space'. To do this, press 'Undock' in the accepted task screen." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_task\_short" "Pick up container: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_text\_complete" "Is the Mayday signal coming from the First Fleet, and they are not at the designated point? But nobody's been active on this frequency for 30 years. Damn it! All the coneheads of 'Ellydium' worked for two days without sleep on this task, and no one thought of testing the outdated frequencies? Stupid nerds, they're not going to get a bonus.|And you did not find a special drone, either? Our new tech, released into space during an emergency jump. What, perhaps, the flotilla did do. This drone has the starting and finishing coordinates of the jump. They would be damn useful! |You say there was only a container with our logo? And inside some unidentifiable equipment? Good. This is ours. Consequently, they reached the end of the route and disappeared...|Okay, stay on the same frequency! In this zone there is nobody with the same... unique equipment. I will contact the UMC. And do not forget to take the receiver if you are going to change to a different ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_text\_new" "Mercenaries! This is head of 'Ellidium Theta' security service Natasha Cortés.|Since you are here, it means that you survived a couple of operations and received some recommendations. Let's see if you are fit for the job.|So, two days ago, at about 15:29 we lost contact with the First Recon Fleet. Its current location is unknown. The task is to break into groups and quickly comb through all the waypoints of the planned flotilla route. |Hey, you! Go to the end point of the route. The situation in the sector is unknown, a red danger level is possible. Therefore, the work should be done as imperceptibly as possible. Change to the Lynx fighter with the invisibility module if you want to survive. |In case of finding evidence that the flotilla was in the sector, at any cost, deliver it to me." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_name" "BIG GAME HUNTING" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_task" "Eliminate 30 destroyers in any mode." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_text\_complete" "I hope they learned their lesson. We can take it from here. The construction of new destroyers or attempts to repair the old ones will occupy the rebels for a sufficient time so that we can resolve the situation.|But you still need to hurry. Hurry to PB-42, we are starting to pull the troops there. Everything is ready for a meeting at 'Ellydium'. Perhaps there is still a chance that some of the crew managed to keep their minds... We will soon find out how successful your wanderings were in the sectors of the Empire, the Federation and Jericho." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_text\_new" "Greetings.|I've seen your autoreports, no need to explain anything. I understand how busy you are, but I have an assignment that not everyone can be entrusted with.|Information that the planet PB-42, where the First Fleet disappeared is an awakening bione, leaked out of the detachment carrying out this order from 'Ellydium'. To my regret, not everyone in the UMC are guided by the same goals. Some of us decided to take advantage of the situation. 'Ellydium' is preparing a plan to neutralize the danger, which is represented by the bione, but some of the UMC people decided to stop it. They want to let the bione awaken completely and start a war. In these conditions, mercenaries will be in demand, and the price of our services will increase. A fee is a fee, but an increase in salary is not worth a new war with aliens. The main power of the radicals is the presence of a large number of destroyers. Eliminate them, and do not think that you are shooting your own. They knew what they were doing, and if they maintained their ships, in case of destruction, the emergency system would work and the pilots would be ejected." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog1" "This is June Lamarr. The fleet is completely infected! I repeat, the fleet is infected! Block the portals now, it can not be allowed into the sector!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog2" "Damn, they keep coming! Deactivating the portals didn't help. We need to think of something!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog3" "Damn it! Just deactivating the cyber beacons is not enough on our part. Keep shutting them down out here, and I'll get to that side. If we're lucky, I'll see you again. Goodbye!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_name" "STOP THE UNTHINKABLE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_task" "Find and deactivate three portals in the area PB-42." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_task\_short" "Deactivate portals: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_text\_complete" "Damn those aliens! Tracking stations, report the situation! Is the space stabilized?! What are the losses?|Screw it! All free 'Ellydium' ships immediately engage in shooting the remaining space roaches. Move it or I'll skin you all!|All mercenaries immediately advance in search of ships with our markings that made it through the portals. June Lamarr is on one of them. Don't contact the targets, destroy them. They are our own, but they disobeyed my order to stay still and broke quarantine. We can't let her spread the infection from the flotilla. Move!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_text\_new" "Attention to all ships! Cortés speaking. We proceed to the final stage of the rescue operation. All the pilots involved arrive at PB-42. Full combat readiness in case the opening of the portal attracts the attention of aliens.|We are being assisted by Morten's dreadnoughts and a private squadron of an anonymous well-wisher. They are working out of sight and will bombard the area when needed.|Starting in 3, 2, 1..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_dialog1" "No, n-do not come close! I... no longer... control myself. I'm consumed ... the desire to destroy.... everyone and anyone. It is NECESSARY... to stop at all... costs. I want to die... a human. HELP ME!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_dialog2" "Thank you..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_name" "SWARM QUEEN" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_task" "Find the ship of June Lamarr in PB-42 and destroy it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_task\_short" "Destroy June Lamarr's ship: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_text\_complete" "[Warning, this is an automated message. Do not reply.]|Is it rolling? This is Senior Researcher June Lamarr. This is the last message of the First Fleet.|We can't contain the virus. I have mild symptoms. So, the guys insisted that I close myself in one of the wings. We blocked the decks, launchers and controls.|Another expedition was on PB-42 before us. I looked at their equipment, and they knew! They knew PB-42 was not a potential, but a real bione! And then there's the fleet systems that broke down at the most important moment... How much I was wrong, refusing to suspect sabotage. Only our own knew about the operation, so no one... except... could not...|'Ellydium' set us up to see how a person reacts to the impact of the awakening bione. The First fleet has enough people, and there is a researcher to fix the data, trying to save the team... 'Ellydium' disturbed the bione, it started defending itself and created a shield of swarms of subordinate beings, once people.|Thank you for trying to save us. But the plan was doomed from the start. I put this message into all the wingships on the flagship. If they save us, the autopilot will start, and my words will scatter over the galaxy. I want you to know what really happened... Thank you, and good-bye. Lamarr, end of transmission" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_text\_new" "You!.. That's how you look. All this time, it was you who heard us? Tried to save us?.. You do not have to explain, I see through the eyes, I hear without words, as we all have heard from you every... every time.|But it's too late. It's over for all of us. They are infected. All of them. The search for a vaccine produced zero results. And now all they ever want to do is obey him... and kill. Their own.|I'm forgetting. Events, words, myself. Everything is covered in fog. Sticky. Can you feel how it moves under the skin? Do you hear? Him. Do you belong to yourself? Who decides what to think? Your actions are no longer yours. His thoughts are now ours. If he is afraid, you are killing...|Data! I'm forgetting... Recording! Did you listen to the recording? I forgot, did you understand me? Guess who it is?.. It is very important!..|He is sleeping again. Out of danger. The metal ships could not do anything to him.|Hush. Do not breathe while he is sleeping. The swarm hears. The swarm will protect." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog1" "How was it? Oh, so sorry for the girl and all her guys. Fought until the end, And what happened to our Jericho, who helped with the cyber beacons?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog2" "Sonex is no longer with us. I flew into the portal to close it from the other side. Then the connection was interrupted. All the pilots know what happens after this." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog3" "Okay, time to go, Morten. As agreed, none of the superiors spoke of the operation. Nobody knows each other. All the best, mate." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_name" "TIME TO GATHER STONES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_task" "Prepare for the life of a free mercenary by building a rank 11 destroyer." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_task\_short" "Build a destroyer: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_text\_complete" "My apologies that I could not meet personally and again have to use a video link. I was somewhat upset by the latest events and allowed myself to say too much. I'm sorry. If you think about it, the life of a mercenary is not so bad here. Especially with your own destroyer by your side. The times are dark, you're going to have so many contracts. And then, who knows...|The payment is ready, all electronic paperwork with your employer is settled. Nothing is holding you here any longer. And... One more thing. For your own good, forget what you heard from Miss Lamarr's ship. I beg you, do not try to understand.|Good luck, thank you for your cooperation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_text\_new" "Hmm, a familiar face. Did I fire you from the lab? Oh yeah, you're about the reward. I expected you sooner.|In consultation with the UMC, full payment is given after the completion of the operation. I believe that what happened to the First Fleet can be interpreted as the end of the rescue operation. It's unfortunate that I did not manage to get to the flagship, and the research samples disappeared, and Miss Lamarr, my protégé, lost her sanity by being exposed to PB-42. The bione. How little we know about them... Because of this insanity, all of her words, deeds and studies can not be considered reliable and irrefutable. The person is incapacitated, and it is impossible to prove that her compromising conclusions were made in a sane state. Alas.|Case is closed. If you still want to stay in this doomed place, my advise — prepare as well as you can." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_name" "CHASING ECHOES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_task" "Complete any mission. To do this, press the 'Missions' button." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_text\_complete" "We picked up the rescue capsule. You won't believe it! There were just simple mercenaries attached to the First Ellydium Fleet.|The crew reported that the planet PB-42 'shuddered', part of it literally broke off, everyone was covered with a shining wave, and then the fleet disappeared in the brightest flash, after which the remaining mercenaries went crazy and opened fire on their own. To save energy of this cruiser, they disconnected communications and, escaping, made a jump to another sector. Having met our recon group, they thought that they were the same crazy pilots, who had tracked them from PB-42. This is strange, very strange." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_text\_new" "Iron Natasha contacted us and brought us up to date. What a woman, right?|We broke our heads trying to set up our equipment for the same outdated frequency that your communicator takes. And it almost worked! In the end we detected a similar signal. Unlike fleet call, the coordinates of the source could be calculated, and I sent reconnaissance teams there. But one of them was ambushed.|A general briefing has been declared. The road is long, the UMC barge will take you the sector and back. Try to carefully find out what happened. And if the cruiser responds aggressively, give him a fight. Next, the UMC will pick up the rescue capsule with their crew and arrange an interrogation. Good luck!||To launch a random mission, press the 'Missions' button." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_name" "SOUND THE ALARM" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_task" "Play Skirmish in 'Domination' mode and capture a beacon. To do this, press 'Skirmish' and wait for matchmaking to complete." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_text\_complete" "That's better! Now you can approach the Imperials. Get to their nearest territory. Not the usual job for a mercenary, I know, but someone must save the situation. Think about the number of digits in your bank account and how many ranks in the UMC you will gain when all this is done.|Forward!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_text\_new" "So far, I have a bleak picture: the First recon fleet disappeared under strange circumstances, and some of the mercenaries accompanying it, left in a hurry, attacked their own. This fleet was part of the force that, with the support of imperial dreadnoughts, expelled Aliens from the vicinity of 'Ellydium Theta', and even if it did not deal with the problem... Perhaps, somebody hacked their ship systems, and so there was no emergency drone in the spot of the jump?|And besides everything else a piece broke off from a planet. From a planet. Do you understand the scale? Perhaps the problem is much worse, and the UMC can not cope with this. We need support. |The immediate target is the Empire or what is left of it. The problem with the fleet is still hypothetical, so sending senior mercenaries to the task is too expensive. No offense. Earn a reputation, the Imperials value military prowess.|Play the Skirmish until you get 'Domination' mode. Capture a beacon there." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_name" "BY THE BOOK" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_task" "Complete any three location assignments in 'Open Space'. To do this, arrive in a location with tasks (a blue exclamation mark on the map)." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_text\_complete" "Well, now it's a little better in our corner of the galaxy. Thank you for your work.. Now we can try to file a petition number... Wait, the other day there was a directive, replacing the law on conduct.|You see, this is not my sphere, I'm standing in for someone... We have a shortage of staff on 'Guardian-17' after the tragicevents in the capital. How? You didn't hear? The Solar system fell under the onslaught of the Alien invasion! None of my colleagues know what happened there and most importantly — whether the Emperor is alive. And we are too far away to try to help!..|Now do you understand why everything's gone wrong?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_text\_new" "Welcome to Ontregos system. According to the border treaty, representatives of the United Mercenary Center are allowed free movement in our territory.|What did you say? Unfortunately, I can't... I'm an engineer and do not have the authority... How? A very important message from the UMC? According to the regulations, I can not transmit a message to the officers without the L-400 protocol on your end. Although there was some rule... Forgive us, everything was destroyed here after the Alien invasion and the battle at Ellydium Theta. Yes, for those who distinguished themselves during service we can make an exception. Just tackle the problems in our sector." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_name" "EDUCATION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_task" "Complete the 'Captured Dreadnought' mission in 12 minutes and get 1000 effectiveness points." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_text\_complete" "Get 'em! The world will thank us for this.|And now to business. Our plan worked, the fleet's signal really disappeared because of the dreadnought. But now we know for sure that it will not hurt us anymore. The frequency is free, wait for the signal to repeat." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_text\_new" "Do you remember how quickly the fleet's last attempt to connect to you ended? It seems that the First Fleet's signal is jammed by a powerful communications suppression system. Only dreadnought class ships can afford such equipment.|There was information that just one of them was in the hands of pirates in the neighboring sector. They use a jamming system to silence the SOS signals of their victims. Jerks! They use the fact that the portal storm knocked down the calibration of all warp gates, and everyone has to manually connect to them once again. You know, without calibrating the ship's system with the gates, it's not safe to jump.|Go and explain to the pirates how much they are wrong. The jamming device is usually installed in the dreadnought cabin, aim there and do not spare ammunition." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_name" "KILLING TIME" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_task" "Complete any three timed tasks." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_text\_complete" "You're actually doing quite well, how about joining us? Just kidding, relax. I need to think about what I can do. I hope I can arrange a meeting with the command." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_text\_new" "Sorry for disturbing you. I heard you have a problem with signal reception. Since you're waiting for the repeat signal from the fleet, it's too early to send you to the command. Moreover, no matter how rude it may sound, you are not yet sufficiently tested to require an audience with an officer of the highest rank.|Maybe you can help with the problems in the sector? Time will pass quickly and you'll make a useful contribution." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_name" "LEAP OF FAITH" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_task" "Capture the beacon during a Skirmish 'Beacon Hunt' mode. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_text\_complete" "Unfortunately, someone sabotaged our systems. The jump to the specified coordinates is impossible. But we saw that the beacons were tuned to the frequency I requested, and this means that someone hears me!|Whoever you are, please do not leave us! This means not only saving my life, but the lives of my people. My name is June Lamarr, I'm on the flagship of the first recon fleet flagship. Contact Dr. Dimeni, I'm sure he will be able to offer you a worthy reward for this assignment." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_text\_new" "[interference]... can anyone hear this? This is th... [interference] fleet of the 'Ellidium'. [interference]... fight with the unknown... [interference]... need evacuation! We are trying to make a jump... [interference] I repeat! Jump to the coordinates +27° 07'42.01\"... [noise]... if someone hears me... [noise] I'm asking for help! I ask you to ensure the stable operation of the navigation beacons... [interference] coordinates." "quest\_quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_complete\_dialog1" "Home, sweet home, huh? Certainly not for such respectable citizens as me and you. In short, you're in place. Look for smugglers disliked by Oliver." "quest\_quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_complete\_dialog2" "Yes, you really showed him. Keep it up, we'll deal with this and figure out how to help the fleet."



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"quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_dialog1" "Ok, the cameras are on, start checking the ship. Judging by the broadcast, our unidentified object is a lost drone and it's close. Destroy it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_dialog2" "Come back, the test is finished.||Reach the station in 'Open Space' or select 'Return to hangar' in the main menu 'Esc'" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_name" "CHECK THE SHIP'S SYSTEMS!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_task" "Launch into 'Open Space', destroy the target and return to the station." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_task\_short" "Destroy an unidentified target: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_text\_complete" "Good job!|This junk has no business hanging around like this. It's easier to take down than to pick up and restore. I know drones like these: lag behind the mother ship after a fight and hang out in the area afterwards. They remained in this sector, because recently, 'Ellydium' conducted a large-scale operation against Aliens. I hope we will not see them again.|We checked your ship, the systems are OK. But the communicator should be replaced. I just know where you can get spare parts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_1\_text\_new" "Welcome to the UMC, mercenary!|United Mercenary Centre is a union of brave conquerors of space tied by a single goal. That's what the booklet says, and for the most part it's true. My name is Selena Galo, I will be your instructor. Your squad has just arrived at the station 'Ellydium Theta'. We are preparing to take a large order from the 'Ellydium' corporation, which owns this place.|There is time to look around before the briefing. Fly to the signal of an unidentified beacon next to the station.||Undock from the station — open the map, find the Line system and select the marker 'Ellydium Theta station'. Prepare for the flight and launch when you're ready." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog1" "So, you're close. Fly around, look around. Candidates for spare parts should be nearby." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog2" "Yeah, you got it right. We need these terrible debris. It's amazing you don't even care that you will have to stick this garbage to your ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_dialog3" "This should be enough for us. Come back, I have news for you. Oh, this buzzing again! Can't wait for the new communicator to work." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_name" "MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_task" "Launch into 'Open Space' and pick up 3 spare parts in the 'Ellydium Theta station' area." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_task\_short" "Collect parts: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_text\_complete" "Now that's much better: the sound and the video are normal. I can see who I'm talking to. Hey, sticking your tongue out!|Hmm, customers have been active, a general briefing's announced. The 'Ellydium' corporation recruits mercenaries of all colours, details of the task are still secret, but the fee is already known. I don't know about you, but after a bonus like this I'm not going to get out of the spa for two years!|In short, the customer is serious! It is important to show that we are the ones they need. So be careful with the ship when launching from the hangar." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_2\_text\_new" "After the recent battle with aliens (what a silly nickname!) a lot of space debris that used to be ships drifts around 'Ellydium Theta'. Because of this war, the situation is unenviable, and resources are not extracted as much as before. Sorting through trash is hardly fin, I already told the authorities, but... there isn't much choice.|So go and collect a few ship spare parts, they will come in handy if it becomes hot during the execution of the order. And for god's sakes, find a new communicator in this trash, my head's already buzzing from the noise I hear when I talk to you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_dialog1" "Just look! Are those really hovering rocks? What power could've severed these pieces directly... from the planet? Look closer." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_dialog2" "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! First... Fleet. We are... Code 7500, 7700. In the sector... dangerous. We have... bear losses... Mayday, Mayday!.." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_name" "ON THE AIR" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_task\_short" "Pick up container: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_task" "Take a Lynx fighter and using invisibility (F key) visit the location PB-42 in 'Open Space'. To do this, press 'Undock' in the accepted task screen." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_text\_complete" "Is the Mayday signal coming from the First Fleet, and they are not at the designated point? But nobody's been active on this frequency for 30 years. Damn it! All the coneheads of 'Ellydium' worked for two days without sleep on this task, and no one thought of testing the outdated frequencies? Stupid nerds, they're not going to get a bonus.|And you did not find a special drone, either? Our new tech, released into space during an emergency jump. What, perhaps, the flotilla did do. This drone has the starting and finishing coordinates of the jump. They would be damn useful! |You say there was only a container with our logo? And inside some unidentifiable equipment? Good. This is ours. Consequently, they reached the end of the route and disappeared...|Okay, stay on the same frequency! In this zone there is nobody with the same... unique equipment. I will contact the UMC. And do not forget to take the receiver if you are going to change to a different ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_3\_text\_new" "Mercenaries! This is head of 'Ellidium Theta' security service Natasha Cortés.|Since you are here, it means that you survived a couple of operations and received some recommendations. Let's see if you are fit for the job.|So, two days ago, at about 15:29 we lost contact with the First Recon Fleet. Its current location is unknown. The task is to break into groups and quickly comb through all the waypoints of the planned flotilla route. |Hey, you! Go to the end point of the route. The situation in the sector is unknown, a red danger level is possible. Therefore, the work should be done as imperceptibly as possible. Change to the Lynx fighter with the invisibility module if you want to survive. |In case of finding evidence that the flotilla was in the sector, at any cost, deliver it to me." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_name" "CHASING ECHOES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_task" "Complete any mission. To do this, press the 'Missions' button." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_text\_complete" "We picked up the rescue capsule. You won't believe it! There were just simple mercenaries attached to the First Ellydium Fleet.|The crew reported that the planet PB-42 'shuddered', part of it literally broke off, everyone was covered with a shining wave, and then the fleet disappeared in the brightest flash, after which the remaining mercenaries went crazy and opened fire on their own. To save energy of this cruiser, they disconnected communications and, escaping, made a jump to another sector. Having met our recon group, they thought that they were the same crazy pilots, who had tracked them from PB-42. This is strange, very strange." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_4\_text\_new" "Iron Natasha contacted us and brought us up to date. What a woman, right?|We broke our heads trying to set up our equipment for the same outdated frequency that your communicator takes. And it almost worked! In the end we detected a similar signal. Unlike fleet call, the coordinates of the source could be calculated, and I sent reconnaissance teams there. But one of them was ambushed.|A general briefing has been declared. The road is long, the UMC barge will take you the sector and back. Try to carefully find out what happened. And if the cruiser responds aggressively, give him a fight. Next, the UMC will pick up the rescue capsule with their crew and arrange an interrogation. Good luck!||To launch a random mission, press the 'Missions' button." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_name" "SOUND THE ALARM" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_task" "Play Skirmish in 'Domination' mode and capture a beacon. To do this, press 'Skirmish' and wait for matchmaking to complete." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_text\_complete" "That's better! Now you can approach the Imperials. Get to their nearest territory. Not the usual job for a mercenary, I know, but someone must save the situation. Think about the number of digits in your bank account and how many ranks in the UMC you will gain when all this is done.|Forward!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_5\_text\_new" "So far, I have a bleak picture: the First recon fleet disappeared under strange circumstances, and some of the mercenaries accompanying it, left in a hurry, attacked their own. This fleet was part of the force that, with the support of imperial dreadnoughts, expelled Aliens from the vicinity of 'Ellydium Theta', and even if it did not deal with the problem... Perhaps, somebody hacked their ship systems, and so there was no emergency drone in the spot of the jump?|And besides everything else a piece broke off from a planet. From a planet. Do you understand the scale? Perhaps the problem is much worse, and the UMC can not cope with this. We need support. |The immediate target is the Empire or what is left of it. The problem with the fleet is still hypothetical, so sending senior mercenaries to the task is too expensive. No offense. Earn a reputation, the Imperials value military prowess.|Play the Skirmish until you get 'Domination' mode. Capture a beacon there." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_name" "BY THE BOOK" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_task" "Complete any three location assignments in 'Open Space'. To do this, arrive in a location with tasks (a blue exclamation mark on the map)." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_text\_complete" "Well, now it's a little better in our corner of the galaxy. Thank you for your work.. Now we can try to file a petition number... Wait, the other day there was a directive, replacing the law on conduct.|You see, this is not my sphere, I'm standing in for someone... We have a shortage of staff on 'Guardian-17' after the tragicevents in the capital. How? You didn't hear? The Solar system fell under the onslaught of the Alien invasion! None of my colleagues know what happened there and most importantly — whether the Emperor is alive. And we are too far away to try to help!..|Now do you understand why everything's gone wrong?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_6\_text\_new" "Welcome to Ontregos system. According to the border treaty, representatives of the United Mercenary Center are allowed free movement in our territory.|What did you say? Unfortunately, I can't... I'm an engineer and do not have the authority... How? A very important message from the UMC? According to the regulations, I can not transmit a message to the officers without the L-400 protocol on your end. Although there was some rule... Forgive us, everything was destroyed here after the Alien invasion and the battle at Ellydium Theta. Yes, for those who distinguished themselves during service we can make an exception. Just tackle the problems in our sector." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_name" "EDUCATION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_task" "Complete the 'Captured Dreadnought' mission in 12 minutes and get 1000 effectiveness points." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_text\_complete" "Get 'em! The world will thank us for this.|And now to business. Our plan worked, the fleet's signal really disappeared because of the dreadnought. But now we know for sure that it will not hurt us anymore. The frequency is free, wait for the signal to repeat." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_7\_text\_new" "Do you remember how quickly the fleet's last attempt to connect to you ended? It seems that the First Fleet's signal is jammed by a powerful communications suppression system. Only dreadnought class ships can afford such equipment.|There was information that just one of them was in the hands of pirates in the neighboring sector. They use a jamming system to silence the SOS signals of their victims. Jerks! They use the fact that the portal storm knocked down the calibration of all warp gates, and everyone has to manually connect to them once again. You know, without calibrating the ship's system with the gates, it's not safe to jump.|Go and explain to the pirates how much they are wrong. The jamming device is usually installed in the dreadnought cabin, aim there and do not spare ammunition." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_name" "KILLING TIME" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_task" "Complete any three timed tasks." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_text\_complete" "You're actually doing quite well, how about joining us? Just kidding, relax. I need to think about what I can do. I hope I can arrange a meeting with the command." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_8\_text\_new" "Sorry for disturbing you. I heard you have a problem with signal reception. Since you're waiting for the repeat signal from the fleet, it's too early to send you to the command. Moreover, no matter how rude it may sound, you are not yet sufficiently tested to require an audience with an officer of the highest rank.|Maybe you can help with the problems in the sector? Time will pass quickly and you'll make a useful contribution." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_name" "LEAP OF FAITH" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_task" "Capture the beacon during a Skirmish 'Beacon Hunt' mode. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_text\_complete" "Unfortunately, someone sabotaged our systems. The jump to the specified coordinates is impossible. But we saw that the beacons were tuned to the frequency I requested, and this means that someone hears me!|Whoever you are, please do not leave us! This means not only saving my life, but the lives of my people. My name is June Lamarr, I'm on the flagship of the first recon fleet flagship. Contact Dr. Dimeni, I'm sure he will be able to offer you a worthy reward for this assignment." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_9\_text\_new" "[interference]... can anyone hear this? This is th... [interference] fleet of the 'Ellidium'. [interference]... fight with the unknown... [interference]... need evacuation! We are trying to make a jump... [interference] I repeat! Jump to the coordinates +27° 07'42.01\"... [noise]... if someone hears me... [noise] I'm asking for help! I ask you to ensure the stable operation of the navigation beacons... [interference] coordinates." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_name" "FROM THE SHIP TO THE BALL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ariadne's Thread' in 10 minutes and destroy 20 opponents." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_text\_complete" "What a relief not to hear the wailing hull of this proud result of engineering! Thank you on behalf of both of us, the reward will be delivered to you shortly.|So, to the point. So you managed to catch the SOS signal from June Lamarr when you were near PB-42 and a couple more times? Remarkable! This is my protege, the curater of the recon fleet who should now be on the flagship. Hmmmm... Of course, on your part it would be correct to warn 'Ellydium' in advance that you are attracting outside resources. But since you and the UMC have already gone so far, let's continue. Cortes will surely be enraged to learn that our little blunder has become known, but do not take it to heart. She'll calm down.|Here are the contacts of a trusted person. Back in the day he had led enough fleets through the thickest nebulae and knows how to deal with communication problems." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_10\_text\_new" "Doctor Dimeni listening. Who is speaking?|Ah, a mercenary from the UMC? You work fast. What? It's not about my request? Then I apologize, I'm somewhat... busy. I can not help you, until one of the experimental docks under control of the AI Ariadne is switched to standard mode. Right now she is under a massive attack of cybers. Do not even ask how I ended up there...|I have already asked for help from the UMC, and I am ready to wait for it. Unfortunately the shipyard does not fully share my opinion and, it seems, is ready to fall apart at any moment. But since you have an urgent matter for me — welcome. I would be grateful if you hurried. Arthur Gage was appointed to lead the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_name" "HIGH STANDARDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_task" "Extend your ship collection with an imperial interceptop Neutron. Press 'SHIPS' in the section 'Ship tree' and select the right ship." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_text\_complete" "That's better, soldier! Now even without the tools you can see that you are not a deserter and not a criminal, but a brave fighter of the UMC. If I had a pair of squadrons of guys like you, we would not have let the damn aliens out of the portals during the invasion... Many good guys fell then, and for what? We only kicked these xxxxxxxx out recently. And not even ourselves, but with the handouts frpm 'Ellydium'. Well at least Natasha notified us this time...|Okay, why just stand here? We need to solve a couple of problems." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_11\_text\_new" "Legate Festus Morten speaking.|Who? Why not through the aide? You're about to go clean the toilets for violation of subordination... From Conrad? Okay, let's hear it.|So... If your data is correct, then we do not have anything good to expect from this situation. Nobody would want to share the fate of the First Fleet. But I'm honour-bound by the hands and feet, and Guardian-17 have their own problems. Until everything's fine here, I can not help, that's it.|If you decide to help the chained dog with its headache, then first get a normal ship, so bring it in line with the imperial standard. Or my falcons may accidentally shoot you down in this trough." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_name" "POLITICALLY NEUTRAL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_task" "Complete the mission 'Defence Contract'. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_text\_complete" "I saw how the remnants of this carrion fled, tucking their tails! Ha, I'm willing to bet a monthly salary, that right now they are drowning their tears with cheap swill and swear not to take the wheel in their hands anymore. They were very mistaken if they thought that firing at a cargo ship is a real fight.|Thank you, that pleased the old man. I remember about your problem. I do not want to reassure you in advance, but my intelligence is working on a couple of theories while we're talking. When they find something, they will inform you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_12\_text\_new" "Legate Morten speaking.|Wanted to help me? About time. The damn deserters and pirates, using confusion in the Federation's Olympus system, attack civilians, who do not have either warships or weapons.|Yes, this is not our territory, but civilians do not give the oath, so it does not matter on whose side they are. I will disgrace the honour of my title if I do nothing!|We are unable to deploy a full-fledged military operation, as petty politicians will see an act of aggression on the part of the Empire. But you and the guys from the UMC can safely cross the border and show these xxxxxxxx that justice never sleeps. Kyle Carran will coordinate the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_name" "INTELLIGENT SELECTION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_task" "Win in the mission 'Blackwood shipyard. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_text\_complete" "Thank you for your cooperation, fighter! I will not forget this. If the Ironside traitor had captured Ariadne, much more imperial blood would have been spilled. Much more. Yes, I had to act with your hands. But who would I be if I gave the soldiers the order to kill their own brothers? What do you know about honour, mercenary...|I'll send my guys to look after the situation at the Blackwood shipyard. Dismissed" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_13\_text\_new" "It's Morten.|Urgent business. Ironside separatists attacked Ariadne — artificial intelligence developed by 'Blackwood'. If they manage to figure out how to subdue it completely, then everyone can immediately resign. There's always problems with this piece of metal: first it gets out of control, then some psychos want to capture it. And who does all the work? Ordinary soldiers! What do these eggheads think?|But an order is an order, get to work. The plan is simple: my guys distract the Ironside henchmen, and you, along with other mercenaries, come from the flank. Instill horror into the enemies, make them beg for mercy — let them run and no longer make my people dirty their hands in imperial blood. To battle!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_name" "EXPERTS AT WORK" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_task" "Complete any 5 assignments in the location in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_text\_complete" "I see, none of us wasted any time. I'll start from the beginning. In 2062 on Earth, the Signal was first registered. A powerful electromagnetic wave interrupted all communications. The distant ancestors of those whom we know as Jericho began worshipping this signal. And for this they were driven far away from Earth.|So, scientists at the time thought up a communicator of a special type that allowed them to communicate despite the Signal. But if earlier there was not enough capacity, and therefore the communicator operated only on short distances, now it's quite another matter! Do you understand where I'm going with this?|It is extremely difficult to find a communicator of such kind. But fortunately, my humble self is a collector of ancient technology with experience. But that prehistoric construct in your ship — yes, it's a replica of those communicators produced and mounted for reasons unknown. If you properly dig into its logs and hardware, you may get at least some useful information about the fleet, and perhaps even its location. We will set up the equipment and orientate ourselves not with the coordinates, as is usually done, but with the signal source. That is the flagship. It can work out. And without any emergency drones." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_14\_text\_new" "So, mercenary! There is new data concerning your request. Near PB-42 The first fleet was attacked by an unknown enemy. In the course of a fierce battle with the use of the heaviest weapons — they tore a bloody piece off the planet! — the forces of 'Ellydium' suffered serious losses. The commander - or whoever was there - ordered to retreat. After that, the flagship, together with the rest of the ships of the fleet, made an emergency jump. Where — nobody knows. These were the facts.|According to indirect data, the crew probably fell under the influence of psychotronic weapons, and the fleet was attacked by its allies. What worries me is the fact that no wreckages of the ships of the attackers were found on the battlefield. Scouts believe that some of the spaceships were saved along with the flagship, and an emergency drone, launched during the jump, was picked up by someone. It seems that we have stumbled upon some kind of dark business.|We need a stable communication channel with this Lamarr. While I'm busy with your problems, someone must do my job: jump around the sectors and see that everything is according to the rules." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_name" "WRATH OF THE IRONWOMAN" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_task" "Destroy or help destroy 30 enemies in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_text\_complete" "I remembered why I did not destroy you last time. You are too lucky. Stop with the smiles! Your reputation is still below the threshold.|So be it, I'll forward the codes. You and Festus have to find the damn emergency drone or find another way to locate the flotilla!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_15\_text\_new" "Yes? Who is this?!|Provide access codes? To you!? Do you even know what are you asking? After you sent the information about our internal investigation? How has the secrecy of the mission not been discussed at the briefing? It was implied! Now because of this everybody knows that the indestructible 'Ellydium' could not keep track of its own fleet! And everyone wants to take advantage of our weakness! Every lousy mercenary without a company behind him and that we did not have time to buy, now circles around us like a vulture over a wounded lion, trying to tear off a piece!|But it was not our fault, do you understand this? The route was clearly laid, the action patterns were developed, people were trained. What... What could have gone so wrong that we can not even now understand where the reconnaissance fleet is?! And worst of all, you are the one closest to the answer...|Okay, I'll give you one more chance." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_name" "FEAST DURING THE PLAGUE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_task" "Earn 5 medals for capturing beacons in Skirmish or battles versus AI. You can see the descriptions of medals in your profile (Click on the pilot profile or press 'P')." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_text\_complete" "I did not doubt that you would manage. Brilliant work! Now my lab will be able to continue working on increasing the signal stability and then locating the fleet.|It is sad to see that in such a difficult time for the galaxy, people still continue to waste time on small squabbles, weakening all of humanity. I hoped that, at least after the invasion, people would stop fighting for territory and measure how quickly their guns burned through a sheet of steel. I'm glad that you yourself do not do such stupid things, and our views on the problem seem to coincide." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_16\_text\_new" "Hello! Or how do you, the military, usually greet each other? Sorry, I do not know much about professional jargon.|I heard Cortes cursing even from my office. Let me assume that it was you who caused her distress. Remember, I warned not to take it to heart? Follow my advice.|But I'm not calling you to invite you for a cup of tea and teambuilding. Though the idea itself is certainly not bad. Teambuilding remains one of the promising models of corporate management, although it was developed in the distant 60s of the XX century... But, I digress.|The matter is that to increase stability of your connection with the First Fleet, Ellydium leased navigational beacons from private corporations in order to strengthen the incoming signal. But here's the snag: they all ended up in the territories where the fighting began recently. There is a feeling that someone is trying to stop us. Last time at Ariadne's shipyards you showed yourself very well, I hope that you will also agree to help the UMC now." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_name" "HOT HEADS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_task" "Earn a medal for quickly destroying the enemy in PvP or CO-OP modes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_text\_complete" "Excellent, is working as intended. When the fleet contacts you again, Dimeni's laboratory will provide a stable reception, we will fix the signal and thanks to your effort we will send a transport with an evacuation team. We transfer the computational load to hardware, rented by Conrad. The blind leap is risky, but it's worth it.|You need to jump while the fleet's signal is live. Otherwise, we'll get lost just like they did. And we still have not solved the fuel issue, it will take time for the request to go through all the jumps. If the fleet contacts us right now, we'll have to improvise. Do not worry, I know an illegal mining station nobody is going to miss..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_17\_text\_new" "Commander Morten speaking.|Everything goes according to plan: navigational beacons are rented; access codes to 'Ellydium' emergency drones are received; the Signal-era communicator is configured to provide a stable connection to the fleet and ping its location. Everything is almost ready to jump blindly at the signal to save the crews of the missing fleet from that hole where they have driven themselves.|But there are complications. Once again we checked everything, and it turns out that the guys do not have enough fuel to jump back to us, even if we establish a communication channel and set up navigation.|We are already thinking about solving this problem. And you, pilot, listen to your special mission: do a couple of sorties with the guys from the UMC who are not busy with the Ellydium case. My engineers will calibrate your relic communicator in conditions as close to combat as possible. We do not want Miss Lamarr's call to end at the wrong time, right?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_name" "HELPING HAND" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_task" "Destroy 5 objects in the PvE mission 'Processing Rig'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_text\_complete" "We got the transport with fuel from you. But its crew is dead. We're establishing the cause of death. Evacuation won't work like this! But we do not give up, we just need another way. We will try to determine your location. We will hold on... as long as it takes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_18\_text\_new" "The signal has become more powerful, but I still can not hear you. I'll broadcast it while I have energy. This is very resource-intensive, perhaps we ended up quite far away. I hope that the data we have collected will not be wasted. |The scientific department of the First Fleet confirmed the theory of Dr. Dimeni. The so-called biones — giant aliens, form directly within the planets! Most of the life, if you can say so, cycle, they spend in a state of suspended animation. So they can accumulate reserves, I would call them fuel, if earlier it hadn't been given another name — iridium. When the bione awakens, it absorbs and recycles everything that formed on the planet during hibernation! I'm not sure, but I'll assume that this is how it evolves, assimilating a new genocode. What happens after this is not known for certain.|Wait-wait, what? We are detecting a warp-jump at our coordinates? We have been detected?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_name" "A FINE LINE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_task" "Get 5 medals for survival in combat." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_text\_complete" "Intelligence reported that a ship with the Federation's signature was on the battlefield before us. Damn marauders, taking everything from the battlefield. The emergency drone. of course, was already disabled and we can't track it. So you'll have to move to the Federation's area and look for it yourself. Well, good luck. I can not help you anymore, command is withdrawing to the second front.|So long, pilot. It's up to you. But send me the reports anyway, 'Ellydium' may need my dreadnoughts again. It will be harder than at the Leviathan last time, but Natasha will come up with something again." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_19\_text\_new" "What do you mean the crew of the evacuation team died during the jump? But where the hell did they go? The system worked at the power limit! Some Bione too...|I do not like it... Enough! I will not waste the lives of soldiers for this quest. Conrad is my friend, but the Empire is above all. I'm winding down the operation. We did not learn anything: there are no precise coordinates or the ability to return the fleet, since the crew dies during transportation.|If we had at least an emergency drone, which is launched into space during an emergency jump. I told you that we did not find any of them and it's very suspicious. No? Getting old...|If you find an emergency drone, you can accurately determine the parameters of the jump. How do I know where to look? Maybe your communicator will find a signal. Let's wait." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_name" "RICH WORLDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_task" "Perform any 5 location assignments in Open Space." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_text\_complete" "Suppose you are not an imperial spy. Purely theoretically. But why would I help the first person I meet? Sorry, buddy, but the good guys in our world do not survive." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_20\_text\_new" "What could a mercenary do at the station 'New Eden'?|You're straight from Morten. You think you can leave your Imperial insignia behind and I'm gonna just trust that you work for UMC and nobody else? I do not trust my reflection, when the whole world is rolling downhill.|I do not want to hear anything until you prove that you are not a spy. Over and out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_name" "CONVINCE AN OLD FRIEND" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_task" "Complete any 5 timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_text\_complete" "Ha-ha, what a pilot! Said and done. I immediately realized that you're a great guy.|Keep this between us, but I think it's bad at Ellydium. Though the fleet is huge, but without exact coordinates, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. I'm sorry, what?.. Is there a new technology that makes serious ships launch an emergency drone if they make an emergency jump? And this drone has the starting and finishing coordinates? Are you serious? Not found on the battlefield? Come on! |If such guys did not cope with what happened in the unfortunate planet PB-42, then I do not know who can. Probably, you and the UMC are right to sound an alarm, but the times are not right for enemies to sit down at the negotiating table.|In all this chaos, 'New Eden' is the only place in the former Federation, which at least tries to help others. Help it not to vanish and I'll think about what can be done in your situation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_21\_text\_new" "Hello there, mercenary! I've heard (accidentally of course) that you're looking for Oliver Winkler's favor. I can help you.|Oliver and I are old friends, he's a good guy, but he takes everything too seriously. You know, since the start of the war with aliens, the Federation cracked at the seams, and now it's bursting. And there is no more Federation. We have all sorts of Hermes Blocks, Separate Worlds, Unions you can't pronounce and Oliver with his useless station 'New Eden'. But that's all wrong, right? There is no longer that state with freedom and equality. And Oliver was very close to it, and behaves like the worst...|In a word, it's all hell: problems appear and disappear so quickly that we do not even have time to track them, not to mention react. But you have a decent ship, you'll have time to do the job. Solve a couple of problems — Winkler will become more accommodating. And in the meantime, tell me what's wrong with you. If the matter is worthwhile, we will not abandon ourselves to the mercy of fate." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_name" "TO DISPERSE THE DARKNESS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_task" "In the mission 'Scarlet Haze', destroy or help destroy 50 ships." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_text\_complete" "Good work! Cybers deserved it after they'd called aliens into our world with their beacons. Now Jericho carefully monitors this technology. Only in their secret laboratories can you find beacons of cybers in the original form. Those that are hanging around in space, either burned out and almost do not work, or were specially reprogrammed, so that the hordes of aliens from another world would not be called.|We return you back, as promised. Continue the search for an emergency fleet drones on Federation territory. It can not be that it disappeared without a trace. And who would destroy an emergency drone? What do you think about it?|Okay, ask for help if you need it. Over and out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_22\_text\_new" "Greetings, mercenary.|How are things going? I see you have already reached the ex-Federation. Keep it up! The rest also are actively combing other sectors. Completing Ellydium's order is a matter of time.|But we have a shortage of people in the Solaris sector. Therefore, I will requisition you for help. We will take you by our transport, no need to fly manually. We're attacking the station of cybers — crazy Jericho rogues. Pilots in their sectors say that they fell into a strong dependence on cyberimpants, which are popular in their homeland, and were expelled. And then I do not know how it happened, instead of the Signal, they worshiped the crystallids. You're sure to know about them: the aliens who invaded our world from the portals a few years ago. Can you guess who helped them get to our world? The whole galaxy has old feuds with them, do not spare anybody." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_name" "EXPLOSIVE HOPE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_task" "Detonate the bomb in 'Detonation' mode in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_complete" "[Interference]... hold it. I looped the message... [interference]|This is senior scientific... [interference] out of control. [Interference]... can not... [interference] Evacuation... [interference] waiting for her.|[Noise]... my guys insisted that I... [clutter]|Before us on PB-42 there was... [interference] a list of their equipment... [interference] is not potential, but real... [noise] swarm of enslaved creatures, used to be hu... [interference]|... all squad ships on the flagship [clutter] try to save... Lamarr, the end of the recording." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_23\_text\_new" "[Interference]|...first recon! We noticed that several navigation beacons tuned in to our frequency, which allowed... [interference] Now we use much less energy on comm... [interference] But a few hours ago the broadcasting of one of the navigation stations by at coordinates... [noise] began to overlap our frequency. Is it possible that someone intercepted it? I know that you can still hear me. This is our only... [interference] with the outside world!... need to be warned... [interferences] Please, I need to restore the old communication channel. Otherwise, when...|[Interference. Communication is interrupted]" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog1" "Home, sweet home, huh? Certainly not for such respectable citizens as me and you. In short, you're in place. Look for smugglers disliked by Oliver." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog2" "Yes, you really showed him. Keep it up, we'll deal with this and figure out how to help the fleet." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_dialog3" "That's it. Dirty work, but someone has to do it. And now I advise you to report to Oliver." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_name" "SHADY DEEDS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_task" "Destroy 10 smugglers in the 'Smugglers Hideout' location." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_task\_short" "Destroy smugglers: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_text\_complete" "Excellent! Excellent. Now these uncontrollable ragamuffins will not stop serious people from doing business. Take your reward.|So why did you come into our sector, since you're not a spy? Looking for an emergency drone? I'll ask around." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_24\_text\_new" "Hello again. Judging by your pale face, some fleet called again and connection was all bad again? That's sad but let's not waste time.|One well-wisher told me that you did something for the good of the sector. Funny, I thought that altruists outside the now deceased Federation ceased back in the XL century.|If it turns out that your problem is really more serious than anticipated, then everyone will suffer. Especially those who have settled close to the bione... What?! Not only Morten has informants. I will be one of the first to know if this huge creature stirs again!|Okay, I'll consider the idea of helping this fleet. But in exchange for a favour. Smugglers settled nearby, which prevents other smug... um, honest people from doing business. Go and deal with it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_name" "OLD STOCKS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ellydium plant raid' in 11 minutes and destroy 15 enemies with missiles. Your ship should not be destroyed." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_text\_complete" "Thanks for the help with iridum. Automated systems have been processing it all this time, as if waiting for us. But it's strange that the Cartel ended up on an Ellydium base. Perhaps they were rightly accused of connections with these pirates?|Fine. Got your thing there? Well done. Go to Ragnar, he is the authority on incomprehensible junk. He'll find so many uses for a rusty bolt, nobody in their right mind would even dream of it.|Now go on, sort out your business and leave. I'm not a genie from a lamp to help you so much. See you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_25\_text\_new" "I thought about your problem. 'New Eden' will not get involved in this. It's too risky. I'll bet that those knuckleheads from the Empire you visited before us, can't wait to hit us in the back when we go to the coordinates of the alleged disaster. I will not give them such a chance, I'm sorry.|But your thing, which signals just like the fleet, and which made you fly to us from the territory of the former Empire, is most likely located in the old Ellydium base for processing iridium. What? Surprised that I have not forgotten about this? You're right. If you wait for help from others and do nothing — you will not get anything.|I sent troops there to deliver the surplus iridum to 'New Eden'. Why waste the goods? If you hurry, you will have time to help me, and take your gizmo. 'Ellydium' left this base, and now there is some kind of madness going on." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog13" "You work hard, huh? You're a responsible mercenary. You can come back, I'm mostly done with your item." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog1" "Hey, you! Why the hell are you sticking your nose into Ellydium affairs? The corporation has long since left this base and has nothing to do with the 'Cartel'. But it's still none of your business!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog2" "Cortes, why the drama? My friend, tell 'New Eden' that they could just ask for the iridium. Let them consider this not a robbery, but a gesture of goodwill." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_dialog3" "You work hard, huh? I never knew mercenaries could be responsible. You can come back, I'm mostly done with your item." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_name" "SCRAP THE BARREL" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_task" "Complete any 5 location assignments in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_text\_complete" "Do you know that this 'Ellydium' emergency drone is something like a sealed safe? Its complicated protection system just screams that there's something very interesting inside! And so let it remain in the hands of the connoisseur — that is, my hands.|I'm sorry, but it will be better for the three of us: me, you and the gadget. Nothing personal, just business. And now I have to bow out. Good luck, all the best, stay happy, be healthy and good-bye." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_26\_text\_new" "I heard about your raid... ahem, a visit to the abandoned 'Ellydium' base. Did you get a lot of iridium? Can I get my share? Just kidding! Of course, you did not get involved in all this for the sake of profit.|I found your mysterious gadget. Quicker than you think! It's asking for an access code. Oh, you got it from Cortes? Send it to me, I'll figure out what it is.|And while I'm busy with it, do not stand like an idol and help 'New Eden' a bit. They did us a great favor by giving a tip to the location of the object." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog1" "Good afternoon! Are you looking for me by chance?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog2" "Forget it, it's no use. These alien sharks will devour you like a wounded man who has fallen overboard." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_dialog3" "Just how stubborn can you be! But I'm not and never was even near the abandoned beacon." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_name" "CRYSTAL CLEAR" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_task" "Destroy 10 Crystallids in the Abandoned Beacon zone." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_task\_short" "Destroy Crystallids: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_text\_complete" "Are you serious? The abandoned beacon only had aliens, crystallids and marauders instead of Ragnar? I can not imagine how this could happen. Maybe you took too long to get there, no? Let me find out if his ship was seen elsewhere." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_27\_text\_new" "Wait, slow down. What did they steal? Who?.. What an unpleasant situation. I understand, you crave justice, and who am I to disturb you?|According to tracking systems, Ragnar's trace leads to an abandoned beacon. The area is problematic, you have every chance of encountering aliens. So many problems from them, they keep interrupting our delivery of goods. So do not forget to check your weapons before departure." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_name" "DISTRACTION" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_task" "Earn 5 medals for serial achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_text\_complete" "Now this is much better! Maybe they'll quiet down at last, while they're fixing up We sure showed them! Did I say 'we'? You, of course you!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_28\_text\_new" "I put out an APB for Ragnar's ship, and several witnesses indicated that they saw him in a couple of skirmishes. I would send the police there, but it's a mess between the corporations in this place. Mercenaries gnaw at each other's throats for the one who pays the most. You understand what will happen if the cops get there.|What can you do, you'll have to get into every fight and sort it all out." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_name" "AUTHORITY EQUALS POWER" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_task" "Earn 3 medals for competitive achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_text\_complete" "Well done, your name can be heard quite often now. This should impress smugglers. Let's hope that they will influence Fris and convince him to cooperate with you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_29\_text\_new" "Long time no see! How is it going? We are working hard. Cortes does not let go!|You sure? They're giving you false leads? So the Federation may have broken up, yet its remnants still function according to the old scheme, although they dislike each other now. They all rely on official and unofficial traders — smugglers, who now have grown bolder and have stopped hiding. And who would they hide from? New governments have problems more important than illegal trade. But that's good enough for us.|Smugglers all thrive on reputation. They listen to the top authority. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of a loophole in their system and to earn yourself enough reputation so that smugglers would deal with you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_name" "OUT OF SPITE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_task" "Complete any 10 timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_text\_complete" "Hey, I told you not to do this! Now all the work is lost because of your fuss. I do not know exactly how, but you frustrated the Cartel's plans with your actions. They refuse to listen to my assurances that you are not working for me. Now we do not cooperate with them!|When the Federation burst at the seams, nobody needed 'New Eden'. We are all sitting on a depressurized ship, but instead of evacuating its command simply blocks the compartments one after another and hopes to wait it out. It does not matter if someone is choking behind a partition! They behave like it's ok.|So we survive as we can. Therefore, if anyone has not yet understood, the Cartel and smuggling were necessary for the survival of the station. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Call me when you do." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_30\_text\_new" "Well-well-well, you keep insisting? I'm asking you kindly, forget you about this stolen unit from the 'Ellydium' base and forget your fleet. Do not waste time, the promised jackpot and progress through the ranks of the UMC are not worth it! And remember that we also do not need help and fussing around. Everything in the sectors is good and I am in control. Do not interfere in the local affairs, it brings no benefit." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_name" "FIXED BATTLES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_task" "Earn 5 medals for using special modules and weapons in skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_text\_complete" "I did not think that you would really get into a conflict, but a deal is a deal.|I played around with your safe. Regrettably, in itself it does not represent anything and does not contain anything valuable. But you'll definitely like the news that inside there's beacon with the markings of 'Ellydium'! It produced the signal. The coordinates indicate Jericho territory, so I have no idea what is there. But apparently in this country of cybersamurai, rejected by mankind a long time ago, things are not going smoothly either. The whole crazy world is going downhill after the Alien invasion.|So you're going to have as much trouble as you've got with us at the 'New Eden'. But I have a man who owes me his life. I will warn him, and he will contact you as soon as you go to Jericho. Well, good luck. I will help you with the First Fleet, so do not say goodbye." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_31\_text\_new" "Salute, mate!|I see you and the UMC really got into this whole thing! With all your heavy lifting, the guys just keep talking about you. They tell me to be serious with a guy like you. And what about me? I have a conscience, too. Maybe I understand that what I did was wrong. But they never told me directly that people were missing! I picked up the drone, but how did I know what it was good for. It's a new technology! A profit is a profit, but I never toy with other people's lives.|Let's not put it off. My friends benefit from the opposition of the corporations. Continue to heat up their conflict — I'll open this thing and decipher the coordinates. I have the access codes, he-he." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog1" "That's right. You are almost there." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog2" "This is the First Recon automated message! Communication pr... Infection has spread to the flagship, the situation is critical! I repeat, the infection..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_dialog3" "I intercepted your radio conversations. Do not be surprised. It seems that we are running out of time. We must hurry." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_name" "A NEW HOPE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_task" "Destroy 10 cybers, cyber patrolmen or cyber warriors in the 'Pallas Frontier' location." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_task\_short" "Destroy cybers: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_text\_complete" "From myself and the forces of Mendes on the border of Pallas, I thank you for your help. Cybers are a blot on the reputation of Jericho. In the war with aliens, they fought on the side of crystallids and opened portals to their world. For every Jericho, destroying them at the root is a matter of honour.|I'm working on building a route according to your coordinates. Be patient, we need to check many things." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_32\_text\_new" "Greetings.|I'm sorry that I can not meet you personally, and we're talking through videocomms. My name is Ada Sonex, I'm from the great Mendes family. Mr. Fris told me about what happened to the First Recon Fleet. I can understand your concern. Send me the coordinates of the Ellydium beacon. I'll find out what's there.|By the will of fate I found myself the highest-ranking officer in this sector and now I am responsible for it. Therefore, while I'm busy with your task, I ask you to render me a service.|On the border of the Pallas, a handful of the remaining forces of Mendes are fighting with cyber fighters. According to the laws of my people, the family is above all. We need to help them immediately. Because: firstly, I will do it anyway with your help or without; Secondly, my people will not follow the commander who tarnished his honour, who did not come to aid in a difficult situation. A great family should not vanish." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_name" "ICY CALM" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_task" "Complete the mission 'Ice belt' in 13 minutes." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_text\_complete" "Great, now cybers will not be able to ambush us or take us by surprise. One less problem.|I have a report about your question. When you are ready, call me." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_33\_text\_new" "My scouts reported that the cyber team had ordered a superheavy dreadnought from the 'Cartel' (you probably already heard about these pirates). It's being repaired at the ice belt. If it falls into the hands of our enemy, we will have almost no chance.|I have already placed a contract with the UMC, but I trust my friend's friend more. Therefore, I ask you to go and counter the operation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_dialog1" "Are you in position? They shouldn't pay attention to you, just behave yourself. Pretend you're stargazing or something." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_dialog2" "Did you get it? Come on back, I can't wait to see what's on it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_name" "SILENT RECON" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_task" "Find and take the data container at the 'Excavation Site 6'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_task\_short" "Get the data container: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_text\_complete" "Damn it. Scientists from the 'Ellydium' base at the excavations do not know anything about the disappearance of the fleet. They thought that it was just a problem with communications on their part. But the fleet was still there. |Did you notice the unusual flying object that fell on the planet? According to the collected data, it is an ancient artifact. During the research, scientists discovered a source that literally makes all people around it crazy. They found out that the device that crashed a million years ago flew from the planet PB-42 — where you first heard the signal of the recon fleet. This was the reason why Ellydium sent its forces there.|I wanted to first share all the intelligence data, and only then the results of deciphering the coordinates of the jump. The first fleet made an emergency jump outside the galaxy for an unknown reason — into the world of Aliens. And now they are there. We believed that the chance of a successful transition between worlds was close to zero. Therefore, your crew died at the beginning of the operation. Inform Ellydium about this, to save people they will need non-human technologies." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_34\_text\_new" "So, in our archives I found a place where the coordinates from the emergency Ellydium drone lead. It really isn't and could not be in anyone's maps, because the jump occurred outside the galaxy.|But before I tell you, you must go to the Morag sector. On one of its planets, the corporation excavates an artifact of antiquity. Perhaps, 'Ellydium' is hiding something about its fleet or hiding a part of its route. I already introduced an agent to them right after our first meeting, but their security figured it out. However, my agent managed to get rid of the item with the collected data. So your job is just to pick it up stealthily." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_name" "RETURN WHAT'S YOURS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_task" "Win in the mission 'Pirate fort raid' having destroyed 30 enemies." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_text\_complete" "Thank you, the transport has reached the base of the corporation. I did not contact you in vain. |'Ellydium' with the support of Festus (for you — legate Morten) and... private entrepreneur Fries went to the final stage of developing a rescue plan. Fuel, which with the help of the legate was delivered to the flotilla, should be enough for a return jump if spent with care. But where the First recon ended up, navigation beacons do not function. Without them, it's dangerous to jump: ships at the exit may end up in the asteroid belt or in outer space. I'll have to open the damn portals. Find out from these Jericho how to do it. Their lepers, cybers, already somehow called Aliens into our world. We ourselves have already built something, but the probability of success is only 39%, it is negligible!|Stay in touch, get Jericho's info about the portals and let me know if they contact you again." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_35\_text\_new" "Cortés speaking. Drop whatever you're doing, there is an urgent task. These stupid knuckleheads missed everything! We'll have to save the day. Rather, you'll have to.|Lousy pirates attacked our convoy! For the rescue operation, it transported valuable equipment based on alien artifacts. Imagine, these degenerates took all the equipment to their base! Ha, as if their chicken brains are enough to sort it out.|According to the forecasts of Dimeni, the flotilla will last only a few days. Therefore, the equipment must be returned immediately, we have already lost a lot of time! Do what you want with the pirates, I do not care about their fate. Hurry, your people from the UMC have already departed. Show them how things are done." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_name" "NEW... ALLIES?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_task" "Complete any $need$ timed contracts." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_text\_complete" "I see you did not die on the first mission. Although with the emergency capsules that are popular in the UMC, it is generally difficult to do.Now not the strongest survive, but those whose emergency system did not jam.|For the first time you have a good number in the overall statistics indicator. But the results of the study can not be fully judged on the basis of a single case." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_36\_text\_new" "This is the Guardian of the Mendes family — Victor De Toro. Our fighters are taking control of this sector, mentor Sonex is suspended from the case. The investigation will be led by me.|Mercenary, if you still count on the support of the great Jericho, you will have to prove again that you are worthy. A wise commander is only on the battlefield with his warriors. So I want to personally see what you are capable of, instead of trusting someone else's opinion." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_name" "MATTERS OF SECURITY" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_task" "Earn 5 medals for destroying the enemy under certain conditions in Skirmish or battles versus AI." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_text\_complete" "A satisfactory result. Your way of dealing with the task was optimal, you didn't waste time arguing, the most popular pastime of all earthlings. Perhaps you will be able to understand the culture of Jericho much more deeply than I expected.|Sonex told me about the recon fleet. I doubt that the disappearance of our people has at least the slightest connection with the problem of 'Ellydium'. But the loss of the victorious fleet in the war with the Aliens causes serious concerns. The fact that it faced a threat that it could not cope with itself, is hard to believe. Even at the fleet's first descent into space, I sent my spies to study it carefully. The verdict was unequivocal — the flagship and the rest of the fleet were designed with great care, they possess unprecedented maneuverability, fantastic ammunition and reliable sensors and protection systems. It's impossible to catch it off guard, but that's exactly what happened at PB-42. Therefore, no matter how much you trust your employer, we need to be on our guard. Perhaps you, and then us, were dragged into games, which we'd rather not know." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_37\_text\_new" "You are fit for standard missions. We found that out. But in our country, before you allow a person to be responsible for anything, traditions require to be convinced of his skill.|Show what you are capable of in real combat before you demand anything." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog1" "Visors to the max. We found not only the terminators, but also mercenaries hired by the Sentinels." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog2" "Take a note. Just a machine always loses to the perfect combination of human intelligence and machine power." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_dialog3" "Enough for today. Return to the hangar, I have news for you." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_name" "INHUMAN LOGIC" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_task" "Destroy 10 AI ship-terminators in Sorting Facility." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_task\_short" "Destroy AI ships: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_text\_complete" "Although the situation is still critical, but the time, while 'Ariadne' was occupied by you, was enough for our engineers to remotely connect to the database of the sorting facility and evacuate it. It's not just an ordinary building, but outsiders do not need to know the details.|We will help. The best minds of my people worked on the study of how Alien got into our galaxy with the help of cybers. They assembled a prototype of a device that opens portals to their world, but the project turned out to be unprofitable. But I am sure that your employers from Ellydium will be able to afford it.|But that's all. I forbade Mendes to help you and disclose more information about the device. The insanity that flooded the fleet, the unclear circumstances of its disappearance, the ease with which the plan of action was shifted to the shoulders of mercenaries — any of these reasons is enough for me to refuse to send my Family to this task. And here we have it all at the same time. The violation of orders in Jericho is severely punished. So think twice when you try to recruit someone else." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_38\_text\_new" "I decided to tell you more than the ordinary outsiders. I hope you will not make me regret this deed.|We learned that you used to deal with the artificial intelligence of the corporation 'Blackwood' — Ariadne. And I need to know how to behave. Ariadne showed suspicious interest in our sorting facility and seized control of it with the help of AI warships. |The family is unhappy with this. The Sentinels close to the facility are also worried — they're our AI, left after the departure of the Families to observe the order.|I'm sending you there, and let your enemies know no mercy." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_name" "RETURN TO BUSINESS" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_task" "Complete any 10 assignments in the location in 'Open Space'." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_text\_complete" "Save your arguments for after we save the fleet. I know that I'm disobeying the order, but it's my duty. I can not stand aside when I can prevent the death of so many people. Let us be enemies, but such a death will not do anybody any honour and will not bring Jericho closer to victory. |Portals are dangerous, but I do not see any other way out. In my homeland, no one will approve of their use, but I have already sent instructions to 'Ellydium' on how to make them stable. For my people this will be considered a crime. Use of cyber technology is prohibited. It is desecrated.|Cybers are our worst enemy. Worse than the attacks of the rest of humanity since the first appearance of the sacred Signal, through which the gods call us to their place outside the galaxy. Cybers did not know when to stop in interaction with technology, and then completely betrayed everything valuable in this world and switched to the side of the enemy. Blinded by their pride, they accepted the wicked Aliens for gods and began to worship them. And with the help of their beacons and portal technology, cybers called aliens into our world a couple of years ago.|If you use beacons for a short time, they will not have time to accelerate to the level when they are heard by aliens. The risk is great, and this is a violation of the laws of Jericho, but we have no other choice. Do not worry about me, I know what I'm doing. Get ready, we will begin soon. I will deal with the people you work for." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_39\_text\_new" "I will not deceive you with a polite and courteous greeting. I know how we can organize the evacuation of the fleet in full force. But this is a very... controversial way. I'm going to give Ellydium information on how to open portals to the world of Aliens. And I will need your help: warn your own and scout the sector." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_name" "BIG GAME HUNTING" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_task" "Eliminate 30 destroyers in any mode." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_text\_complete" "I hope they learned their lesson. We can take it from here. The construction of new destroyers or attempts to repair the old ones will occupy the rebels for a sufficient time so that we can resolve the situation.|But you still need to hurry. Hurry to PB-42, we are starting to pull the troops there. Everything is ready for a meeting at 'Ellydium'. Perhaps there is still a chance that some of the crew managed to keep their minds... We will soon find out how successful your wanderings were in the sectors of the Empire, the Federation and Jericho." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_40\_text\_new" "Greetings.|I've seen your autoreports, no need to explain anything. I understand how busy you are, but I have an assignment that not everyone can be entrusted with.|Information that the planet PB-42, where the First Fleet disappeared is an awakening bione, leaked out of the detachment carrying out this order from 'Ellydium'. To my regret, not everyone in the UMC are guided by the same goals. Some of us decided to take advantage of the situation. 'Ellydium' is preparing a plan to neutralize the danger, which is represented by the bione, but some of the UMC people decided to stop it. They want to let the bione awaken completely and start a war. In these conditions, mercenaries will be in demand, and the price of our services will increase. A fee is a fee, but an increase in salary is not worth a new war with aliens. The main power of the radicals is the presence of a large number of destroyers. Eliminate them, and do not think that you are shooting your own. They knew what they were doing, and if they maintained their ships, in case of destruction, the emergency system would work and the pilots would be ejected." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog1" "This is June Lamarr. The fleet is completely infected! I repeat, the fleet is infected! Block the portals now, it can not be allowed into the sector!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog2" "Damn, they keep coming! Deactivating the portals didn't help. We need to think of something!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_dialog3" "Damn it! Just deactivating the cyber beacons is not enough on our part. Keep shutting them down out here, and I'll get to that side. If we're lucky, I'll see you again. Goodbye!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_name" "STOP THE UNTHINKABLE" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_task" "Find and deactivate three portals in the area PB-42." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_task\_short" "Deactivate portals: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_text\_complete" "Damn those aliens! Tracking stations, report the situation! Is the space stabilized?! What are the losses?|Screw it! All free 'Ellydium' ships immediately engage in shooting the remaining space roaches. Move it or I'll skin you all!|All mercenaries immediately advance in search of ships with our markings that made it through the portals. June Lamarr is on one of them. Don't contact the targets, destroy them. They are our own, but they disobeyed my order to stay still and broke quarantine. We can't let her spread the infection from the flotilla. Move!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_41\_text\_new" "Attention to all ships! Cortés speaking. We proceed to the final stage of the rescue operation. All the pilots involved arrive at PB-42. Full combat readiness in case the opening of the portal attracts the attention of aliens.|We are being assisted by Morten's dreadnoughts and a private squadron of an anonymous well-wisher. They are working out of sight and will bombard the area when needed.|Starting in 3, 2, 1..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_dialog1" "No, n-do not come close! I... no longer... control myself. I'm consumed ... the desire to destroy.... everyone and anyone. It is NECESSARY... to stop at all... costs. I want to die... a human. HELP ME!" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_dialog2" "Thank you..." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_name" "SWARM QUEEN" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_task" "Find the ship of June Lamarr in PB-42 and destroy it." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_task\_short" "Destroy June Lamarr's ship: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_text\_complete" "[Warning, this is an automated message. Do not reply.]|Is it rolling? This is Senior Researcher June Lamarr. This is the last message of the First Fleet.|We can't contain the virus. I have mild symptoms. So, the guys insisted that I close myself in one of the wings. We blocked the decks, launchers and controls.|Another expedition was on PB-42 before us. I looked at their equipment, and they knew! They knew PB-42 was not a potential, but a real bione! And then there's the fleet systems that broke down at the most important moment... How much I was wrong, refusing to suspect sabotage. Only our own knew about the operation, so no one... except... could not...|'Ellydium' set us up to see how a person reacts to the impact of the awakening bione. The First fleet has enough people, and there is a researcher to fix the data, trying to save the team... 'Ellydium' disturbed the bione, it started defending itself and created a shield of swarms of subordinate beings, once people.|Thank you for trying to save us. But the plan was doomed from the start. I put this message into all the wingships on the flagship. If they save us, the autopilot will start, and my words will scatter over the galaxy. I want you to know what really happened... Thank you, and good-bye. Lamarr, end of transmission" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_42\_text\_new" "You!.. That's how you look. All this time, it was you who heard us? Tried to save us?.. You do not have to explain, I see through the eyes, I hear without words, as we all have heard from you every... every time.|But it's too late. It's over for all of us. They are infected. All of them. The search for a vaccine produced zero results. And now all they ever want to do is obey him... and kill. Their own.|I'm forgetting. Events, words, myself. Everything is covered in fog. Sticky. Can you feel how it moves under the skin? Do you hear? Him. Do you belong to yourself? Who decides what to think? Your actions are no longer yours. His thoughts are now ours. If he is afraid, you are killing...|Data! I'm forgetting... Recording! Did you listen to the recording? I forgot, did you understand me? Guess who it is?.. It is very important!..|He is sleeping again. Out of danger. The metal ships could not do anything to him.|Hush. Do not breathe while he is sleeping. The swarm hears. The swarm will protect." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog1" "How was it? Oh, so sorry for the girl and all her guys. Fought until the end, And what happened to our Jericho, who helped with the cyber beacons?" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog2" "Sonex is no longer with us. I flew into the portal to close it from the other side. Then the connection was interrupted. All the pilots know what happens after this." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_dialog3" "Okay, time to go, Morten. As agreed, none of the superiors spoke of the operation. Nobody knows each other. All the best, mate." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_name" "TIME TO GATHER STONES" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_task" "Prepare for the life of a free mercenary by building a rank 11 destroyer." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_task\_short" "Build a destroyer: $current$/$target$" "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_text\_complete" "My apologies that I could not meet personally and again have to use a video link. I was somewhat upset by the latest events and allowed myself to say too much. I'm sorry. If you think about it, the life of a mercenary is not so bad here. Especially with your own destroyer by your side. The times are dark, you're going to have so many contracts. And then, who knows...|The payment is ready, all electronic paperwork with your employer is settled. Nothing is holding you here any longer. And... One more thing. For your own good, forget what you heard from Miss Lamarr's ship. I beg you, do not try to understand.|Good luck, thank you for your cooperation." "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_43\_text\_new" "Hmm, a familiar face. Did I fire you from the lab? Oh yeah, you're about the reward. I expected you sooner.|In consultation with the UMC, full payment is given after the completion of the operation. I believe that what happened to the First Fleet can be interpreted as the end of the rescue operation. It's unfortunate that I did not manage to get to the flagship, and the research samples disappeared, and Miss Lamarr, my protégé, lost her sanity by being exposed to PB-42. The bione. How little we know about them... Because of this insanity, all of her words, deeds and studies can not be considered reliable and irrefutable. The person is incapacitated, and it is impossible to prove that her compromising conclusions were made in a sane state. Alas.|Case is closed. If you still want to stay in this doomed place, my advise — prepare as well as you can."



Pretty printed as good as I could:



Task: Launch into ‘Open Space’, destroy the target and return to the station.

Quest New: Welcome to the UMC, mercenary!|United Mercenary Centre is a union of brave conquerors of space tied by a single goal. That’s what the booklet says, and for the most part it’s true. My name is Selena Galo, I will be your instructor. Your squad has just arrived at the station ‘Ellydium Theta’. We are preparing to take a large order from the ‘Ellydium’ corporation, which owns this place.|There is time to look around before the briefing. Fly to the signal of an unidentified beacon next to the station.||Undock from the station — open the map, find the Line system and select the marker ‘Ellydium Theta station’. Prepare for the flight and launch when you’re ready.

Dialog 1: Ok, the cameras are on, start checking the ship. Judging by the broadcast, our unidentified object is a lost drone and it’s close. Destroy it.

Dialog 3: Come back, the test is finished.||Reach the station in ‘Open Space’ or select ‘Return to hangar’ in the main menu ‘Esc’

Quest Completed: Good job!|This junk has no business hanging around like this. It’s easier to take down than to pick up and restore. I know drones like these: lag behind the mother ship after a fight and hang out in the area afterwards. They remained in this sector, because recently, ‘Ellydium’ conducted a large-scale operation against Aliens. I hope we will not see them again.|We checked your ship, the systems are OK. But the communicator should be replaced. I just know where you can get spare parts.
Task: Launch into ‘Open Space’ and pick up 3 spare parts in the ‘Ellydium Theta station’ area.

Quest New: After the recent battle with aliens what a silly nickname! a lot of space debris that used to be ships drifts around ‘Ellydium Theta’. Because of this war, the situation is unenviable, and resources are not extracted as much as before. Sorting through trash is hardly fin, I already told the authorities, but… there isn’t much choice.|So go and collect a few ship spare parts, they will come in handy if it becomes hot during the execution of the order. And for god’s sakes, find a new communicator in this trash, my head’s already buzzing from the noise I hear when I talk to you.

Dialog 1: So, you’re close. Fly around, look around. Candidates for spare parts should be nearby.

Dialog 3: Yeah, you got it right. We need these terrible debris. It’s amazing you don’t even care that you will have to stick this garbage to your ship.

Dialog 2: This should be enough for us. Come back, I have news for you. Oh, this buzzing again! Can’t wait for the new communicator to work.

Quest Completed: Now that’s much better: the sound and the video are normal. I can see who I’m talking to. Hey, sticking your tongue out!|Hmm, customers have been active, a general briefing’s announced. The ‘Ellydium’ corporation recruits mercenaries of all colours, details of the task are still secret, but the fee is already known. I don’t know about you, but after a bonus like this I’m not going to get out of the spa for two years!|In short, the customer is serious! It is important to show that we are the ones they need. So be careful with the ship when launching from the hangar.
Task: Take a Lynx fighter and using invisibility F key visit the location PB-42 in ‘Open Space’. To do this, press ‘Undock’ in the accepted task screen.

Quest New: Mercenaries! This is head of ‘Ellidium Theta’ security service Natasha Cortés.|Since you are here, it means that you survived a couple of operations and received some recommendations. Let’s see if you are fit for the job.|So, two days ago, at about 15:29 we lost contact with the First Recon Fleet. Its current location is unknown. The task is to break into groups and quickly comb through all the waypoints of the planned flotilla route. |Hey, you! Go to the end point of the route. The situation in the sector is unknown, a red danger level is possible. Therefore, the work should be done as imperceptibly as possible. Change to the Lynx fighter with the invisibility module if you want to survive. |In case of finding evidence that the flotilla was in the sector, at any cost, deliver it to me.

Dialog 1: Just look! Are those really hovering rocks? What power could’ve severed these pieces directly… from the planet? Look closer.

Dialog 3: Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! First… Fleet. We are… Code 7500, 7700. In the sector… dangerous. We have… bear losses… Mayday, Mayday!..

Quest Completed: Is the Mayday signal coming from the First Fleet, and they are not at the designated point? But nobody’s been active on this frequency for 30 years. Damn it! All the coneheads of ‘Ellydium’ worked for two days without sleep on this task, and no one thought of testing the outdated frequencies? Stupid nerds, they’re not going to get a bonus.|And you did not find a special drone, either? Our new tech, released into space during an emergency jump. What, perhaps, the flotilla did do. This drone has the starting and finishing coordinates of the jump. They would be damn useful! |You say there was only a container with our logo? And inside some unidentifiable equipment? Good. This is ours. Consequently, they reached the end of the route and disappeared…|Okay, stay on the same frequency! In this zone there is nobody with the same… unique equipment. I will contact the UMC. And do not forget to take the receiver if you are going to change to a different ship.
Task: Complete any mission. To do this, press the ‘Missions’ button.

Quest New: Iron Natasha contacted us and brought us up to date. What a woman, right?|We broke our heads trying to set up our equipment for the same outdated frequency that your communicator takes. And it almost worked! In the end we detected a similar signal. Unlike fleet call, the coordinates of the source could be calculated, and I sent reconnaissance teams there. But one of them was ambushed.|A general briefing has been declared. The road is long, the UMC barge will take you the sector and back. Try to carefully find out what happened. And if the cruiser responds aggressively, give him a fight. Next, the UMC will pick up the rescue capsule with their crew and arrange an interrogation. Good luck!||To launch a random mission, press the ‘Missions’ button.

Quest Completed: We picked up the rescue capsule. You won’t believe it! There were just simple mercenaries attached to the First Ellydium Fleet.|The crew reported that the planet PB-42 ‘shuddered’, part of it literally broke off, everyone was covered with a shining wave, and then the fleet disappeared in the brightest flash, after which the remaining mercenaries went crazy and opened fire on their own. To save energy of this cruiser, they disconnected communications and, escaping, made a jump to another sector. Having met our recon group, they thought that they were the same crazy pilots, who had tracked them from PB-42. This is strange, very strange.
Task: Play Skirmish in ‘Domination’ mode and capture a beacon. To do this, press ‘Skirmish’ and wait for matchmaking to complete.

Quest New: So far, I have a bleak picture: the First recon fleet disappeared under strange circumstances, and some of the mercenaries accompanying it, left in a hurry, attacked their own. This fleet was part of the force that, with the support of imperial dreadnoughts, expelled Aliens from the vicinity of ‘Ellydium Theta’, and even if it did not deal with the problem… Perhaps, somebody hacked their ship systems, and so there was no emergency drone in the spot of the jump?|And besides everything else a piece broke off from a planet. From a planet. Do you understand the scale? Perhaps the problem is much worse, and the UMC can not cope with this. We need support. |The immediate target is the Empire or what is left of it. The problem with the fleet is still hypothetical, so sending senior mercenaries to the task is too expensive. No offense. Earn a reputation, the Imperials value military prowess.|Play the Skirmish until you get ‘Domination’ mode. Capture a beacon there.

Quest Completed: That’s better! Now you can approach the Imperials. Get to their nearest territory. Not the usual job for a mercenary, I know, but someone must save the situation. Think about the number of digits in your bank account and how many ranks in the UMC you will gain when all this is done.|Forward!
Task: Complete any three location assignments in ‘Open Space’. To do this, arrive in a location with tasks a blue exclamation mark on the map.

Quest New: Welcome to Ontregos system. According to the border treaty, representatives of the United Mercenary Center are allowed free movement in our territory.|What did you say? Unfortunately, I can’t… I’m an engineer and do not have the authority… How? A very important message from the UMC? According to the regulations, I can not transmit a message to the officers without the L-400 protocol on your end. Although there was some rule… Forgive us, everything was destroyed here after the Alien invasion and the battle at Ellydium Theta. Yes, for those who distinguished themselves during service we can make an exception. Just tackle the problems in our sector.

Quest Completed: Well, now it’s a little better in our corner of the galaxy. Thank you for your work… Now we can try to file a petition number… Wait, the other day there was a directive, replacing the law on conduct.|You see, this is not my sphere, I’m standing in for someone… We have a shortage of staff on ‘Guardian-17’ after the tragicevents in the capital. How? You didn’t hear? The Solar system fell under the onslaught of the Alien invasion! None of my colleagues know what happened there and most importantly — whether the Emperor is alive. And we are too far away to try to help!..|Now do you understand why everything’s gone wrong?
Task: Complete the ‘Captured Dreadnought’ mission in 12 minutes and get 1000 effectiveness points.

Quest New: Do you remember how quickly the fleet’s last attempt to connect to you ended? It seems that the First Fleet’s signal is jammed by a powerful communications suppression system. Only dreadnought class ships can afford such equipment.|There was information that just one of them was in the hands of pirates in the neighboring sector. They use a jamming system to silence the SOS signals of their victims. Jerks! They use the fact that the portal storm knocked down the calibration of all warp gates, and everyone has to manually connect to them once again. You know, without calibrating the ship’s system with the gates, it’s not safe to jump.|Go and explain to the pirates how much they are wrong. The jamming device is usually installed in the dreadnought cabin, aim there and do not spare ammunition.

Quest Completed: Get 'em! The world will thank us for this.|And now to business. Our plan worked, the fleet’s signal really disappeared because of the dreadnought. But now we know for sure that it will not hurt us anymore. The frequency is free, wait for the signal to repeat.
Task: Complete any three timed tasks.

Quest New: Sorry for disturbing you. I heard you have a problem with signal reception. Since you’re waiting for the repeat signal from the fleet, it’s too early to send you to the command. Moreover, no matter how rude it may sound, you are not yet sufficiently tested to require an audience with an officer of the highest rank.|Maybe you can help with the problems in the sector? Time will pass quickly and you’ll make a useful contribution.

Quest Completed: You’re actually doing quite well, how about joining us? Just kidding, relax. I need to think about what I can do. I hope I can arrange a meeting with the command.
Task: Capture the beacon during a Skirmish ‘Beacon Hunt’ mode. Your ship should not be destroyed.

Quest New: [interference]… can anyone hear this? This is th… [interference] fleet of the ‘Ellidium’. [interference]… fight with the unknown… [interference]… need evacuation! We are trying to make a jump… [interference] I repeat! Jump to the coordinates +27° 07’42.01… [noise]… if someone hears me… [noise] I’m asking for help! I ask you to ensure the stable operation of the navigation beacons… [interference] coordinates.

Quest Completed: Unfortunately, someone sabotaged our systems. The jump to the specified coordinates is impossible. But we saw that the beacons were tuned to the frequency I requested, and this means that someone hears me!|Whoever you are, please do not leave us! This means not only saving my life, but the lives of my people. My name is June Lamarr, I’m on the flagship of the first recon fleet flagship. Contact Dr. Dimeni, I’m sure he will be able to offer you a worthy reward for this assignment.
Task: Complete the mission ‘Ariadne’s Thread’ in 10 minutes and destroy 20 opponents.

Quest New: Doctor Dimeni listening. Who is speaking?|Ah, a mercenary from the UMC? You work fast. What? It’s not about my request? Then I apologize, I’m somewhat… busy. I can not help you, until one of the experimental docks under control of the AI Ariadne is switched to standard mode. Right now she is under a massive attack of cybers. Do not even ask how I ended up there…|I have already asked for help from the UMC, and I am ready to wait for it. Unfortunately the shipyard does not fully share my opinion and, it seems, is ready to fall apart at any moment. But since you have an urgent matter for me — welcome. I would be grateful if you hurried. Arthur Gage was appointed to lead the operation.

Quest Completed: What a relief not to hear the wailing hull of this proud result of engineering! Thank you on behalf of both of us, the reward will be delivered to you shortly.|So, to the point. So you managed to catch the SOS signal from June Lamarr when you were near PB-42 and a couple more times? Remarkable! This is my protege, the curater of the recon fleet who should now be on the flagship. Hmmmm… Of course, on your part it would be correct to warn ‘Ellydium’ in advance that you are attracting outside resources. But since you and the UMC have already gone so far, let’s continue. Cortes will surely be enraged to learn that our little blunder has become known, but do not take it to heart. She’ll calm down.|Here are the contacts of a trusted person. Back in the day he had led enough fleets through the thickest nebulae and knows how to deal with communication problems.
Task: Extend your ship collection with an imperial interceptop Neutron. Press ‘SHIPS’ in the section ‘Ship tree’ and select the right ship.

Quest New: Legate Festus Morten speaking.|Who? Why not through the aide? You’re about to go clean the toilets for violation of subordination… From Conrad? Okay, let’s hear it.|So… If your data is correct, then we do not have anything good to expect from this situation. Nobody would want to share the fate of the First Fleet. But I’m honour-bound by the hands and feet, and Guardian-17 have their own problems. Until everything’s fine here, I can not help, that’s it.|If you decide to help the chained dog with its headache, then first get a normal ship, so bring it in line with the imperial standard. Or my falcons may accidentally shoot you down in this trough.

Quest Completed: That’s better, soldier! Now even without the tools you can see that you are not a deserter and not a criminal, but a brave fighter of the UMC. If I had a pair of squadrons of guys like you, we would not have let the damn aliens out of the portals during the invasion… Many good guys fell then, and for what? We only kicked these xxxxxxxx out recently. And not even ourselves, but with the handouts frpm ‘Ellydium’. Well at least Natasha notified us this time…|Okay, why just stand here? We need to solve a couple of problems.
Task: Complete the mission ‘Defence Contract’. Your ship should not be destroyed.

Quest New: Legate Morten speaking.|Wanted to help me? About time. The damn deserters and pirates, using confusion in the Federation’s Olympus system, attack civilians, who do not have either warships or weapons.|Yes, this is not our territory, but civilians do not give the oath, so it does not matter on whose side they are. I will disgrace the honour of my title if I do nothing!|We are unable to deploy a full-fledged military operation, as petty politicians will see an act of aggression on the part of the Empire. But you and the guys from the UMC can safely cross the border and show these xxxxxxxx that justice never sleeps. Kyle Carran will coordinate the operation.

Quest Completed: I saw how the remnants of this carrion fled, tucking their tails! Ha, I’m willing to bet a monthly salary, that right now they are drowning their tears with cheap swill and swear not to take the wheel in their hands anymore. They were very mistaken if they thought that firing at a cargo ship is a real fight.|Thank you, that pleased the old man. I remember about your problem. I do not want to reassure you in advance, but my intelligence is working on a couple of theories while we’re talking. When they find something, they will inform you.
Task: Win in the mission 'Blackwood shipyard. Your ship should not be destroyed.

Quest New: It’s Morten.|Urgent business. Ironside separatists attacked Ariadne — artificial intelligence developed by ‘Blackwood’. If they manage to figure out how to subdue it completely, then everyone can immediately resign. There’s always problems with this piece of metal: first it gets out of control, then some psychos want to capture it. And who does all the work? Ordinary soldiers! What do these eggheads think?|But an order is an order, get to work. The plan is simple: my guys distract the Ironside henchmen, and you, along with other mercenaries, come from the flank. Instill horror into the enemies, make them beg for mercy — let them run and no longer make my people dirty their hands in imperial blood. To battle!

Quest Completed: Thank you for your cooperation, fighter! I will not forget this. If the Ironside traitor had captured Ariadne, much more imperial blood would have been spilled. Much more. Yes, I had to act with your hands. But who would I be if I gave the soldiers the order to kill their own brothers? What do you know about honour, mercenary…|I’ll send my guys to look after the situation at the Blackwood shipyard. Dismissed
Task: Complete any 5 assignments in the location in ‘Open Space’.

Quest New: So, mercenary! There is new data concerning your request. Near PB-42 The first fleet was attacked by an unknown enemy. In the course of a fierce battle with the use of the heaviest weapons — they tore a bloody piece off the planet! — the forces of ‘Ellydium’ suffered serious losses. The commander - or whoever was there - ordered to retreat. After that, the flagship, together with the rest of the ships of the fleet, made an emergency jump. Where — nobody knows. These were the facts.|According to indirect data, the crew probably fell under the influence of psychotronic weapons, and the fleet was attacked by its allies. What worries me is the fact that no wreckages of the ships of the attackers were found on the battlefield. Scouts believe that some of the spaceships were saved along with the flagship, and an emergency drone, launched during the jump, was picked up by someone. It seems that we have stumbled upon some kind of dark business.|We need a stable communication channel with this Lamarr. While I’m busy with your problems, someone must do my job: jump around the sectors and see that everything is according to the rules.

Quest Completed: I see, none of us wasted any time. I’ll start from the beginning. In 2062 on Earth, the Signal was first registered. A powerful electromagnetic wave interrupted all communications. The distant ancestors of those whom we know as Jericho began worshipping this signal. And for this they were driven far away from Earth.|So, scientists at the time thought up a communicator of a special type that allowed them to communicate despite the Signal. But if earlier there was not enough capacity, and therefore the communicator operated only on short distances, now it’s quite another matter! Do you understand where I’m going with this?|It is extremely difficult to find a communicator of such kind. But fortunately, my humble self is a collector of ancient technology with experience. But that prehistoric construct in your ship — yes, it’s a replica of those communicators produced and mounted for reasons unknown. If you properly dig into its logs and hardware, you may get at least some useful information about the fleet, and perhaps even its location. We will set up the equipment and orientate ourselves not with the coordinates, as is usually done, but with the signal source. That is the flagship. It can work out. And without any emergency drones.
Task: Destroy or help destroy 30 enemies in Skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: Yes? Who is this?!|Provide access codes? To you!? Do you even know what are you asking? After you sent the information about our internal investigation? How has the secrecy of the mission not been discussed at the briefing? It was implied! Now because of this everybody knows that the indestructible ‘Ellydium’ could not keep track of its own fleet! And everyone wants to take advantage of our weakness! Every lousy mercenary without a company behind him and that we did not have time to buy, now circles around us like a vulture over a wounded lion, trying to tear off a piece!|But it was not our fault, do you understand this? The route was clearly laid, the action patterns were developed, people were trained. What… What could have gone so wrong that we can not even now understand where the reconnaissance fleet is?! And worst of all, you are the one closest to the answer…|Okay, I’ll give you one more chance.

Quest Completed: I remembered why I did not destroy you last time. You are too lucky. Stop with the smiles! Your reputation is still below the threshold.|So be it, I’ll forward the codes. You and Festus have to find the damn emergency drone or find another way to locate the flotilla!
Task: Earn 5 medals for capturing beacons in Skirmish or battles versus AI. You can see the descriptions of medals in your profile Click on the pilot profile or press ‘P’.

Quest New: Hello! Or how do you, the military, usually greet each other? Sorry, I do not know much about professional jargon.|I heard Cortes cursing even from my office. Let me assume that it was you who caused her distress. Remember, I warned not to take it to heart? Follow my advice.|But I’m not calling you to invite you for a cup of tea and teambuilding. Though the idea itself is certainly not bad. Teambuilding remains one of the promising models of corporate management, although it was developed in the distant 60s of the XX century… But, I digress.|The matter is that to increase stability of your connection with the First Fleet, Ellydium leased navigational beacons from private corporations in order to strengthen the incoming signal. But here’s the snag: they all ended up in the territories where the fighting began recently. There is a feeling that someone is trying to stop us. Last time at Ariadne’s shipyards you showed yourself very well, I hope that you will also agree to help the UMC now.

Quest Completed: I did not doubt that you would manage. Brilliant work! Now my lab will be able to continue working on increasing the signal stability and then locating the fleet.|It is sad to see that in such a difficult time for the galaxy, people still continue to waste time on small squabbles, weakening all of humanity. I hoped that, at least after the invasion, people would stop fighting for territory and measure how quickly their guns burned through a sheet of steel. I’m glad that you yourself do not do such stupid things, and our views on the problem seem to coincide.
Task: Earn a medal for quickly destroying the enemy in PvP or CO-OP modes.

Quest New: Commander Morten speaking.|Everything goes according to plan: navigational beacons are rented; access codes to ‘Ellydium’ emergency drones are received; the Signal-era communicator is configured to provide a stable connection to the fleet and ping its location. Everything is almost ready to jump blindly at the signal to save the crews of the missing fleet from that hole where they have driven themselves.|But there are complications. Once again we checked everything, and it turns out that the guys do not have enough fuel to jump back to us, even if we establish a communication channel and set up navigation.|We are already thinking about solving this problem. And you, pilot, listen to your special mission: do a couple of sorties with the guys from the UMC who are not busy with the Ellydium case. My engineers will calibrate your relic communicator in conditions as close to combat as possible. We do not want Miss Lamarr’s call to end at the wrong time, right?

Quest Completed: Excellent, is working as intended. When the fleet contacts you again, Dimeni’s laboratory will provide a stable reception, we will fix the signal and thanks to your effort we will send a transport with an evacuation team. We transfer the computational load to hardware, rented by Conrad. The blind leap is risky, but it’s worth it.|You need to jump while the fleet’s signal is live. Otherwise, we’ll get lost just like they did. And we still have not solved the fuel issue, it will take time for the request to go through all the jumps. If the fleet contacts us right now, we’ll have to improvise. Do not worry, I know an illegal mining station nobody is going to miss…
Task: Destroy 5 objects in the PvE mission ‘Processing Rig’.

Quest New: The signal has become more powerful, but I still can not hear you. I’ll broadcast it while I have energy. This is very resource-intensive, perhaps we ended up quite far away. I hope that the data we have collected will not be wasted. |The scientific department of the First Fleet confirmed the theory of Dr. Dimeni. The so-called biones — giant aliens, form directly within the planets! Most of the life, if you can say so, cycle, they spend in a state of suspended animation. So they can accumulate reserves, I would call them fuel, if earlier it hadn’t been given another name — iridium. When the bione awakens, it absorbs and recycles everything that formed on the planet during hibernation! I’m not sure, but I’ll assume that this is how it evolves, assimilating a new genocode. What happens after this is not known for certain.|Wait-wait, what? We are detecting a warp-jump at our coordinates? We have been detected?

Quest Completed: We got the transport with fuel from you. But its crew is dead. We’re establishing the cause of death. Evacuation won’t work like this! But we do not give up, we just need another way. We will try to determine your location. We will hold on… as long as it takes.
Task: Get 5 medals for survival in combat.

Quest New: What do you mean the crew of the evacuation team died during the jump? But where the hell did they go? The system worked at the power limit! Some Bione too…|I do not like it… Enough! I will not waste the lives of soldiers for this quest. Conrad is my friend, but the Empire is above all. I’m winding down the operation. We did not learn anything: there are no precise coordinates or the ability to return the fleet, since the crew dies during transportation.|If we had at least an emergency drone, which is launched into space during an emergency jump. I told you that we did not find any of them and it’s very suspicious. No? Getting old…|If you find an emergency drone, you can accurately determine the parameters of the jump. How do I know where to look? Maybe your communicator will find a signal. Let’s wait.

Quest Completed: Intelligence reported that a ship with the Federation’s signature was on the battlefield before us. Damn marauders, taking everything from the battlefield. The emergency drone. of course, was already disabled and we can’t track it. So you’ll have to move to the Federation’s area and look for it yourself. Well, good luck. I can not help you anymore, command is withdrawing to the second front.|So long, pilot. It’s up to you. But send me the reports anyway, ‘Ellydium’ may need my dreadnoughts again. It will be harder than at the Leviathan last time, but Natasha will come up with something again.
Task: Perform any 5 location assignments in Open Space.

Quest New: What could a mercenary do at the station ‘New Eden’?|You’re straight from Morten. You think you can leave your Imperial insignia behind and I’m gonna just trust that you work for UMC and nobody else? I do not trust my reflection, when the whole world is rolling downhill.|I do not want to hear anything until you prove that you are not a spy. Over and out.

Quest Completed: Suppose you are not an imperial spy. Purely theoretically. But why would I help the first person I meet? Sorry, buddy, but the good guys in our world do not survive.
Task: Complete any 5 timed contracts.

Quest New: Hello there, mercenary! I’ve heard accidentally of course that you’re looking for Oliver Winkler’s favor. I can help you.|Oliver and I are old friends, he’s a good guy, but he takes everything too seriously. You know, since the start of the war with aliens, the Federation cracked at the seams, and now it’s bursting. And there is no more Federation. We have all sorts of Hermes Blocks, Separate Worlds, Unions you can’t pronounce and Oliver with his useless station ‘New Eden’. But that’s all wrong, right? There is no longer that state with freedom and equality. And Oliver was very close to it, and behaves like the worst…|In a word, it’s all hell: problems appear and disappear so quickly that we do not even have time to track them, not to mention react. But you have a decent ship, you’ll have time to do the job. Solve a couple of problems — Winkler will become more accommodating. And in the meantime, tell me what’s wrong with you. If the matter is worthwhile, we will not abandon ourselves to the mercy of fate.

Quest Completed: Ha-ha, what a pilot! Said and done. I immediately realized that you’re a great guy.|Keep this between us, but I think it’s bad at Ellydium. Though the fleet is huge, but without exact coordinates, it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. I’m sorry, what?.. Is there a new technology that makes serious ships launch an emergency drone if they make an emergency jump? And this drone has the starting and finishing coordinates? Are you serious? Not found on the battlefield? Come on! |If such guys did not cope with what happened in the unfortunate planet PB-42, then I do not know who can. Probably, you and the UMC are right to sound an alarm, but the times are not right for enemies to sit down at the negotiating table.|In all this chaos, ‘New Eden’ is the only place in the former Federation, which at least tries to help others. Help it not to vanish and I’ll think about what can be done in your situation.
Task: In the mission ‘Scarlet Haze’, destroy or help destroy 50 ships.

Quest New: Greetings, mercenary.|How are things going? I see you have already reached the ex-Federation. Keep it up! The rest also are actively combing other sectors. Completing Ellydium’s order is a matter of time.|But we have a shortage of people in the Solaris sector. Therefore, I will requisition you for help. We will take you by our transport, no need to fly manually. We’re attacking the station of cybers — crazy Jericho rogues. Pilots in their sectors say that they fell into a strong dependence on cyberimpants, which are popular in their homeland, and were expelled. And then I do not know how it happened, instead of the Signal, they worshiped the crystallids. You’re sure to know about them: the aliens who invaded our world from the portals a few years ago. Can you guess who helped them get to our world? The whole galaxy has old feuds with them, do not spare anybody.

Quest Completed: Good work! Cybers deserved it after they’d called aliens into our world with their beacons. Now Jericho carefully monitors this technology. Only in their secret laboratories can you find beacons of cybers in the original form. Those that are hanging around in space, either burned out and almost do not work, or were specially reprogrammed, so that the hordes of aliens from another world would not be called.|We return you back, as promised. Continue the search for an emergency fleet drones on Federation territory. It can not be that it disappeared without a trace. And who would destroy an emergency drone? What do you think about it?|Okay, ask for help if you need it. Over and out.
Task: Detonate the bomb in ‘Detonation’ mode in Skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: [Interference]|…first recon! We noticed that several navigation beacons tuned in to our frequency, which allowed… [interference] Now we use much less energy on comm… [interference] But a few hours ago the broadcasting of one of the navigation stations by at coordinates… [noise] began to overlap our frequency. Is it possible that someone intercepted it? I know that you can still hear me. This is our only… [interference] with the outside world!.. need to be warned… [interferences] Please, I need to restore the old communication channel. Otherwise, when…|[Interference. Communication is interrupted]

Quest Completed: [Interference]… hold it. I looped the message… [interference]|This is senior scientific… [interference] out of control. [Interference]… can not… [interference] Evacuation… [interference] waiting for her.|[Noise]… my guys insisted that I… [clutter]|Before us on PB-42 there was… [interference] a list of their equipment… [interference] is not potential, but real… [noise] swarm of enslaved creatures, used to be hu… [interference]|… all squad ships on the flagship [clutter] try to save… Lamarr, the end of the recording.
Home, sweet home, huh? Certainly not for such respectable citizens as me and you. In short, you’re in place. Look for smugglers disliked by Oliver.
Yes, you really showed him. Keep it up, we’ll deal with this and figure out how to help the fleet.
Task: Destroy 10 smugglers in the ‘Smugglers Hideout’ location.

Quest New: Hello again. Judging by your pale face, some fleet called again and connection was all bad again? That’s sad but let’s not waste time.|One well-wisher told me that you did something for the good of the sector. Funny, I thought that altruists outside the now deceased Federation ceased back in the XL century.|If it turns out that your problem is really more serious than anticipated, then everyone will suffer. Especially those who have settled close to the bione… What?! Not only Morten has informants. I will be one of the first to know if this huge creature stirs again!|Okay, I’ll consider the idea of helping this fleet. But in exchange for a favour. Smugglers settled nearby, which prevents other smug… um, honest people from doing business. Go and deal with it.

Dialog 1: Home, sweet home, huh? Certainly not for such respectable citizens as me and you. In short, you’re in place. Look for smugglers disliked by Oliver.

Dialog 3: Yes, you really showed him. Keep it up, we’ll deal with this and figure out how to help the fleet.

Dialog 2: That’s it. Dirty work, but someone has to do it. And now I advise you to report to Oliver.

Quest Completed: Excellent! Excellent. Now these uncontrollable ragamuffins will not stop serious people from doing business. Take your reward.|So why did you come into our sector, since you’re not a spy? Looking for an emergency drone? I’ll ask around.
Task: Complete the mission ‘Ellydium plant raid’ in 11 minutes and destroy 15 enemies with missiles. Your ship should not be destroyed.

Quest New: I thought about your problem. ‘New Eden’ will not get involved in this. It’s too risky. I’ll bet that those knuckleheads from the Empire you visited before us, can’t wait to hit us in the back when we go to the coordinates of the alleged disaster. I will not give them such a chance, I’m sorry.|But your thing, which signals just like the fleet, and which made you fly to us from the territory of the former Empire, is most likely located in the old Ellydium base for processing iridium. What? Surprised that I have not forgotten about this? You’re right. If you wait for help from others and do nothing — you will not get anything.|I sent troops there to deliver the surplus iridum to ‘New Eden’. Why waste the goods? If you hurry, you will have time to help me, and take your gizmo. ‘Ellydium’ left this base, and now there is some kind of madness going on.

Quest Completed: Thanks for the help with iridum. Automated systems have been processing it all this time, as if waiting for us. But it’s strange that the Cartel ended up on an Ellydium base. Perhaps they were rightly accused of connections with these pirates?|Fine. Got your thing there? Well done. Go to Ragnar, he is the authority on incomprehensible junk. He’ll find so many uses for a rusty bolt, nobody in their right mind would even dream of it.|Now go on, sort out your business and leave. I’m not a genie from a lamp to help you so much. See you.
Task: Complete any 5 location assignments in ‘Open Space’.

Quest New: I heard about your raid… ahem, a visit to the abandoned ‘Ellydium’ base. Did you get a lot of iridium? Can I get my share? Just kidding! Of course, you did not get involved in all this for the sake of profit.|I found your mysterious gadget. Quicker than you think! It’s asking for an access code. Oh, you got it from Cortes? Send it to me, I’ll figure out what it is.|And while I’m busy with it, do not stand like an idol and help ‘New Eden’ a bit. They did us a great favor by giving a tip to the location of the object.

Dialog 1: Hey, you! Why the hell are you sticking your nose into Ellydium affairs? The corporation has long since left this base and has nothing to do with the ‘Cartel’. But it’s still none of your business!
You work hard, huh? You’re a responsible mercenary. You can come back, I’m mostly done with your item.

Dialog 3: Cortes, why the drama? My friend, tell ‘New Eden’ that they could just ask for the iridium. Let them consider this not a robbery, but a gesture of goodwill.

Dialog 2: You work hard, huh? I never knew mercenaries could be responsible. You can come back, I’m mostly done with your item.

Quest Completed: Do you know that this ‘Ellydium’ emergency drone is something like a sealed safe? Its complicated protection system just screams that there’s something very interesting inside! And so let it remain in the hands of the connoisseur — that is, my hands.|I’m sorry, but it will be better for the three of us: me, you and the gadget. Nothing personal, just business. And now I have to bow out. Good luck, all the best, stay happy, be healthy and good-bye.
Task: Destroy 10 Crystallids in the Abandoned Beacon zone.

Quest New: Wait, slow down. What did they steal? Who?.. What an unpleasant situation. I understand, you crave justice, and who am I to disturb you?|According to tracking systems, Ragnar’s trace leads to an abandoned beacon. The area is problematic, you have every chance of encountering aliens. So many problems from them, they keep interrupting our delivery of goods. So do not forget to check your weapons before departure.

Dialog 1: Good afternoon! Are you looking for me by chance?

Dialog 3: Forget it, it’s no use. These alien sharks will devour you like a wounded man who has fallen overboard.

Dialog 2: Just how stubborn can you be! But I’m not and never was even near the abandoned beacon.

Quest Completed: Are you serious? The abandoned beacon only had aliens, crystallids and marauders instead of Ragnar? I can not imagine how this could happen. Maybe you took too long to get there, no? Let me find out if his ship was seen elsewhere.
Task: Earn 5 medals for serial achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: I put out an APB for Ragnar’s ship, and several witnesses indicated that they saw him in a couple of skirmishes. I would send the police there, but it’s a mess between the corporations in this place. Mercenaries gnaw at each other’s throats for the one who pays the most. You understand what will happen if the cops get there.|What can you do, you’ll have to get into every fight and sort it all out.

Quest Completed: Now this is much better! Maybe they’ll quiet down at last, while they’re fixing up We sure showed them! Did I say ‘we’? You, of course you!
Task: Earn 3 medals for competitive achievements in Skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: Long time no see! How is it going? We are working hard. Cortes does not let go!|You sure? They’re giving you false leads? So the Federation may have broken up, yet its remnants still function according to the old scheme, although they dislike each other now. They all rely on official and unofficial traders — smugglers, who now have grown bolder and have stopped hiding. And who would they hide from? New governments have problems more important than illegal trade. But that’s good enough for us.|Smugglers all thrive on reputation. They listen to the top authority. Therefore, I advise you to take advantage of a loophole in their system and to earn yourself enough reputation so that smugglers would deal with you.

Quest Completed: Well done, your name can be heard quite often now. This should impress smugglers. Let’s hope that they will influence Fris and convince him to cooperate with you.
Task: Complete any 10 timed contracts.

Quest New: Well-well-well, you keep insisting? I’m asking you kindly, forget you about this stolen unit from the ‘Ellydium’ base and forget your fleet. Do not waste time, the promised jackpot and progress through the ranks of the UMC are not worth it! And remember that we also do not need help and fussing around. Everything in the sectors is good and I am in control. Do not interfere in the local affairs, it brings no benefit.

Quest Completed: Hey, I told you not to do this! Now all the work is lost because of your fuss. I do not know exactly how, but you frustrated the Cartel’s plans with your actions. They refuse to listen to my assurances that you are not working for me. Now we do not cooperate with them!|When the Federation burst at the seams, nobody needed ‘New Eden’. We are all sitting on a depressurized ship, but instead of evacuating its command simply blocks the compartments one after another and hopes to wait it out. It does not matter if someone is choking behind a partition! They behave like it’s ok.|So we survive as we can. Therefore, if anyone has not yet understood, the Cartel and smuggling were necessary for the survival of the station. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Call me when you do.
Task: Earn 5 medals for using special modules and weapons in skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: Salute, mate!|I see you and the UMC really got into this whole thing! With all your heavy lifting, the guys just keep talking about you. They tell me to be serious with a guy like you. And what about me? I have a conscience, too. Maybe I understand that what I did was wrong. But they never told me directly that people were missing! I picked up the drone, but how did I know what it was good for. It’s a new technology! A profit is a profit, but I never toy with other people’s lives.|Let’s not put it off. My friends benefit from the opposition of the corporations. Continue to heat up their conflict — I’ll open this thing and decipher the coordinates. I have the access codes, he-he.

Quest Completed: I did not think that you would really get into a conflict, but a deal is a deal.|I played around with your safe. Regrettably, in itself it does not represent anything and does not contain anything valuable. But you’ll definitely like the news that inside there’s beacon with the markings of ‘Ellydium’! It produced the signal. The coordinates indicate Jericho territory, so I have no idea what is there. But apparently in this country of cybersamurai, rejected by mankind a long time ago, things are not going smoothly either. The whole crazy world is going downhill after the Alien invasion.|So you’re going to have as much trouble as you’ve got with us at the ‘New Eden’. But I have a man who owes me his life. I will warn him, and he will contact you as soon as you go to Jericho. Well, good luck. I will help you with the First Fleet, so do not say goodbye.
Task: Destroy 10 cybers, cyber patrolmen or cyber warriors in the ‘Pallas Frontier’ location.

Quest New: Greetings.|I’m sorry that I can not meet you personally, and we’re talking through videocomms. My name is Ada Sonex, I’m from the great Mendes family. Mr. Fris told me about what happened to the First Recon Fleet. I can understand your concern. Send me the coordinates of the Ellydium beacon. I’ll find out what’s there.|By the will of fate I found myself the highest-ranking officer in this sector and now I am responsible for it. Therefore, while I’m busy with your task, I ask you to render me a service.|On the border of the Pallas, a handful of the remaining forces of Mendes are fighting with cyber fighters. According to the laws of my people, the family is above all. We need to help them immediately. Because: firstly, I will do it anyway with your help or without; Secondly, my people will not follow the commander who tarnished his honour, who did not come to aid in a difficult situation. A great family should not vanish.

Dialog 1: That’s right. You are almost there.

Dialog 3: This is the First Recon automated message! Communication pr… Infection has spread to the flagship, the situation is critical! I repeat, the infection…

Dialog 2: I intercepted your radio conversations. Do not be surprised. It seems that we are running out of time. We must hurry.

Quest Completed: From myself and the forces of Mendes on the border of Pallas, I thank you for your help. Cybers are a blot on the reputation of Jericho. In the war with aliens, they fought on the side of crystallids and opened portals to their world. For every Jericho, destroying them at the root is a matter of honour.|I’m working on building a route according to your coordinates. Be patient, we need to check many things.
Task: Complete the mission ‘Ice belt’ in 13 minutes.

Quest New: My scouts reported that the cyber team had ordered a superheavy dreadnought from the ‘Cartel’ you probably already heard about these pirates. It’s being repaired at the ice belt. If it falls into the hands of our enemy, we will have almost no chance.|I have already placed a contract with the UMC, but I trust my friend’s friend more. Therefore, I ask you to go and counter the operation.

Quest Completed: Great, now cybers will not be able to ambush us or take us by surprise. One less problem.|I have a report about your question. When you are ready, call me.
Task: Find and take the data container at the ‘Excavation Site 6’.

Quest New: So, in our archives I found a place where the coordinates from the emergency Ellydium drone lead. It really isn’t and could not be in anyone’s maps, because the jump occurred outside the galaxy.|But before I tell you, you must go to the Morag sector. On one of its planets, the corporation excavates an artifact of antiquity. Perhaps, ‘Ellydium’ is hiding something about its fleet or hiding a part of its route. I already introduced an agent to them right after our first meeting, but their security figured it out. However, my agent managed to get rid of the item with the collected data. So your job is just to pick it up stealthily.

Dialog 1: Are you in position? They shouldn’t pay attention to you, just behave yourself. Pretend you’re stargazing or something.

Dialog 3: Did you get it? Come on back, I can’t wait to see what’s on it.

Quest Completed: Damn it. Scientists from the ‘Ellydium’ base at the excavations do not know anything about the disappearance of the fleet. They thought that it was just a problem with communications on their part. But the fleet was still there. |Did you notice the unusual flying object that fell on the planet? According to the collected data, it is an ancient artifact. During the research, scientists discovered a source that literally makes all people around it crazy. They found out that the device that crashed a million years ago flew from the planet PB-42 — where you first heard the signal of the recon fleet. This was the reason why Ellydium sent its forces there.|I wanted to first share all the intelligence data, and only then the results of deciphering the coordinates of the jump. The first fleet made an emergency jump outside the galaxy for an unknown reason — into the world of Aliens. And now they are there. We believed that the chance of a successful transition between worlds was close to zero. Therefore, your crew died at the beginning of the operation. Inform Ellydium about this, to save people they will need non-human technologies.
Task: Win in the mission ‘Pirate fort raid’ having destroyed 30 enemies.

Quest New: Cortés speaking. Drop whatever you’re doing, there is an urgent task. These stupid knuckleheads missed everything! We’ll have to save the day. Rather, you’ll have to.|Lousy pirates attacked our convoy! For the rescue operation, it transported valuable equipment based on alien artifacts. Imagine, these degenerates took all the equipment to their base! Ha, as if their chicken brains are enough to sort it out.|According to the forecasts of Dimeni, the flotilla will last only a few days. Therefore, the equipment must be returned immediately, we have already lost a lot of time! Do what you want with the pirates, I do not care about their fate. Hurry, your people from the UMC have already departed. Show them how things are done.

Quest Completed: Thank you, the transport has reached the base of the corporation. I did not contact you in vain. |‘Ellydium’ with the support of Festus for you — legate Morten and… private entrepreneur Fries went to the final stage of developing a rescue plan. Fuel, which with the help of the legate was delivered to the flotilla, should be enough for a return jump if spent with care. But where the First recon ended up, navigation beacons do not function. Without them, it’s dangerous to jump: ships at the exit may end up in the asteroid belt or in outer space. I’ll have to open the damn portals. Find out from these Jericho how to do it. Their lepers, cybers, already somehow called Aliens into our world. We ourselves have already built something, but the probability of success is only 39%, it is negligible!|Stay in touch, get Jericho’s info about the portals and let me know if they contact you again.
Task: Complete any $need$ timed contracts.

Quest New: This is the Guardian of the Mendes family — Victor De Toro. Our fighters are taking control of this sector, mentor Sonex is suspended from the case. The investigation will be led by me.|Mercenary, if you still count on the support of the great Jericho, you will have to prove again that you are worthy. A wise commander is only on the battlefield with his warriors. So I want to personally see what you are capable of, instead of trusting someone else’s opinion.

Quest Completed: I see you did not die on the first mission. Although with the emergency capsules that are popular in the UMC, it is generally difficult to do.Now not the strongest survive, but those whose emergency system did not jam.|For the first time you have a good number in the overall statistics indicator. But the results of the study can not be fully judged on the basis of a single case.
Task: Earn 5 medals for destroying the enemy under certain conditions in Skirmish or battles versus AI.

Quest New: You are fit for standard missions. We found that out. But in our country, before you allow a person to be responsible for anything, traditions require to be convinced of his skill.|Show what you are capable of in real combat before you demand anything.

Quest Completed: A satisfactory result. Your way of dealing with the task was optimal, you didn’t waste time arguing, the most popular pastime of all earthlings. Perhaps you will be able to understand the culture of Jericho much more deeply than I expected.|Sonex told me about the recon fleet. I doubt that the disappearance of our people has at least the slightest connection with the problem of ‘Ellydium’. But the loss of the victorious fleet in the war with the Aliens causes serious concerns. The fact that it faced a threat that it could not cope with itself, is hard to believe. Even at the fleet’s first descent into space, I sent my spies to study it carefully. The verdict was unequivocal — the flagship and the rest of the fleet were designed with great care, they possess unprecedented maneuverability, fantastic ammunition and reliable sensors and protection systems. It’s impossible to catch it off guard, but that’s exactly what happened at PB-42. Therefore, no matter how much you trust your employer, we need to be on our guard. Perhaps you, and then us, were dragged into games, which we’d rather not know.
Task: Destroy 10 AI ship-terminators in Sorting Facility.

Quest New: I decided to tell you more than the ordinary outsiders. I hope you will not make me regret this deed.|We learned that you used to deal with the artificial intelligence of the corporation ‘Blackwood’ — Ariadne. And I need to know how to behave. Ariadne showed suspicious interest in our sorting facility and seized control of it with the help of AI warships. |The family is unhappy with this. The Sentinels close to the facility are also worried — they’re our AI, left after the departure of the Families to observe the order.|I’m sending you there, and let your enemies know no mercy.

Dialog 1: Visors to the max. We found not only the terminators, but also mercenaries hired by the Sentinels.

Dialog 3: Take a note. Just a machine always loses to the perfect combination of human intelligence and machine power.

Dialog 2: Enough for today. Return to the hangar, I have news for you.

Quest Completed: Although the situation is still critical, but the time, while ‘Ariadne’ was occupied by you, was enough for our engineers to remotely connect to the database of the sorting facility and evacuate it. It’s not just an ordinary building, but outsiders do not need to know the details.|We will help. The best minds of my people worked on the study of how Alien got into our galaxy with the help of cybers. They assembled a prototype of a device that opens portals to their world, but the project turned out to be unprofitable. But I am sure that your employers from Ellydium will be able to afford it.|But that’s all. I forbade Mendes to help you and disclose more information about the device. The insanity that flooded the fleet, the unclear circumstances of its disappearance, the ease with which the plan of action was shifted to the shoulders of mercenaries — any of these reasons is enough for me to refuse to send my Family to this task. And here we have it all at the same time. The violation of orders in Jericho is severely punished. So think twice when you try to recruit someone else.
Task: Complete any 10 assignments in the location in ‘Open Space’.

Quest New: I will not deceive you with a polite and courteous greeting. I know how we can organize the evacuation of the fleet in full force. But this is a very… controversial way. I’m going to give Ellydium information on how to open portals to the world of Aliens. And I will need your help: warn your own and scout the sector.

Quest Completed: Save your arguments for after we save the fleet. I know that I’m disobeying the order, but it’s my duty. I can not stand aside when I can prevent the death of so many people. Let us be enemies, but such a death will not do anybody any honour and will not bring Jericho closer to victory. |Portals are dangerous, but I do not see any other way out. In my homeland, no one will approve of their use, but I have already sent instructions to ‘Ellydium’ on how to make them stable. For my people this will be considered a crime. Use of cyber technology is prohibited. It is desecrated.|Cybers are our worst enemy. Worse than the attacks of the rest of humanity since the first appearance of the sacred Signal, through which the gods call us to their place outside the galaxy. Cybers did not know when to stop in interaction with technology, and then completely betrayed everything valuable in this world and switched to the side of the enemy. Blinded by their pride, they accepted the wicked Aliens for gods and began to worship them. And with the help of their beacons and portal technology, cybers called aliens into our world a couple of years ago.|If you use beacons for a short time, they will not have time to accelerate to the level when they are heard by aliens. The risk is great, and this is a violation of the laws of Jericho, but we have no other choice. Do not worry about me, I know what I’m doing. Get ready, we will begin soon. I will deal with the people you work for.
Task: Eliminate 30 destroyers in any mode.

Quest New: Greetings.|I’ve seen your autoreports, no need to explain anything. I understand how busy you are, but I have an assignment that not everyone can be entrusted with.|Information that the planet PB-42, where the First Fleet disappeared is an awakening bione, leaked out of the detachment carrying out this order from ‘Ellydium’. To my regret, not everyone in the UMC are guided by the same goals. Some of us decided to take advantage of the situation. ‘Ellydium’ is preparing a plan to neutralize the danger, which is represented by the bione, but some of the UMC people decided to stop it. They want to let the bione awaken completely and start a war. In these conditions, mercenaries will be in demand, and the price of our services will increase. A fee is a fee, but an increase in salary is not worth a new war with aliens. The main power of the radicals is the presence of a large number of destroyers. Eliminate them, and do not think that you are shooting your own. They knew what they were doing, and if they maintained their ships, in case of destruction, the emergency system would work and the pilots would be ejected.

Quest Completed: I hope they learned their lesson. We can take it from here. The construction of new destroyers or attempts to repair the old ones will occupy the rebels for a sufficient time so that we can resolve the situation.|But you still need to hurry. Hurry to PB-42, we are starting to pull the troops there. Everything is ready for a meeting at ‘Ellydium’. Perhaps there is still a chance that some of the crew managed to keep their minds… We will soon find out how successful your wanderings were in the sectors of the Empire, the Federation and Jericho.
Task: Find and deactivate three portals in the area PB-42.

Quest New: Attention to all ships! Cortés speaking. We proceed to the final stage of the rescue operation. All the pilots involved arrive at PB-42. Full combat readiness in case the opening of the portal attracts the attention of aliens.|We are being assisted by Morten’s dreadnoughts and a private squadron of an anonymous well-wisher. They are working out of sight and will bombard the area when needed.|Starting in 3, 2, 1…

Dialog 1: This is June Lamarr. The fleet is completely infected! I repeat, the fleet is infected! Block the portals now, it can not be allowed into the sector!

Dialog 3: Damn, they keep coming! Deactivating the portals didn’t help. We need to think of something!

Dialog 2: Damn it! Just deactivating the cyber beacons is not enough on our part. Keep shutting them down out here, and I’ll get to that side. If we’re lucky, I’ll see you again. Goodbye!

Quest Completed: Damn those aliens! Tracking stations, report the situation! Is the space stabilized?! What are the losses?|Screw it! All free ‘Ellydium’ ships immediately engage in shooting the remaining space roaches. Move it or I’ll skin you all!|All mercenaries immediately advance in search of ships with our markings that made it through the portals. June Lamarr is on one of them. Don’t contact the targets, destroy them. They are our own, but they disobeyed my order to stay still and broke quarantine. We can’t let her spread the infection from the flotilla. Move!
Task: Find the ship of June Lamarr in PB-42 and destroy it.

Quest New: You!.. That’s how you look. All this time, it was you who heard us? Tried to save us?.. You do not have to explain, I see through the eyes, I hear without words, as we all have heard from you every… every time.|But it’s too late. It’s over for all of us. They are infected. All of them. The search for a vaccine produced zero results. And now all they ever want to do is obey him… and kill. Their own.|I’m forgetting. Events, words, myself. Everything is covered in fog. Sticky. Can you feel how it moves under the skin? Do you hear? Him. Do you belong to yourself? Who decides what to think? Your actions are no longer yours. His thoughts are now ours. If he is afraid, you are killing…|Data! I’m forgetting… Recording! Did you listen to the recording? I forgot, did you understand me? Guess who it is?.. It is very important!..|He is sleeping again. Out of danger. The metal ships could not do anything to him.|Hush. Do not breathe while he is sleeping. The swarm hears. The swarm will protect.

Dialog 1: No, n-do not come close! I… no longer… control myself. I’m consumed … the desire to destroy… everyone and anyone. It is NECESSARY… to stop at all… costs. I want to die… a human. HELP ME!

Dialog 3: Thank you…

Quest Completed: [Warning, this is an automated message. Do not reply.]|Is it rolling? This is Senior Researcher June Lamarr. This is the last message of the First Fleet.|We can’t contain the virus. I have mild symptoms. So, the guys insisted that I close myself in one of the wings. We blocked the decks, launchers and controls.|Another expedition was on PB-42 before us. I looked at their equipment, and they knew! They knew PB-42 was not a potential, but a real bione! And then there’s the fleet systems that broke down at the most important moment… How much I was wrong, refusing to suspect sabotage. Only our own knew about the operation, so no one… except… could not…|‘Ellydium’ set us up to see how a person reacts to the impact of the awakening bione. The First fleet has enough people, and there is a researcher to fix the data, trying to save the team… ‘Ellydium’ disturbed the bione, it started defending itself and created a shield of swarms of subordinate beings, once people.|Thank you for trying to save us. But the plan was doomed from the start. I put this message into all the wingships on the flagship. If they save us, the autopilot will start, and my words will scatter over the galaxy. I want you to know what really happened… Thank you, and good-bye. Lamarr, end of transmission
Task: Prepare for the life of a free mercenary by building a rank 11 destroyer.

Quest New: Hmm, a familiar face. Did I fire you from the lab? Oh yeah, you’re about the reward. I expected you sooner.|In consultation with the UMC, full payment is given after the completion of the operation. I believe that what happened to the First Fleet can be interpreted as the end of the rescue operation. It’s unfortunate that I did not manage to get to the flagship, and the research samples disappeared, and Miss Lamarr, my protégé, lost her sanity by being exposed to PB-42. The bione. How little we know about them… Because of this insanity, all of her words, deeds and studies can not be considered reliable and irrefutable. The person is incapacitated, and it is impossible to prove that her compromising conclusions were made in a sane state. Alas.|Case is closed. If you still want to stay in this doomed place, my advise — prepare as well as you can.

Dialog 1: How was it? Oh, so sorry for the girl and all her guys. Fought until the end, And what happened to our Jericho, who helped with the cyber beacons?

Dialog 3: Sonex is no longer with us. I flew into the portal to close it from the other side. Then the connection was interrupted. All the pilots know what happens after this.

Dialog 2: Okay, time to go, Morten. As agreed, none of the superiors spoke of the operation. Nobody knows each other. All the best, mate.

Quest Completed: My apologies that I could not meet personally and again have to use a video link. I was somewhat upset by the latest events and allowed myself to say too much. I’m sorry. If you think about it, the life of a mercenary is not so bad here. Especially with your own destroyer by your side. The times are dark, you’re going to have so many contracts. And then, who knows…|The payment is ready, all electronic paperwork with your employer is settled. Nothing is holding you here any longer. And… One more thing. For your own good, forget what you heard from Miss Lamarr’s ship. I beg you, do not try to understand.|Good luck, thank you for your cooperation.


oh wow, all this is very complete : )

nice work !

rip myself doing the french version. Latter tm

33 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

oh wow, all this is very complete : )

nice work !

No problem. Wasn’t too much work. It is easy to automate.



Small Shell Script. Can be used also for other languages once they have a finished translations.

for i in {1..43} ;do echo -n "[b]" grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_name" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 echo -n "[/b]" echo -en "Task: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_task\"" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 echo -en "\nQuest New: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_text\_new" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 if ["$(grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog1" string.txt)"]; then echo -en "\nDialog 1: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog1" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 if ["$(grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog2" string.txt)"]; then echo -en "\nDialog 3: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog2" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 if ["$(grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog3" string.txt)"]; then echo -en "\nDialog 2: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_dialog3" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 fi fi fi echo -en "\nQuest Completed: " grep "quest\_CAMPAIGN\_QUEST\_${i}\_text\_complete" string.txt | sed 's/[(")]//g' | cut -f2 done



Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.


It seems that this campaign was not translated by a native English speaker. When I find the time, I’ll revise and post the new story.